Super Mega Baseball News Post

One of the most surprising games of the year is easily Super Mega Baseball. With some deceptively deep on-field gameplay, Super Mega Baseball has won over a few of our hearts since starting to play it over the last few days.

If you are planning on picking up the title, be sure to read our review first and then check out these tips to get you started:
  • Pick an ego that works for you. I have played everything from the low egos (15 or so to start) up to 99. They progressively get harder, and honestly every game should do difficulty like this. It just makes sense.
  • As you play on higher and higher egos, you will need to learn to work the count as a batter and wait on a good pitch. The lower difficulty levels you aren't as penalized if you 'miss' on your targeting while swinging, but get up past 50 and things really begin to get tough, especially for players who aren't as good at contact hitting.
  • Pitch to the outside of the strike zone, just as in real life. Leaving pitches over the heart of the plate is going to result in you giving up runs.
  • In the same way, getting a good feel for the pitching meter/motion is essential. Missing over the heart of the plate is truly a bad idea, and sometimes the meter is going to want to push you there. You have to develop quick reflexes in order to ensure your pitches end up on point.
  • Mix your pitches up. This is obvious baseball 101 but those principles do work in the game. Throwing straight fastballs won't work, and throwing straight junk won't work. With so many pitches in your arsenal, you shouldn't ever have a problem mixing your approach up.
  • I have found the power swing mechanic isn't something I used much at all. If you focus on getting great contact, you'll see similar results on the lower difficulty levels. Once you move up though, the power mechanic has more of an impact.
  • Pitching wise, there is a power pitching mechanic, but I am honestly not using it and not giving up a lot of runs. My mileage seems to vary with others though.

Be sure to let us know some of your tips when you get a chance to play the game!!

Game: Super Mega BaseballReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 5 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 bluengold34_OS @ 12/15/14 07:05 PM
Spot on about the difficulty. I have played enough that I have ego(difficulty) set at 65, and I use no power ups or upgrades. I play the game as generically as I can, and I love the competition so far at 65 diff.
# 2 nemesis04 @ 12/15/14 08:01 PM
I found this over on their forums from the developer. Gives a nice overview of things in season mode.

The game hits the store tomorrow and I thought I would give you all a bit of an overview of the team development system in season mode. It has not received a lot of coverage in the news so far, and is arguably a little different than what people might expect to be present in an a SimArcade sports title.
What is the purpose?
To improve the players on your team! In season mode, all the players on your team have decent skills, but they can be improved over time.
How do you do it?
There are multiple components to it:
– Staff which are available for hire
– Staff which you have hired
– Modifiers provided by staff
The first step is to hire some staff. You can do this from the “My Team” section. As you play the total number of staff members as well as their quality increases. You will want to hire staff which:
1) Provide good modifiers that your players can actually use
2) Provide modifiers with benefits you feel your team needs (extra speed, more power, etc)
The staff you can hire changes after every season game. Some will go away, some new ones will show up. If you keep firing staff, people are not really going to want to work for you anymore and fewer people will be available for hire.
Once you have hired some staff, you need to assign the modifiers they provide to players on your team. Just hiring the staff member without assigning the modifiers will not have any positive effects. You do this by selecting a modifier provided by a staff member and pushing “X” to assign. Every player has ‘slots’ to which you can assign modifiers. The ‘slots’ are the icons with C, T, S, and G on them. You can assign one modifier to one slot. Every player can have at most 7 slots. They slowly unlock as you play more and more season games.
As you play season mode, you will level up. As you level up, you unlock access to new modifiers, the ability to get better staff, additional slots on your players to which modifiers can be assigned to and the total number of staff members you can have increases as well. When you first start playing, you will notice that you level up quite quickly, this is going to slow down. Don’t be afraid to experiment early on, you won’t really do any lasting damage if you do something wrong.
Once you complete a season, the team that you improve this way will persist. Say you play as the Sirloins and you manage to level up your account to level 20 and you have hired a set of staff which improve your team a bunch. When you start your next season with this team, you will continue where you left off in terms of how good your team is. The leveling system goes up to level 99, so there is quite a bit of room for your team to become very good.
Whats the strategy?
– Keep your attraction rate high! This ensures that the staff pool will contain new potential hires after every season game. Your attraction rate goes down if you fire a staff member whose contract has not yet expired.
– The contract length of a staff member is the minimum time a staff member would like to be with your team. You can keep them for as long as you like though.
– As you play, you will want to replace staff you have hired earlier. Staff members with better modifiers will always become available.
– Check the new staff members available after every game. You never know when someone with *really* good modifiers shows up!
– You can freely move modifiers around between players. You can continue to experiment and shuffle them around without penalty to try and optimize your teams performance.
– The ticker at the top of the main season mode lets you know about new staff and actions you should consider.
– Looking at the back of the player cards in the “My Team” menu gives you quick overview of how much your team has improved. The black lines indicate what a players base skill level is.
– You can filter all the views, to look at only a subset of your players, depending on whether they could actually use something provided by a staff member.
– There are different views available when hiring staff. One lts you see if you have any players which could actually use a staff member (good when first starting out), the other view lets you compare your existing staff to available staff (good once you contemplate replacing existing staff members).
– In the “My Team” menu, if you go to the “List” view and highlight a modifier, you can see the effects it has on the player
The intention is for this mechanic to add quite a bit of long term depth to the game. Some of you might recognize what other game genres some of the ideas have come from. Let me assure you, you can agonize endlessly trying to maximize the skills of your team in an optimal manner. If you are planning on dominating the leaderboards, you will need both incredibly reaction time to play the game at high ego and optimize your team as much as you can via modifiers. If you enjoy continually working on and improving your team, hoping for something just a bit better to become available I think you will like this part of the game.
Keep in mind that I just kinda scratch the surface here, there are lots of little mechanics which you will have to figure out
Have fun everyone!
# 3 Simple Mathematics @ 12/15/14 09:29 PM
The difficulty slider is really a good idea. It really allows you to fine-tune exactly how you want to play.
# 4 bcruise @ 12/16/14 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Simple Mathematics
The difficulty slider is really a good idea. It really allows you to fine-tune exactly how you want to play.
The only way I think it could be better is to have separate ego sliders for hitting and pitching. I understand that would mess with the existing star point system, but right now I'm in a situation where my pitching ability is much better than my hitting. I held the CPU scoreless for 5 innings on Ego 99 (just messing around with it) but, as you would expect, got no-hit myself with probably 10 strikeouts in 5 innings.

