The 113th episode of the Press Row Podcast is a three-part holiday special. Up first is a mini 4th String reunion with Mike Suszek , Ryan Lewis, and Rich Grisham getting together to chat about what 2014 sports games meant to them. Next, Rich interviews Metalhead Software’s Scott Drader about his upcoming PS3/PS4 game Super Mega Baseball. Lastly, the full audio from this week’s Press Row Hangout closes the show, with Bryan Wiedey, T.J. Lauerman, and Rich Grisham discussing the first batch of MLB 15 news along with reactions to a big NBA 2K15 update, Bo Jackson in Madden, and a few other items. Happy Holidays!
Joining us this week:
- Mike Suszek, Joystiq (@MikeSuszek)
- Ryan Lewis (@ryanthelou)
- Scott Drader, Metalhead Software (@ScottDrader)
- Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre (@pastapadre)
- T.J. Lauerman, ThatSportsGamer (@ThatSportsGamer)
- And your host, Richard Grisham, GamesRadar/OXM/@GAMER (@richgrisham)
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Enjoy the show!
Run Time: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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