10:58 AM - December 17, 2014 by Steve_OS
One of the big features in the upcoming Feature Update 2 for The Golf Club is the handicap system. For those of you that aren't familiar with a handicap in golf, make sure you read this article explaining it. We have posted a few notes from it below.
A handicap is a system that will bring competitiveness between players of all skill levels. It is weighted in a way that the better player will normally win but if they have an off round or weaker player has an exceptional day then the weaker player will win.
The Handicap can be from 38 through to an infinite positive number (+8 is Tiger Woods’ handicap). Having a handicap between 1 and 38 means that you are allowed an extra shot on certain holes, depending on their Stroke Index. The harder the hole the more shots you’ll get. If you have a positive handicap, like Tiger, you’ll have less shots on easier holes on the course.
If I have a Handicap of 1, I am awarded an extra shot to reach par on the course and the only hole affected on the round will be the hardest hole on the course (Stroke Index 1). If this hole is a par 5 and I shoot a 6, it will still be classed as a 5 in my NET score, or 3 points in Stableford because I had an extra shot.
If I have +1 handicap the only hole affected will be the easiest hole on the course (Stroke Index 18), on that hole, a par 3 say, I’ll need to shoot a 2 to have my net score classed as a par, or my Stableford points to be 3 points.
In Tiger Woods’ case (he has a +8 handicap) he would need to birdie eight holes to get an even par for those holes and those holes he would need to birdie would be the eight easiest so the ones with a Stoke Index 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11.
In the case of my Real Life Handicap 21, I get a to make a bogey on 15 holes and a double bogey on the holes with an SI of 1, 2 and 3.
A golfer with a Scratch Handicap, 0, will get no shots taken from or added to their scorecard.