NBA 2K15 News Post

The NBA 2K15 servers are online, functioning and seem to have stabilized (as of this writing). I have successfully played six games in a row at The Park and I'm headed to the Jordan Rec Center now. Online modes should be working fine for all consoles, as well as PC.

Per @Ronnie2K.

Breakthrough: everything online should be stabilizing. Please reboot and let me know #NBA2K15

Looks like we're completely back except play w/ friends on #MyPARK. Sent note to team. Keep me posted, we are going to keep working.

Dev will put up Play w/ Friends on Park & Last Gen servers up when there's stretch of stability. Should be soon if all goes well.

#NBA2K15 online should now also be normalizing for 360/PS3.

People reporting throwback KD not showing up that tried to claim during online issues, fear not. We are working on that, keep you posted.

One more thing I am seeing after team eased mass concerns... Domination not giving rewards. Informed MyTEAM crew, keep you posted.

Let us know what you are seeing.

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Member Comments
# 81 NDAlum @ 10/12/14 11:37 AM
When I go wireless with 15 DL 2 UL I can't even use this game. When I go wired (which means killing the aesthetics of my home by having an Ethernet cord go down a hall into the living room) it works fine.

This is the only title that has this issue. I played wayyyy too many hours of BF4 with a wireless connection and it was fine. This is a very frustrating issue as I can't just move where the modem is.
# 82 iLLosophy @ 10/12/14 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
When I go wireless with 15 DL 2 UL I can't even use this game. When I go wired (which means killing the aesthetics of my home by having an Ethernet cord go down a hall into the living room) it works fine.

This is the only title that has this issue. I played wayyyy too many hours of BF4 with a wireless connection and it was fine. This is a very frustrating issue as I can't just move where the modem is.
Interesting. I had the same problem with XB1 with BF4. I thought it might've been a bug with the XB1 but for it to happen on a completely different game on a completely different system....
# 83 Boilerbuzz @ 10/12/14 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
When I go wireless with 15 DL 2 UL I can't even use this game. When I go wired (which means killing the aesthetics of my home by having an Ethernet cord go down a hall into the living room) it works fine.

This is the only title that has this issue. I played wayyyy too many hours of BF4 with a wireless connection and it was fine. This is a very frustrating issue as I can't just move where the modem is.

It may be the only game you've had, but other games have this issue as well. It depends in the networking model being used. I would bet that the games that you don't have this have a different byproduct.
# 84 NDAlum @ 10/12/14 12:28 PM
I wonder if ISP's and modem/router settings are doing this. In any event it is frustrating as hell. I'm trying to start a MyLEAGUE right now and I selected custom roster just to download the Official 2K Sports Roster. Well I keep getting "Unable to retrieve Content info. Please try again later."
# 85 Boilerbuzz @ 10/12/14 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I wonder if ISP's and modem/router settings are doing this. In any event it is frustrating as hell. I'm trying to start a MyLEAGUE right now and I selected custom roster just to download the Official 2K Sports Roster. Well I keep getting "Unable to retrieve Content info. Please try again later."
It wouldn't be out of the question, but I wouldn't think so. You're trying to use the "official" rosters, but you're selecting custom. Sounds like an odd way for them to implement that capability I think...
# 86 Ward13 @ 10/12/14 06:38 PM
Servers are crap, end of story.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 87 reptilexcq @ 10/12/14 07:32 PM
Something ain't right about the servers. I have games where it seems totally lag free and it was fun but then the game never finished. It always ended up disconnected at some point. And then there are games where there are lags and the game never disconnected you. So what the hell is the deal?
# 88 nyk_fatboy @ 10/12/14 07:43 PM
(Park mode)

2k seriously needs to fix this, sometimes it gets to a point where its just unplayable. I also noticed when someone has a mic lag occurs.

The Rec center is the worse you have 10 guys on the court some of them have crap connection theirs a whole bunch of lag and delay going on then ontop of that their all on mic and the game gets extremely hard to play. I couldnt even move my player because of all the lag and delay.

and THEN theirs still those error messages that kick you out the game ontop of everything else lol. This is probably the most frustrating 2K ive played so far and ive been playing since 2k10.
# 89 Boilerbuzz @ 10/12/14 07:59 PM
You have to wonder - when does it get to a point where when one player's connection is just so bad - slowing down everyone else - that you have to be even more restrictive and lag them out sooner? I don't know the right answer to that. But this can't be an easy decision to make.
# 90 Pared @ 10/12/14 08:45 PM
Then you drop that one person. FPS' have done that for years.

