Madden NFL 15 News Post

If, while watching tonight's Super Bowl, you felt as if you'd seen this happen before -- it's because you have -- in Madden NFL 15.

In this year's Madden Super Bowl Sim (which has been right 9 of the last 12 seasons), the game accurately predicted the final score of 28-24 in favor of New England, the Seahawks going on a run in the second half to take a 24-14 lead, Julian Edelman catching the winning TD pass and the exact type of pass play to make it happen, and Tom Brady being named the Super Bowl MVP.

The Madden sim also predicted Brady would throw 4 touchdown passes and it had the correct score of 24-14 at the end of the third quarter.

So either this year's Super Bowl was not sim, or Madden may be the new guide to betting the Super Bowl. Or maybe it's a broken clock is right twice a day?

What do you all think?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 SuperNova854 @ 02/01/15 11:47 PM
Have they gotten the score right all of those 9 times? Or just the winner? It would be more impressive if it was the actual score, not just the winner.
# 2 Heatcheck3s @ 02/01/15 11:49 PM
Did the virtual Pete Carroll in that simulation call a pass play on 2nd and Goal?
# 3 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 02/02/15 12:30 AM
Amazing ahaha.
# 4 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 02/02/15 12:30 AM
They often get the scores close to reality, and this Madden is the best there has ever been, but some of the stuff in between the start and end need some work, despite the final scores being solid.
# 5 Jr. @ 02/02/15 12:39 AM
Not quite the exact play for the winning TD, but the game got quite a few things right.
# 6 XxLouCatXx @ 02/02/15 01:15 AM
What sliders did they use lol
# 7 dickey1331 @ 02/02/15 01:50 AM
Better than that NCAA sim that one user did for the college football playoffs.
# 8 Fist Of Kings @ 02/02/15 02:17 AM
Was Brady somehow sacked 10 times in yesterday's SB lol?
# 9 grodbetatted @ 02/02/15 08:27 AM
That was definitely entertaining and wow how accurate madden was
# 10 SolidSquid @ 02/02/15 09:40 AM
Even a broke clock is right twice a day lol
# 11 Tsuki @ 02/02/15 09:45 AM
I cannot let anyone argue sim here.

If EA wants to tout this as a argument for sim how about posting the entire game with the sliders and rosters used in order to analyze the ENTIRE GAME BEING SIM rather than just the OUTCOME.
# 12 My993C2 @ 02/02/15 10:36 AM
Madden may have gotten the simulated final score right, but we know their penalty simulations would have been out there in left field.
# 13 bxphenom7 @ 02/02/15 12:24 PM
Haha that's pretty cool they got the score right. But no, it's far from sim.
# 14 MAGboyswifT27 @ 02/02/15 01:00 PM
Cool that EA predicted it right but with that same enthusiasm that you have for that, can you put that same energy towards areas of concern for your customers like myself? That'd be nice for a change... Not hating, just saying...
# 15 BadAssHskr @ 02/02/15 01:08 PM
i still think it's funny that brady like to play with mushy balls.
# 16 NC12 @ 02/02/15 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Heatcheck3s
Did the virtual Pete Carroll in that simulation call a pass play on 2nd and Goal?
Hahaha I was wondering the same exact thing. Also, did it include the brawl and Richard Sherman's reaction to the pick?
# 17 pjburrage @ 02/02/15 05:11 PM
Thing is, I think from a CPU-v-CPU sim point of view, Madden isn't too far off being really accurate for the most part. The problem has always been when there is Human interaction. Either by making some aspects too easy (like getting CPU sacks this year) or too hard (Robo-QBs) for the human player.
# 18 clarkerots @ 02/04/15 01:24 AM
As soon as a pass interference call was made in the Super Bowl, the actual game started to split from the "sim".
# 19 KeanuReevesRules @ 02/04/15 01:32 AM
Did they predict the fight?
# 20 JaymeeAwesome @ 02/04/15 08:40 PM
Everyone replying to this thread has to realize there are multiple definitions of the term "Sim". For me, I see Sim as stats. Final Scores, Total Yards, Pass vs Rush split, Penalty yards, & Player stats. I'm not worried about the gameplay as long as it's fun.

For others, Sim means gameplay. Footplanting, OL/DL battles, WR/DB interactions, no warping, real penalties. Some want a combination of both. Be mindful of others opinions and when you describe something as not Sim...stat what you expect as sim, but don't disregard other's comments saying what they believe in.

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