NHL 15 News Post

NHL 15 doesn't make much of an effort to explain what the many strategy settings inside the game actually do, so if you're a newcomer to the series, or even a veteran who's always left everything on default, here is a short guide for selecting the best team strategies on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One...

Read More - NHL 15: The Best Team Strategy Settings

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 AdamJones113 @ 01/08/15 11:02 AM
Fantastic piece. Very informative for non-longterm players/hockey fanatics and a good start—nay, a great start—on something EA never really did (explain). I would disagree with a couple of things but as you point out things should be altered depending on whether you use Pittsburgh or Calgary.

And I'd be lying if I didn't admit to LOVING the nice little digs at NHL 15.
# 2 RickyAC @ 01/08/15 11:55 AM
I am so excited for NHL 16 to be out of beta!

The NHL games have been improving greatly for the last few years with the strategy depth and effectiveness.
# 3 Qb @ 01/08/15 11:57 AM
Nice work, Jayson.
# 4 JMKA2024 @ 01/09/15 10:34 AM
Wouldn't having Don't Block set to 10 mean they won't block shots?
# 5 jyoung @ 01/09/15 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by JMKA2024
Wouldn't having Don't Block set to 10 mean they won't block shots?
The sliders in NHL 15 (PS4/Xbox One) seem to work based on the order of the words in the text descriptions that accompany each setting.

So if it says, "determines whether your team's AI will allow your goalie to see the shot or attempt to block it."

Then the first part of that sentence is the left side of the slider (0), while the second statement in the sentence is the right side of the slider (10).
# 6 bukktown @ 01/09/15 08:01 PM
I've played at least 100 games online 1v1 in the last couple months and didn't know about the strategies that aren't tied to the D pad!

Is the only way to access them through the menu?
# 7 dovuto86 @ 01/10/15 12:30 AM
The easiest way to win online is to use the Colorado Avalanche. and set the settings to 1-2-2 aggressive ,
2-3, full attack, tight point, and staggered Using these settings with the Avalanche makes for very close games where they only score 2 goals or less each game
# 8 jyoung @ 01/10/15 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
I've played at least 100 games online 1v1 in the last couple months and didn't know about the strategies that aren't tied to the D pad!

Is the only way to access them through the menu?
After selecting your team, go to "Edit Lines And Strategies" and then choose "Edit Strategies."

Hold the left trigger to change the individual line settings for your forwards and defensemen.

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