NBA 2K15 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Da-Man @ 09/30/14 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by jayman504
Why was Boozer wearing a Bulls Jersey in the halftime show when he plays for the Lakers? Hopefully that will be fix. Saw some pretty nice things in here, I just need to feel it out for myself to be completely satisfied
this is exactly why they should NOT be using real pictures
# 122 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/30/14 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by darkknightrises
I wasn't home while this was going on is there any way for me to see it now?
# 123 theycallmeZZ @ 09/30/14 10:03 PM
Will the Canadian National Anthem play when teams play at the Air Canada Centre?

# 124 reptilexcq @ 09/30/14 10:03 PM
Honestly, I am not that impressed. The game looks just like 2K14 still rely heavy used of animations as part of the game play. I don't sense there is total control of the player based on where you want to move and there is a heaviness or jerky movement to the players.

Also, what is up with the resetting the formations before every inbound pass from the side? That totally destroyed defensive strategy just like last year. If i want to pressure the offensive players before they have a chance to inbound the ball....i can't do it due to resetting of the formation? This is one thing that is frustrating about 2k14 and it is STILL in there!

I also notice there are still way too many blocking dunks. Block dunks should be rare. Also, they said they got rid of cheap charging call right? Well, i hope they don't do away with charging call completely...that would be ridiculous.

Now on the bright side, everything seem to be cleaner and better. It seems like it's a better version of 2k14. Am I going to get it? Definitely, i mean it should be better than 2k14...so it doesn't hurt to get it. Now, don't get me wrong, I DO NOT like 2k14 (i play it for its beautiful graphics). 2k14 make me angry playing...it's probably the most frustrating game i ever played. I cursed at it a lot playing online because the game simply don't use my skills as a player.

I am going to have to check out NBA LIVE as well. I hope NBA LIVE release the demo.
# 125 KyotoCarl @ 09/30/14 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by dpower15
Do we know if the player intros will play pressmen for MyGM, MyCareer and MyLeague games? Or only for Exhibition?

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I think it's pretty safe to say that this will be apart of MyGm and MyLeague, not exhibition games.
I don't have any basis for this but it makes sense that this is apart of of these two modes since they are the more in depth than ****** exhibition games.
# 126 VDusen04 @ 09/30/14 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
Pau gasol alley pop from 3pt line to rose while being closely guarded ??? Looks like they let something slip past QA test
That caught my eye too. It could happen, but the fact it occurred so readily wasn't the greatest thing ever. Weird run out, weird pass, weird angle, and I'm not sure if Rose could dunk an alley-oop while almost catching a lob over his shoulder there.
# 127 tedus @ 09/30/14 10:06 PM
Did anyone notice the frame issue in this game? Maybe that is twitch problem!

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# 128 Trackball @ 09/30/14 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by theycallmeZZ
Will the Canadian National Anthem play when teams play at the Air Canada Centre?

I certainly hope so.

I'm as American as can be, but I freely admit that you Canadians have a BEAUTIFUL national anthem. I'm not even joking.

# 129 lilteapot @ 09/30/14 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by tedus
Did anyone notice the frame issue in this game? Maybe that is twitch problem!

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I did too. Looked pretty choppy.
# 130 Tonyattia @ 09/30/14 10:17 PM
All I can say is Wow! Graphics are ridiculous, presentation and replays, are amazing, and the gameplay looks vastly improved. The only thing I didn't like were all the moving screen fouls but tat should hopefully limit the screen cheese where you go one way and the defender get stuck on the screen and then you cross over the other way which, side not, Chris smoove does all the time to cheese lol. My other gripe is that you still have to pre determine what you do when running a pick and roll. Nba live 14 had it perfect because you could chose slip, roll, or fade on the fly. I also hope the passing lane cheese is gone and maybe the cpu will cut backdoor I you over play for the cheese tip/ interception. All in all this I cant wait for the news tomorrow.
# 131 CT Pitbull @ 09/30/14 10:19 PM
I cant wait to get my hands on this game next week. also I have tried so many times to play with the 2k angle but the game looks soo much better and realistic on broadcast or beluba imo.
# 132 RocketTMac1 @ 09/30/14 10:25 PM
Points that caught my eye

1. The presentation on the main screen is great and a refreshing thing to see after 2K13 and 2K14.

2. The pregame show had me thinking NBA Fan Night on NBA TV. Love the dynamic between those two. Seemed very natural. Can't wait to see these guys in MyLeague.

3. The motion is smoother on the court. Love the spacing even though it wasn't all the way sim. I know they had to go a little on the arcade side for the ****** fans.

4. The collision animation looks great. Can't wait to see this in the playoffs. And did they confirm that strength has is a factor in shots in the lane? So Wiggins won't be cheese thank goodnesss.
# 133 jyoung @ 09/30/14 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Question from someone who did not play 2K14 - were next gen passes deemed to be a little floaty? I thought I recall seeing that criticism pop up here from time to time but I cannot recall. Some passes in this stream appear to lack a certain amount of zip but I don't know if that appearance is due to the video feed.
"Beach ball passing" was still the norm for next-gen 2K14.
# 134 LingeringRegime @ 09/30/14 10:29 PM
You can't judge how a games graphics is based on a Twitch Stream. My stream looks like crap compared to how my games look on my TV.
# 135 J_Posse @ 09/30/14 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
That caught my eye too. It could happen, but the fact it occurred so readily wasn't the greatest thing ever. Weird run out, weird pass, weird angle, and I'm not sure if Rose could dunk an alley-oop while almost catching a lob over his shoulder there.
Pau is one of the best passing big men in the league, so I definitely think he could throw that pass even from that distance. The pass angle wasn't weird at all and the ball was out in front of Rose.

"Beach ball passing" was still the norm for next-gen 2K14.
Passing actually regressed in the transition to next gen, IMO. Hoping they addressed this in someway even if not completely.
# 136 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/30/14 10:42 PM
Game looked good

• player Movement looks grounded and realistic . Less sliding
• new rebounding animations
• plenty fail dunk attempts ! Hope this affects fatigue
• crossovers look better
• Defensive settings
# 137 Trackball @ 09/30/14 10:46 PM
For the guy that asked about O Canada:

******** async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">


EDIT: ...Okay, seriously, what is up with embedding tweets not working properly on this forum?
# 138 KyotoCarl @ 09/30/14 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by lilteapot
I did too. Looked pretty choppy.
It's a stream. It's not in 1080p, nor 60fps. The game is obviously gonna play better when you are playing at home-
# 139 KyotoCarl @ 09/30/14 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Steelersking
Still no information about last gen
Wrong forum for that. It's been discussed in the last gen forum that 2K isn't focusing on last gen. You are gonna see improvments in NG but last gen is probably only going to be gameplay improvements, but nothing substantial.
That's how it is when we change console generations so it's nothing strange.

Sucks if you still have last gen, of course, but it's nothing strange that a company focuses on a new system instead of an older system.
# 140 Shakedowncapo @ 09/30/14 11:00 PM
I saw nothing wrong with the Gasol oop really. It was pinpoint but Gasol is an excellent passer so...I can let that pass.

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