MLB 15 The Show News Post

There has been a slow trickle of information coming out of the SCEA camp when it comes to MLB 15 The Show. We've learned, for example, that the game will have a major graphical improvement along with a new radio show. There will also be licensed equipment and what Sony is calling the Human IK engine.

What has you most excited for MLB 15 The Show?

Read More - The Best New Feature Announced in MLB 15 The Show is...? (Roundtable)

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Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 geisterhome @ 02/04/15 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
How so? (10char)
Valid question. Answer see below.

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
LMAO, I swear some of these members are never satisfied with what we have here in this Dev team

Man, you guys didn't get how I meant it, first off the post that you digged out is like 4 months old, obviously a lot of things can change. More importantly however I wanted to say after that all those new cool features that will be in The Show 15 it's hard for me to enjoy the old game without them. That doesn't imply that The Show 14 isn't a good game or that even less that I'm dissatisfied with the devs..

Anyways, taking statements out of context, showing somebody up and misinterpreting things just to show how very bad some users are and how ungrateful big parts of the community is towards the developers has I guess become part of the game in this subsection of the forum.
# 42 nemesis04 @ 02/05/15 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by KeanuReevesRules
[list][*]Licensed Equipment - This doesn't matter to me at all. I don't spend my time looking at East Bay catalogs like I did in middle school during the mid-90s.
Even though it does not interest you, it defenitely adds a layer of personality and player individuality to the game.
# 43 jrivera34 @ 02/05/15 07:09 AM
The two features I was hoping for were the ability to edit contracts and the ability to force a player to not retire.

Got the contracts so I am happy there.

Hopefully the trade logic has really improved as well as gameplay (as it does every year).

I will be a happy camper either way because I still enjoy 14 so any other minor improvements is just icing on the cake for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 44 thaSLAB @ 02/05/15 10:59 AM
Mine is yet to come...


htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk
# 45 Mauer4MVP @ 02/05/15 11:00 AM
Man I'm jealous of you Playstation owners.
# 46 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/05/15 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
Mine is yet to come...

htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk
Soo.... are you a participant in Community Day/Week?
# 47 LastActionHero @ 02/05/15 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
Man I'm jealous of you Playstation owners.

Come join the party.
# 48 ryanmc564 @ 02/05/15 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
Mine is yet to come...


htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk
you tease.
# 49 KeanuReevesRules @ 02/05/15 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Even though it does not interest you, it defenitely adds a layer of personality and player individuality to the game.
I was under the impression that this thread and the fact sheet in question was the initial GameStop Info-Link.

I think I can see that some of you are referencing this fact sheet.
After seeing that - I totally understand where some of you are coming from in regards to the reaction to my post.

My favorite tweak (I wouldn't call it a feature) is the focus on Franchise Mode -

  • Editable Contracts (Franchise mode)
  • Player contract interest improved (based on MLB service time) (Franchise mode)
  • Player salary guide (Franchise mode)
  • GM History records (Franchise mode)
  • Trade Finder (Franchise mode)
  • Vastly improved trade logic (Franchise mode)
My primary concern is whether or not moving saves from MLB 14 will get these changes implemented. I have a feeling they won't and that would be somewhat understandable - albeit, annoying.
# 50 Turbojugend @ 02/05/15 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
Man I'm jealous of you Playstation owners.
Don't be. Just pick up a PS4 and join the party.

But seriously, The Show sold me on Sony for this gen. And I couldn't be happier with my decision.
# 51 countryboy @ 02/07/15 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
?? Why? Just buy one it has a lot of great games coming this year. It is not expensive...... Sounds like you bought the wrong console over some weird sense of loyalty?
or he could've bought the other console because he likes the games and the system itself. I know, silly rational thinking.


Anyways back to topic at hand, I would say one of the best new features announced is the changes to franchise mode. Really anxious for the blog to release with more details on it.
# 52 Bobhead @ 02/07/15 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
or he could've bought the other console because he likes the games and the system itself. I know, silly rational thinking.
But then why would he be jealous? I kind of get where the other guy was coming from. If he was happy with his Xbox (or Wii U, lol) he wouldn't be jealous of the Playstation, no?

I mean when I walk around with my wife Scarlet Johansson I dont really get jealous when I see Sandra Bullock and her boyfriend walking around. I'm fully aware that I'm in the better position.

Until I wake up, anyway...
# 53 countryboy @ 02/07/15 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
But then why would he be jealous? I kind of get where the other guy was coming from. If he was happy with his Xbox (or Wii U, lol) he wouldn't be jealous of the Playstation, no?

I mean when I walk around with my wife Scarlet Johansson I dont really get jealous when I see Sandra Bullock and her boyfriend walking around. I'm fully aware that I'm in the better position.

Until I wake up, anyway...
He's jealous of the game not the system. And as for why he doesn't just buy the PS4? Well because maybe he doesn't have the money to own both or maybe he doesn't feel its worth spending $400 to buy a console to play one game.

