FIFA 15 News Post

While Manager Mode remains relatively unchanged from FIFA 14, it still remains a popular mode offering enough depth to provide hours upon hours of enjoyment in FIFA 15. Let’s take a brief refresher course and revisit why this mode is still a solid offline experience. This brief guide will highlight a few notable areas which are detrimental to your success as a skipper.

Read More - A Quick Guide to FIFA 15's Manager Mode

Game: FIFA 15Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 9 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 RUFFNREADY @ 10/17/14 11:21 PM
Manager Mode, is the best way to play FIFA 15, imo. The jostling and reorganizing of your club, on pretty much a daily basis is crazy. Watching your books, talking to media, and taking heat from your Owners; on top of trying to win games, is AWESOME! This has been my best mode to play in FIFA15 so far this year! I played more FUT last year, which has some similarities with matching up players on the pitch.
I play in the EPL, and it's intense! Let's Go Hot Spurs!
# 2 geisterhome @ 10/18/14 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by RUFFNREADY
Manager Mode, is the best way to play FIFA 15, imo. The jostling and reorganizing of your club, on pretty much a daily basis is crazy. Watching your books, talking to media, and taking heat from your Owners; on top of trying to win games, is AWESOME! This has been my best mode to play in FIFA15 so far this year! I played more FUT last year, which has some similarities with matching up players on the pitch.
I play in the EPL, and it's intense! Let's Go Hot Spurs!
I strongly dislike any kind of UT modes in Sportsgames, so Manager Mode is my mode of choice as well.
# 3 gottaplaysome @ 10/18/14 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by geisterhome
I strongly dislike any kind of UT modes in Sportsgames, so Manager Mode is my mode of choice as well.
Amen brother! Me too!

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