EA Sports UFC News Post

Another free content update is scheduled to arrive for EA Sports UFC on Wednesday, November 19th. Myles Jury and Yoel Romero have been confirmed.

UPDATE: Andrei Arlovski has been confirmed.

According to GameplayDevUFC, this content update will not feature any gameplay fixes.

There are no gameplay fixes in the upcoming patch, as far as I know it's fighters only.

It's mainly because we delayed the last patch to get all the bug fixes in as quickly as we could based on feedback from the previous patch, which was itself delayed because of the rumble stuff. As a result this patch was locked down early before the last patch even went live. So we didn't have time to react to any feedback or anything.

We will update this post as more information comes in.

Who do you hope to see?

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Member Comments
# 1 D3vin96 @ 11/17/14 05:22 PM
Anthony Johnson, Edson Barboza, Charles Oliveira, Uriah Hall
# 2 Steve_OS @ 11/17/14 05:28 PM
Updated OP. Yoel Romero has been confirmed.
# 3 sportsfan8812 @ 11/17/14 05:29 PM
Im so exited for this update. Romero and Jury are two fantastic additions. I would love for Gastelum or Bermudez to be the third but I have a feeling it won't be.
# 4 ERA @ 11/17/14 08:27 PM
The third is pretty much confirmed to be Rumble... He was already supposed to be put in.

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# 5 SmashMan @ 11/17/14 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by ERA
The third is pretty much confirmed to be Rumble... He was already supposed to be put in.
Not if this update was locked down before the Rumble-less update dropped. The timelines don't match up.
# 6 aholbert32 @ 11/17/14 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
Not if this update was locked down before the Rumble-less update dropped. The timelines don't match up.
Exactly. Rumble was just reinstated a little over a week ago. Possible its someone else.
# 7 bigbuckeyeboi @ 11/17/14 10:39 PM
This game is just getting better and better with all the new additional fighters and patches. And the most impress thing is that they are all free. A game where EA gives away free content is unbelievable!
# 8 mosdef328 @ 11/17/14 10:43 PM
I think Jessica Eye is confirmed although not for this specific patch so could be her. The more the merrier!
# 9 TjJunior @ 11/18/14 04:25 AM
this is by far the best game EA has released this year in my opinion. FIFA and Madden get all the pub, but this game deserves some glory.
# 10 sportsfan8812 @ 11/18/14 05:04 PM
Arlovski is the 3rd fighter. SO many other guys that made more sense but it's all good. Ill take any fighters they want to give.
# 11 Gotmadskillzson @ 11/18/14 06:06 PM
Arloski is acceptable.
# 12 mosdef328 @ 11/18/14 06:08 PM
Yeah actually as a long time fan Arlovski is a great pick.
# 13 aholbert32 @ 11/18/14 06:19 PM
More hw is a good thing. It also probably means that we will get one more fighter update with Eye and Johnson still out there
# 14 ERA @ 11/18/14 06:57 PM
I was really hoping for Rumble, but Andrei is nice to see.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk now Free

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