Madden NFL 15 News Post

For the young 10-year-old Lions fan named Roman from Amarillo, Texas, the missed calls on the field in the Cowboy's game last Sunday were just the end of a day full of injustices. After entering and winning a musical chairs competition with the prize being a PS4 copy of Madden NFL 15, the Cowboys organizers saw Roman was wearing a Matthew Stafford jersey and re-did the competition which the Cowboys fan won.

Enter EA, who saw the video and decided to do something about this injustice, sending young Roman a PS4, a copy of Madden, and an autographed Lions helmet. A pretty cool gesture and good ending for what was a pretty lame stunt in Dallas last weekend.

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Member Comments
# 1 evanreyes @ 01/10/15 03:21 PM
Wow, wtf Cowboys.
# 2 CubFan23 @ 01/10/15 03:39 PM
I hated the Cowboys before this but this is just beyond words!
# 3 Stormyhog @ 01/10/15 04:13 PM
That's pretty pathetic to do that to a young kid . Glad to see EA step up & right a wrong. Cowboys organizers have alot of growing up to do.
# 4 tril @ 01/10/15 05:19 PM
good job EA!!!!!! also a great pr move on their part.
# 5 cadalyst17 @ 01/10/15 05:42 PM
First of all there was one missed call, secondly the Lions lost because they scored 3 points and all of the second half, thirdly what does the blown call, and the boy being cheeted have to do with the Dallas Cowboys team?
# 6 kehlis @ 01/10/15 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by cadalyst17
First of all there was one missed call, secondly the Lions lost because they scored 3 points and all of the second half, thirdly what does the blown calls, and the boy being cheered have to do with the Dallas Cowboys team?

Read the story. It has nothing to do with any of that.
# 7 cadalyst17 @ 01/10/15 06:10 PM

Read the story. It has nothing to do with any of that.[/quote]

Quote: "Texas, the missed calls on the field in the Cowboy's game last Sunday were just the end of a day full of injustices."

you see what you wanna see and I see what I see
# 8 kehlis @ 01/10/15 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by cadalyst17
Quote: "Texas, the missed calls on the field in the Cowboy's game last Sunday were just the end of a day full of injustices."

you see what you wanna see and I see what I see
Again, read the story. I know one sentence referenced the calls but that's not at all what the story is about. I know it may seem complicated so I'll link the story here for you:

# 9 bxphenom7 @ 01/10/15 06:15 PM
lmao did it really have to be a Cowboys fan that won? What a world. It's a 10-year old kid. That's so ridiculous and petty from the Cowboys' organization. A WTF moment.
# 10 ggsimmonds @ 01/10/15 06:26 PM
Not cool to do that to a 10 year old. If it was a competition for older people then it would be fine.

A couple of years ago the Orioles celebrated Camden Yards by awarding the fan who was the X fan to show up at the ballpark. (I cannot remember the number). There were a lot of Redsox fans present so the O's rigged it to make sure that a Oriole fan won. That is fine, but what the Cowboys did was not.
# 11 Junior Moe @ 01/10/15 10:19 PM
Classy move, EA. The event organizers suck for doing that to a kid. I had no rooting interest before. But man I hope the Packers blast the Cowboys.
# 12 DarkOzzy1 @ 01/10/15 10:24 PM
Typical Cowboys! Great work EA!
# 13 NC12 @ 01/11/15 01:23 AM
That's just awesome by EA. And atrocious by the Cowboys.
# 14 xman2k @ 01/11/15 04:45 PM
Looks like karma just hit DAL. Now what do the dal fans have to say? And this is the first time in along time I'm proud of EA
# 15 abrod266 @ 01/11/15 08:40 PM
Screw the Cowboys. They deserved to lose last week, and it finally came back to haunt them today. Great job by EA and this 10 year old kid.
# 16 ScarletKnightRU @ 01/11/15 10:36 PM
Good guy, EA. Even though I see a lot of negative sentiment towards them on the internet, they easily pulled a point or two back in the PR wars.
# 17 Mrmagoo @ 01/12/15 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by cadalyst17
First of all there was one missed call, secondly the Lions lost because they scored 3 points and all of the second half, thirdly what does the blown call, and the boy being cheeted have to do with the Dallas Cowboys team?
Waiting.... To hear how you'll justify the musical chair competition..... Also.

Also I've done my fair share of complaining about EA, so it certainly would be wrong for me not to say GREAT JOB EA on this one!!! Kuddos
# 18 N51_rob @ 01/13/15 06:05 PM
Pretty sweet move by EA. Well done guys.

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# 19 orion523 @ 01/16/15 08:09 AM
Typical Cowboys stunt. I don't know how anyone could support this club.
# 20 Mauer4MVP @ 01/19/15 08:57 AM
Wait, I'm confused. Doesn't she say we'll have both of them win? Did they both get the prize?

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