I'm not sure why anyone would feel the need to put the poster in his place, call him out, or make him justify his statement, or accuse him of choosing a console on "weird blind loyalty".

Why not just let the man make his comment and leave it at that? No reason to berate the man simply because he is jealous and try to make him a fool for feeling that way.

# 54 Bobhead @ 02/07/15 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
He's jealous of the game not the system. And as for why he doesn't just buy the PS4? Well because maybe he doesn't have the money to own both or maybe he doesn't feel its worth spending $400 to buy a console to play one game.

I'm not sure why anyone would feel the need to put the poster in his place, call him out, or make him justify his statement, or accuse him of choosing a console on "weird blind loyalty".

Why not just let the man make his comment and leave it at that? No reason to berate the man simply because he is jealous and try to make him a fool for feeling that way.

Who's berating him or putting him in his place? Where do you even see a single insult in ANY of the last 10 posts? Literally no one has said anything negative at all, except for you.
We are just having a conversation about why he doesn't own a Playstation. I know I'm personally interested in hearing what factored into him buying whatever it is he bought instead. Maybe there's an exciting game I dont know about? Exciting enough that I, in turn, would want to go buy an Xbox?

There's a lot of positive space for this conversation to expand into. Not sure why you are being overly defensive and assuming the worst intentions, prematurely. Just relax man.
# 55 RicoLaguno @ 02/07/15 01:35 PM
For MLB 15, does anyone know if there is going to be a section in Franchise Mode that lets you view previous seasons stats, records, scores, history, etc.? Almost like an Almanac section or something?

I think of all the sports games, baseball is the most enjoyable about viewing historical stats and data created over the seasons and it would really be cool to be able to look up all the historical data you've created over the seasons in your franchise.....Im surprised with how realistic, MLB the Show has been, they've never incorporated this?

I love looking at historical seasonal stats in real life and would also enjoy it in my baseball games
# 56 countryboy @ 02/07/15 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
?? Why? Just buy one it has a lot of great games coming this year. It is not expensive...... Sounds like you bought the wrong console over some weird sense of loyalty?
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Who's berating him or putting him in his place? Where do you even see a single insult in ANY of the last 10 posts? Literally no one has said anything negative at all, except for you.
We are just having a conversation about why he doesn't own a Playstation. I know I'm personally interested in hearing what factored into him buying whatever it is he bought instead. Maybe there's an exciting game I dont know about? Exciting enough that I, in turn, would want to go buy an Xbox?

There's a lot of positive space for this conversation to expand into. Not sure why you are being overly defensive and assuming the worst intentions, prematurely. Just relax man.
First, the post above doesn't need to be said, imo.

Second, this isn't the thread to discuss why someone chose one console over another. There is a console gaming thread for that type of discussion. And finally, if you really want to know why he's jealous, or doesn't own a PS4, why not PM him and ask?

Anyways, I'll step aside so that maybe he can provide an adequate enough response to appease those he question his buying decisions and jealousy. And so the thread doesn't become even more off-topic than it already is.

# 57 countryboy @ 02/07/15 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by RicoLaguno
For MLB 15, does anyone know if there is going to be a section in Franchise Mode that lets you view previous seasons stats, records, scores, history, etc.? Almost like an Almanac section or something?

I think of all the sports games, baseball is the most enjoyable about viewing historical stats and data created over the seasons and it would really be cool to be able to look up all the historical data you've created over the seasons in your franchise.....Im surprised with how realistic, MLB the Show has been, they've never incorporated this?

I love looking at historical seasonal stats in real life and would also enjoy it in my baseball games
I don't recall one being mentioned, however there will be a stream/blog on the franchise mode later (at least I think there will be) where they will break down all the new additions to the mode. And in addition to that, once franchise mode is talked about the Community Day guys can open up a Q&A thread for users to ask questions.

# 58 redsox4evur @ 02/08/15 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by RicoLaguno
For MLB 15, does anyone know if there is going to be a section in Franchise Mode that lets you view previous seasons stats, records, scores, history, etc.? Almost like an Almanac section or something?

I think of all the sports games, baseball is the most enjoyable about viewing historical stats and data created over the seasons and it would really be cool to be able to look up all the historical data you've created over the seasons in your franchise.....Im surprised with how realistic, MLB the Show has been, they've never incorporated this?

I love looking at historical seasonal stats in real life and would also enjoy it in my baseball games
That's a negative. But it is a top priority for MLB 16 The Show.
# 59 RicoLaguno @ 02/10/15 10:16 PM
So does that mean that there will be no historical stat tracking from season to season in MLB 15?.....not even a little more than what we have in 14 now?
# 60 Ghost Of The Year @ 02/11/15 05:36 PM
Add Ted Williams as a close second to my original post for my opinion as Best New Feature lol

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