Madden NFL 15 News Post

The mobile game market seems to be suffering from a great divide: either you pay an upfront premium for a high-quality experience, or you get a “free” title that encourages money to trickle from your wallet over the long term.

Unfortunately, it seems that major sports titles are falling on the “freemium” side of that line. And, as is the case with all things, you often get what you pay for.

That’s true for this year’s version of iOS Madden 15, a decent playing game that’s been watered down due to the use of pay-to-play tactics and artificial limitations.

Read more - Madden NFL 15 on iOS: Even At Free, It Still Isn't Worth Your Money

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BCDX97 @ 10/02/14 04:58 PM
I wish they made games with demos and then a complete game you could buy.

This freemium crap is horrid and taints so many mobile games. I will NEVER give them money for gold or jewels or trinkets or more HUT players - but sadly other gamers will. They are the ones we need to blame for games like this.
# 2 hanzsomehanz @ 10/02/14 06:08 PM
Too much server maintenance - its a rip off

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk
# 3 tarek @ 10/02/14 06:59 PM
Terrible execution. The gameplay actually isn't too bad, but the freemium model and limited game options are a joke. I purchased, dropped an initial $5 on it, but now I feel dirty because I fed the EA beast.
# 4 jackster802 @ 10/02/14 08:35 PM
I really dont mind this game, If you do the live events, you will be challenged. I have spent 0 actual money on this game and I have built up an 85 OVR team in a month or so. Its definitely fun in my opinion and I dont think it deserves all this hate. If you want something to fill your madden craving while at work or school, this is definitely it.
# 5 herropreese @ 10/03/14 12:52 AM
I actually enjoy it. I'm not going to spend a crazy amount of time on my phone gaming, but as a sort of distraction in a waiting room it's fun to play.
# 6 geisterhome @ 10/03/14 03:31 AM
smartphone and tablet gaming as a whole still sucks. still waiting for an enjoyable game to come out, meaning one that provides me with more fun than for 5 mins in the lunch break.
# 7 rancer890 @ 10/04/14 04:41 PM
Between this and FIFA mobile turning into effectively UT freemium games (like literally EA doesn't even sugarcoat the FIFA game calling it FIFA Ultimate Team this year), things aren't looking up for mobile sports gaming (and mobile gaming in general).

It used to be pretty good with premium titles, and at least FIFA last season gave the option of a manager mode for $4.99 or $5.99, which is acceptable for a game of FIFA's quality. At least create a manager mode or career mode and give us an option to pay for it.
# 8 oneamongthefence @ 10/04/14 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
There are good mobile games, lots of them actually. This isn't one of them. I have the Android version of this and it's terrible.

I much prefer NFL 2013. Better graphics, better animations, better control, some commentary. Only thing that kills it is that all the players are fictional and you have to actually pay for more teams if you want to play with more than one.
# 9 Sheba2011 @ 10/14/14 02:06 AM
I played it on Android it is fun for a few hours but after that the idea of playing with fake players wears thin. Especially since the game is too easy. It's impossible to get a real team without spending actual money.
# 10 NOppenheimer @ 11/30/14 07:53 PM
The only time I've ever been stopped on a drive so far is when my KR fumbled on a return. Way to easy/unrealistic.

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