You’ve heard the Press Row sports game of the year show – and just about everyone else’s too – so host Rich Grisham is joined by PastaPadre’s Bryan Wiedey and Operation Sports’s Chris Sanner to talk through each of their passionate communities’ thoughts about sports games in 2014. From the best features, online experiences, single player modes, multiplayer modes, and more, Rich, Bryan, and Chris discuss the pulse of sports games fans looking back on 2014 and ahead to this crucial upcoming year.
Joining us this week:
- Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre (@pastapadre)
- Chris Sanner, Operation Sports (@ChrisSnr)
- And your host, Richard Grisham, GamesRadar/OXM/@GAMER (@richgrisham)
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Enjoy the show!
Run Time: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
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