I don't intend to play on that level, but I whiff plenty on 60 or so while shutting the CPU out. Just have to hope my hitting catches up, I guess.
# 5 Willis135 @ 12/16/14 11:27 PM
At what level does the batting cursor stop moving toward the pitch on its own?
# 6 UKDJ @ 12/17/14 08:25 AM
For anyone interested, I have been told by the games official twitter feed, that the game will be released in Europe, but no date has been set as yet.
# 7 Mike Lowe @ 12/18/14 03:13 PM
How do we apply modifiers that have been earned?

This games mechanics, especially pitching, are really impressive.
# 8 nemesis04 @ 12/18/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
How do we apply modifiers that have been earned?

This games mechanics, especially pitching, are really impressive.
Go to the screen that has the coaches on the left with their modifiers and the players who will be best affected by them on the right. Click on the modifier from the coach you would like to use and put that modifier in the appropriate letter column of the player you would like to give that modifier to.
# 9 Mike Lowe @ 12/18/14 03:50 PM
Nemesis, I was talking about the ones earned in a game. They seem to be different than the coach ones?

Also, do other teams get better?
# 10 Mike Lowe @ 12/18/14 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Willis135
At what level does the batting cursor stop moving toward the pitch on its own?
I played a game on 99 ego, and it still does it.

I wonder if it's different for different contact ratings?
# 11 nemesis04 @ 12/18/14 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
Nemesis, I was talking about the ones earned in a game. They seem to be different than the coach ones?

Also, do other teams get better?
Oh my mistake, I am not sure on those sorry.
# 12 Willis135 @ 12/18/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
I played a game on 99 ego, and it still does it.

I wonder if it's different for different contact ratings?
That is interesting, not sure exactly how the cursor works then. I'm not sure if I should be manually moving the cursor or not while hitting. I want to manually move the cursor, but it seems pointless since it auto tracks to the pitch location on its own.
# 13 hort22 @ 12/18/14 11:49 PM
per the forums at supermegabaseball.com

me: does the autobat follow the pitch at every ego level?


It helps you less and less as ego goes up, and the tolerances are tightened up significantly, so you will have to be more and more precise.

The intention is to guide you into the game, so at lower egos you can focus on getting the timing of the swings right, at higher ego, you gotta do it all yourself.

So yes, its effect becomes negligible eventually.
# 14 bcruise @ 12/18/14 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Willis135
That is interesting, not sure exactly how the cursor works then. I'm not sure if I should be manually moving the cursor or not while hitting. I want to manually move the cursor, but it seems pointless since it auto tracks to the pitch location on its own.
It does auto track, but by the time you reach the higher ego levels the pitch comes in so fast that it's not going to be able to move hardly at all before the ball is popping the catchers mitt. That's probably what the devs mean by it becoming negligible.

Add to that that the game has true cursor hitting (meaning if you don't get at at least a piece of the ball on the cursor, you WILL swing and miss), and the game has no trouble being very challenging at high ego.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
# 15 nemesis04 @ 12/19/14 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
Nemesis, I was talking about the ones earned in a game. They seem to be different than the coach ones?

Also, do other teams get better?
I see what you are saying now. Those modifiers that become unlocked will show up in the next round of coaches that become available. The more you unlock the more diversity there is in coach training by what modifiers they offer.
# 16 fishepa @ 12/20/14 09:13 AM
I just played my first season game last night late, unlocked the upgrades and had to just wait until later. LOL. Seemed confusing.
# 17 nemesis04 @ 12/20/14 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by fishepa
I just played my first season game last night late, unlocked the upgrades and had to just wait until later. LOL. Seemed confusing.
At first it is a little confusing but you have to feel your way through. In a quick summary after a season game you unlock modifiers and they become available through the coaches you hire. You hire them for a set number of games, getting rid of the coach before his contract expires impacts your team negatively in regards to future coaches looking to sign with your team. If you keep a coach through their full contract you can dismiss them without penalty. When a coach leaves his modifiers go with him as well.

As far as applying the modifiers, each coach has a special area they specialize in which is represented by a letter (T, G etc). Each coach comes with 3 modifiers and when you highlight the coach you hired it will list what players on the team the coach's modifiers could be applied to. Basically you press on the modifier you want to apply and put it in the appropriate column of the player you want to impact. Once it is moved to a player you can move the modifier to another player on that list if you like. These modifiers will stay with the player for as long as you keep the coach.

Hope that helps!
# 18 Mike Lowe @ 12/20/14 01:08 PM
How do you change your ego setting?
# 19 nemesis04 @ 12/20/14 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowe
How do you change your ego setting?
When you start up just before you enter your season on the bottom you press one of the buttons to take you to the screen for changing your ego.

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