How does that explain a head to head "Play with Friends" matchup can't reliably connect as well? Can't even get that "stable." I know people are playing but it's a crapshoot. For some odd reason ranked games are probably the most stable. Same exact issue last year ALL NBA season.
# 91 Boilerbuzz @ 10/12/14 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Then you drop that one person. FPS' have done that for years.

How does that explain a head to head "Play with Friends" matchup can't reliably connect as well? Can't even get that "stable." I know people are playing but it's a crapshoot. For some odd reason ranked games are probably the most stable. Same exact issue last year ALL NBA season.
I don't disagree. And there's no excuse for the "Play with Friends" "feature" not working. But there the majority of people with internet have connections that can get REALLY sloppy. A good ping used to be 200ms. That's 5 reliable packets a second (worse case). That is horrible for gaming. All I'm saying is that the internet is a mess and it's not crazy to think that half of the users out there can have enough junk in their connections to make for a laggy game. You'd be kicking a LOT of users.
# 92 DirtySouf @ 10/12/14 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Then you drop that one person. FPS' have done that for years.

How does that explain a head to head "Play with Friends" matchup can't reliably connect as well? Can't even get that "stable." I know people are playing but it's a crapshoot. For some odd reason ranked games are probably the most stable. Same exact issue last year ALL NBA season.
Ranked games are not stable at all. I've finished 1 out of 10 today. I really don't understand how the servers could be worse this year than they were last year.
# 93 Pared @ 10/12/14 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I don't disagree. And there's no excuse for the "Play with Friends" "feature" not working. But there the majority of people with internet have connections that can get REALLY sloppy. A good ping used to be 200ms. That's 5 reliable packets a second (worse case). That is horrible for gaming. All I'm saying is that the internet is a mess and it's not crazy to think that half of the users out there can have enough junk in their connections to make for a laggy game. You'd be kicking a LOT of users.
Then you put feedback and then try and narrow the problem down. Right now when I am kicked I see a standard error. When games were not starting, I was getting some BS,"If at first you don't succeed," message. That's cool for testing, not for a retail game. Only frustrates users more to have that.

But it seems like there are two error messages. How does that help the team looking into this at all? They should know better. I work in IT but not software but that's something you learn very early on. Leave the breadcrumbs so you can find the trail to the problem.
# 94 ajezzy1 @ 10/12/14 09:51 PM
I was just playing my team game online and was beating some dude by like 30 points in the 4th and game was almost over had like 2 min left and then all of a sudden you have been disconnected lol I was so pissed
# 95 Boilerbuzz @ 10/13/14 12:41 AM
That's the thing. I don't know if VC respects the user's knowledge enough to tell them why they have been disconnected. Make up some bogus error code system or something. But to give the same messages every time is weak in my opinion.
# 96 MaddGamerx @ 10/13/14 12:49 AM
I can not complete any online games. Every game sent to the PS4 dash
# 97 nyk_fatboy @ 10/13/14 01:01 AM
Anyone experiencing hearing people mics being choppy and breaking up in the mypark/Rec center? and a delay in movement during game play. And also does the gameplay feel choppy? sometimes i have the clue what going on
# 98 ZachS @ 10/13/14 01:13 AM
Just tried played 3 online head to head games.

Was leading in each one of them, one kid quit, the other two games disconnected. Made it to the 3rd quarter in one game, that's as far as I got.

I can't stand winning by like 10, disconnecting, then getting the loss for it. Infuriating as hell.

Theres no lag, but the game just always disconnects and it's not my connection.
# 99 iLLosophy @ 10/13/14 07:29 AM
Last night had a game where our team disappeared (based on what i heard on the mic, the other teammates saw it too) and all you saw was our player circles and the ball dribbling...a few seconds later the game froze and went to the xbox dashboard
# 100 MontanaMan @ 10/13/14 07:56 AM
I'm shook to even go into MyPark now after stories of people losing entire characters.

I don't want to risk losing a player which I spent hours trying to scan in addition to spending money for VC on.

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