Madden NFL 15 News Post

It's difficult beyond impossible to keep playing a game well after that sports season is over. Just the other night, I put Madden 15 in the PS4, excited to play it because it hasn't been touched since the Super Bowl.

After three and a half quarters of a 9-minute game, it was turned off.

The struggle is real. By the time hockey and basketball season are over, it'll be the dog days of summer in sports video game land.

But there's hope for Madden. There are ways to defeat the system and make it enjoyable up until August when you're standing in line at midnight waiting to get Madden 16.

Read More - Madden 15: Four Ways To Keep it Fresh

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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# 21 yankees028 @ 02/27/15 08:00 PM
Try doing a complete expansion team with these rule sets. Makes I it extremely real and challenging! Also have a complete player guide

Expansion Draft Rules
1. The team may select up to two players from each team with a maximum of 30 players.
2. If the selected team selects a player over 75 overall, they will forfeit there second pick from that team. If a team selects a player over 80 overall they will forfeit there second pick and that player will count as two players towards the 30-player maximum.

Expansion Draft Roster Filling
1. Teams our giving the rights to a player of the team they are replacing.
2. For the remaining positions, the free agent pool will be used.

You will have five picks in free agency.
If a players ovr exceeds 87. You will forfeit thee picks in the draft and your remaining picks cannot exceed a 72ovr
If a players ovr exceeds 83ovr. You will forfeit two picks in the draft and your remaining picks cannot exceed a 72ovr.

After the draft you will have 3-5mins to make two trades for players that do not exceed a 74ovr. These trades our to help find some hidden gems. I suggest this thread below.
Scroll down you will find a compelled list of some gems!


During the Season Rules
1. 1. If an injury occurs, you may sign a player from Free Agency. This player must be below 70 overall.
2. Teams our allowed 3 player trades and two draft pick trades during the season, and 2 in the offseason. All trades must pass by 80% from owner votes

Off-season Rules
1. You may re-sign a maximum of 8 players, to the following deals
2. 1 x 5 year deal may be given
3. 1 x 4 year deal may be given
4. 2 x 3 year deals may be given
5. 2 x 2 year deals may be given
6. 3 x 1 year deals may be given

Offseason Free Agency Period
1. 1 Player of any overall
2. 1 Player between 75-80 overall
3. 3 Players below 75 overall
# 22 NoleFan @ 02/28/15 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword

The game is still going strong for me and this has not happened since the PS2 days.

This. I can't even recall the last time I finished a single season in a Madden game, much less multiple seasons.

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk
# 23 Reejer @ 02/28/15 03:14 PM
I know this is about making M15' fresh, but oh well...Especially since I don't like MUT, Fantasy drafts, or the Gauntlet, and I pretty much just like to opine here and on the EA boards.

To keep Madden fresh, I whip out my PS2 (yes I kept mine), and slip in M06'. And remember how much fun it was to play an immersive NFL game.
# 24 tbook24 @ 03/09/15 07:58 PM
playing online is always a different experience
# 25 SolidSquid @ 03/09/15 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Reejer
I know this is about making M15' fresh, but oh well...Especially since I don't like MUT, Fantasy drafts, or the Gauntlet, and I pretty much just like to opine here and on the EA boards.

To keep Madden fresh, I whip out my PS2 (yes I kept mine), and slip in M06'. And remember how much fun it was to play an immersive NFL game.
Do the same thing except with madden 08 on pc
# 26 brandonzink @ 04/06/15 03:12 PM
Running a "real franchise" can be a lot of fun. Take over a struggling team, or one that is going over a major hump (Broncos post Manning) and take the team to Super Bowl Stardom. It's harder to do, and it requires more patience.

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