NHL 15 News Post

EA has released a survey to inform its decision-making for the future of the EASHL, which may or may not appear in NHL 16. There were quite a few questions to answer (31, to be exact), and they ranged from very general to very specific. Some of them certainly indicate directions that EA may go with the mode, but it's hard to be sure. It's likely that they have some ideas and they want to see how much these ideas really resonate with the core audience before actually implementing them.

The general thrust of the survey was to see what had previously worked about EASHL and what hadn't. There was an emphasis on choice for what people wanted to see, and there were even some rankings for what users felt were the "most important" aspects of the mode.

Read More - NHL 16 Survey Reveals More On Potential New Features

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BaylorBearBryant @ 12/10/14 06:45 PM
This survey gives me some hope.
# 2 ericromain @ 12/10/14 06:52 PM
The cool thing is that this gives us a window on what the dev team is brainstorming and considering. It also indicates that the team takes data on the community opinion.
# 3 Simple Mathematics @ 12/10/14 07:04 PM
I want the game to play a realistic game of hockey. I want it to look like a true NHL TV broadcast. And I want to have full, UNLIMITED customization options.
# 4 Nas160 @ 12/10/14 10:36 PM
I'd vote for the more realistic TV experience. It's a new generation, there's so much potential for improvement on the old games. They did great with NHL 15, but not as much as I was hoping. I would also choose the winning by knowing the game second.
# 5 Moose24x @ 12/10/14 11:06 PM
Realistic to TV, especially player animations having some variety so that not all players skate, pass and shoot the exact same way and faces that are at least close for all players. Customization is also important but most vital is an experience where I can apply actual hockey knowledge to succeed.
# 6 bukktown @ 12/11/14 12:00 AM
I got halfway through this and I had to scroll to the top to see who wrote it because this is excellent analysis and Glenn, you deserve to have that recognized! Well done sir!
# 7 Morkle @ 12/11/14 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Simple Mathematics
I want the game to play a realistic game of hockey. I want it to look like a true NHL TV broadcast. And I want to have full, UNLIMITED customization options.
The fact that I can't even edit a player in Be-A-GM is maddening. I have a goalie from the WHL with a stark blue helmet as my starter on the Pens. Just awful.
# 8 GlennN @ 12/11/14 10:50 AM
Survey is a whole lot shorter for those of us who have never played EASHL! Still want to get my opinions out there - please, oh please, improve BeAGM and get better stat/award/career tracking for all players.
# 9 mayers911 @ 12/11/14 11:09 AM
View Zamboni , Real horns goal or custom music option
More colors for ice
More stats like nba2k
More option GM ( like nba 2k )
Option for GM - option playing all teams
Create League for all teams
Legends players
# 10 clarkerots @ 12/11/14 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Morkle
The fact that I can't even edit a player in Be-A-GM is maddening. I have a goalie from the WHL with a stark blue helmet as my starter on the Pens. Just awful.
I've always wondered why games don't allow that anymore. If I'm playing online, then I use the online rosters as the company puts out, but if I'm offline and I want to create a 7'3" 280 lbs goalie with 99 ratings, why can't I? It's my league..........
# 11 bigwill33 @ 12/11/14 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Morkle
The fact that I can't even edit a player in Be-A-GM is maddening. I have a goalie from the WHL with a stark blue helmet as my starter on the Pens. Just awful.
I've said this a few times and I am pretty certain that the case with not being able to edit has to deal with the fact that they couldn't get it in the game without ensuring that it wouldn't cause unstableness. They probably kept having issues with crashes and instability when edits were made and rather to release an even more buggy game they elected to rush it out in the incomplete form that we see here.

Edits will be back as soon as they can be sure that they don't break the game. It will not be in this year's version.
# 12 GlennN @ 12/11/14 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by bigwill33
I've said this a few times and I am pretty certain that the case with not being able to edit has to deal with the fact that they couldn't get it in the game without ensuring that it wouldn't cause unstableness. They probably kept having issues with crashes and instability when edits were made and rather to release an even more buggy game they elected to rush it out in the incomplete form that we see here.

Edits will be back as soon as they can be sure that they don't break the game. It will not be in this year's version.
What do you mean edits "will be back"? Have we ever been able to edit players' attributes in BeAGM? I know of no ability to do this, at least since NHL 10.
# 13 Money99 @ 12/11/14 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Nas160
I'd vote for the more realistic TV experience. It's a new generation, there's so much potential for improvement on the old games. They did great with NHL 15, but not as much as I was hoping. I would also choose the winning by knowing the game second.
Nicely put.
I'd also love to see intermission highlights and even a weekly wrap-up show.
# 14 RickyAC @ 12/11/14 05:04 PM
I really hope the NHL team follows through with these ideas.

It has been agonizing this season without an NHL game. I was a yearly buyer since NHL 09 through NHL 14. Every time I'm tempted by my Amazon shopping cart, I just remember that for $60 there is no player editing, barely a Be-A-Gm, no EASHL, no Online Drop-in with friends, no...anything really.

The only good that had come from NHL 15, is that whenever the temptation gets strong to buy it, and I know I have the cash just sitting in my checking account, I move that $60 into savings and kill the NHL15 temptation.

I've saved over $700 extra this season so far. So thanks, I guess, EA.
# 15 bigwill33 @ 12/11/14 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by GlennN
What do you mean edits "will be back"? Have we ever been able to edit players' attributes in BeAGM? I know of no ability to do this, at least since NHL 10.
No, you haven't been able to edit attributes in GM for quite some time, but I was saying that the ability to edit in general should be back in once they figure it back out.
# 16 YogurtProducer @ 12/12/14 01:52 AM
Why are you all so insistent on crap like weekly wrap up shows And TV appearance? Presentation is fine and dandy, but doesn't mena **** when the game plays like an arcade game.. Fix the gameplay first, all these other options can come later...

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