NBA 2K15 News Post

The NBA 2K15 player ratings have been revealed for the 76th overall rated player through 100.

The top 50 players will be revealed later, as the Twitter account builds more followers.

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Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 kolanji @ 09/24/14 04:30 PM
IMO I THINK Joe Johnson is overrated IRL and in the game...i think Paul Pierce is better overall....but other than that, the new system seems spot on to me so far
# 22 bedwardsroy19 @ 09/24/14 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
What lakers24 said, and also they don't rate these guys just on what they did last year. He was much better the two years prior.
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
That's the problem many are having. The players most recently activity should be what he is graded on. Not things he did 2 seasons ago. Josh Smith is prime example of this
The most recent year is by far the most important in determining ratings and almost all that is used, I think one of my previous posts was misinterpreted and that is my fault.

I was simply saying that the year before is factored in slightly when determining some attributes as well. One great year wont give you as high as a rating as three consecutive great years.
# 23 2_headedmonster @ 09/24/14 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
But then you'd have guys that might have just had a fluke season rated far higher or lower than they should be.

2K has already said that if they come out and continue to play the way they did a year ago, their ratings will be adjusted.
the nba season is a huge sample size, so the fluke thing is a reach. Now if a person doesn't build upon the previous seasons progress, then let the updates reflect it. but don't discredit what a person did for 60+ games because they didnt do it two yrs ago as well.
# 24 love @ 09/24/14 04:58 PM
Someone needs to explain to me how Brandon Jennings' 37/33/75 (or 48.6% TS and an abysmal sub-40% in 2pt% or sub-50% finishing in the paint) or porous defense is deserving of an 80? I mean, he's an okay playmaker when he's not jacking up 15 shots (or 6 threes at an pretty low success rate) per game, but I'm at a loss for why he's so high other than for statistical volume's sake.
# 25 RocketTMac1 @ 09/24/14 05:01 PM
It's been a longtime but the QC finally has 3 guys ranked in the top 50 of a 2K videogame lol.

Kemba, Lance and Big Al are going to be a fun big 3 to play as
# 26 8KB24 @ 09/24/14 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by RocketTMac1
It's been a longtime but the QC finally has 3 guys ranked in the top 50 of a 2K videogame lol.

Kemba, Lance and Big Al are going to be a fun big 3 to play as
Hornets, 6ers and Lakers are gonna be my three MyGM save files that I'm gonna rape with building/rebuilding

They already are fun to play, especially when MKG develops something that looks like a jumpshot. Big Al-Vonleh-MKG-Lance-Kemba is nice and young lineup.
# 27 threattonature @ 09/24/14 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by love
Someone needs to explain to me how Brandon Jennings' 37/33/75 (or 48.6% TS and an abysmal sub-40% in 2pt% or sub-50% finishing in the paint) or porous defense is deserving of an 80? I mean, he's an okay playmaker when he's not jacking up 15 shots per game, but I'm at a loss for why he's so high other than for statistical volume's sake.
Hey you never know, maybe one of the new position types are high volume, low efficiency, PG at which he rates very high.

And am I going crazy or is Deron Williams still one of the top 50 players in the game?
# 28 RocketTMac1 @ 09/24/14 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
Hornets, 6ers and Lakers are gonna be my three MyGM save files that I'm gonna rape with building/rebuilding

They already are fun to play, especially when MKG develops something that looks like a jumpshot. Big Al-Vonleh-MKG-Lance-Kemba is nice and young lineup.
Yup. I'm just thinking what will I do when Al gets old. Who will I bring in? Also with Steph Curry talking about a possible homecoming I'll have decisions to make.
# 29 cowboy_kmoney @ 09/24/14 05:36 PM
Mods will u please stop all these Ppl frm krying. We all knw Its a new ratings system and Its in place for for them moving forward and making the game more realistic. Im Loving the ratings and The new system and all that awaits us in a kouple more weeks.
# 30 ksuttonjr76 @ 09/24/14 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Just like everybody else forgets the majority of the season

To keep/improve his rating he will have to perform much better than he did in the playoffs. Player's like Hibbert and Bogut impact the game in so many ways that basic statistics can't always show. Having an elite rim protector is a valuable asset to a team. There is a reason teams spend so much money to keep these types around
The scary part is...even WITH his post ASB collapse, advanced metrics will show he was STILL a top 3 (I want to say #1, but I don't remember off the top of head) DEFENSIVE/RIM PROTECTOR center.

There's a stat that shows the average FG% of players against Roy Hibbert when he "contests" shots or uses verticality around the rim relatively to the number of shots taken against him. I'm pretty sure he lead the league by a sizable margin. Also, you have to take in consideration his DWS and how much the defensive metrics are impacted when he's off the floor.

He might have not been much as a scoring or rebounding center, but you can't deny his defensive impact when he's on the floor. Indiana's defensive scheme was to protect the 3PT shot, force players to take tough mid-range jumpers, and "funnel" driving players into Roy Hibbert.
# 31 Daddy123 @ 09/24/14 05:39 PM
Roy Hibbert is a solid player don't get me wrong but after that playoff performance last year, he should be 75 or lower
# 32 8KB24 @ 09/24/14 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by RocketTMac1
Yup. I'm just thinking what will I do when Al gets old. Who will I bring in? Also with Steph Curry talking about a possible homecoming I'll have decisions to make.
Joel Embiid is obvious answer with that max money as RFA. Also DeMarcus Cousins.
# 33 8KB24 @ 09/24/14 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy123
Roy Hibbert is a solid player don't get me wrong but after that playoff performance last year, he should be 75 or lower
How did he play when Bynum wasn't around? Like his true self.
# 34 Halloween @ 09/24/14 05:46 PM
I'm dying to know what kind of individual ratings justify Rubio's 79.

He's not a 79 athlete. He's not a 79 defender. He's not a 79 shooter.

He better be a good ball handler to go along with his passing skills...
# 35 RocketTMac1 @ 09/24/14 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
Joel Embiid is obvious answer with that max money as RFA. Also DeMarcus Cousins.
But with the new injury system I'm afraid Embiid might be another Bynum lol. And Boogie would be a nice fit but he might bolt for a bigger market. So I might have to take a chance on Embiid.

I'm already loving the new game just for having me think this way lol.
# 36 RocketTMac1 @ 09/24/14 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Halloween
I'm dying to know what kind of individual ratings justify Rubio's 79.

He's not a 79 athlete. He's not a 79 defender. He's not a 79 shooter.

He better be a good ball handler to go along with his passing skills...
Rubio is a great passer, a fastbreak machine, his fundamentals might be high.
# 37 BMDinTDOT @ 09/24/14 06:02 PM
Looking at the Isiah Thomas pic the graphics still have along way to go
# 38 Saro1 @ 09/24/14 06:05 PM
MCW for me is overrated!
# 39 ksuttonjr76 @ 09/24/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Halloween
I'm dying to know what kind of individual ratings justify Rubio's 79.

He's not a 79 athlete. He's not a 79 defender. He's not a 79 shooter.

He better be a good ball handler to go along with his passing skills...
He's probably considered to be a "pass first" PG is be my guess. From that perspective, the 79 would make sense to me.
# 40 bigballa21 @ 09/24/14 06:10 PM
MCW with an 80? for real? Playing the highest pace in the league inflated his stats or is it just me? On the other hand, this isn't really all that important to be honest.

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