FIFA 15 has found its way into stores, and many of you are no doubt spending big parts of your day playing this year's game. You can check out our initial impressions of the game here.
What do you think about the game? Post your impressions here!
So is the linesman going to do that smirk (when he moves half of his lip) every single time they show him? Only the first time I thought that it was a nice touch to have facial expressions, but every single time???? It's exaggerated and already annoying.
When you say speed, are you referring to the movement of the players, or the pace of play (i.e. lack of buildup, mostly counter-attack)?
'Cause I actually don't mind the movement speed of players (though I would prefer something in-between FIFA and PES), but the lack of buildup, and general pace of play in terms of type of football being played, is a huge issue for me. Not that I don't like exciting matches, I just like realistic variety.
I mean pace not necessarily movement. The game is just ballistic from the start, like at all moments there are 20 little mice fighting for scraps of cheese. If you attempt to slow the pace it backfires.
Once again I typed up a detailed reasoning behind why there is no buildup play in the game and the thread reply froze. This is on iPad. I lost all of it. This is annoying.
I digress...
Short version, buildup up play by the CPU is absent bcause the CPU still won't make risky passes and the man marking is too tight in the midfield so the CPU doesn't think anyone is open so they just go on silly dribble runs.
The fix but not solution would be to loosen human marking (but only in midfield) which is impossible.
But the real solution is in the coding. IRL football the player receiving the pass will run back towards his own goal to collect it while looking for pass targets in his periphery. This is totally missing from fifa. So all they need to do is code passing targets to make runs back towards their own goal much more often. It's this going forward while incrementally going backwards that is missing from the build up play.
No, I don't think there's any maximum word limit. If you think it's a site issue, you can post in Steve's Forum describing the problem.
As for your FIFA issue, I'm a fan of lowering the run frequency sliders to help with this. It doesn't truly make players show for the ball or move backwards to find space, but it makes them run forward less and stand still a little more. You still get forward runs; eg, instead of 3 or 4 guys bursting forward at once on the counter, maybe only 1 or 2 will. I find it works with the relatively high default CTT build up speeds and pass risk as well. It's overly simplistic, but think of it like halving frequency makes those tactics values play like half of their setting (60 plays like 30, and so on).
I'm not sure how much you want to fiddle with sliders. I've had it as low as 25 in the past - a few even tout using zero - but haven't played any offline matches yet to know what I'll do this year. I think I saw Orion with it down around 40 in his new sliders and he usually kept it at or near default in FIFA14.
Something to try at least, because those NPCs aren't getting any smarter. For those talking about the "pace of play", I think run frequency does more to address that than nerfing speed and/or acceleration.
I'd say the reason for that is the CPU never holds up the play.
It is just a constant string to runs, spins, jukes and passes. It never just stops to survey the field, the way I do. Or real players do.
So even 'slow' results in a very frantic game at times!!
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This is 100% exactly the issue IMO.
The CPU, on World Class / 10 minute halves anyway, moves like they already know the next ten tasks they'll perform in attack and they set about completing those tasks like their collective hair is on fire.
Sim crowd wants non-sim game to play sim out of the box with no tweaks?
You guys know what FIFA is right?
If I sat down and analyzed every bit of soccer in FIFA I am sure I would find tons of oddities and inconsistencies with the sport; but as far as fun goes this is the best FIFA to date. I am absolutely loving it. I just wish I could settle on a formation in career mode .
Once again I typed up a detailed reasoning behind why there is no buildup play in the game and the thread reply froze. This is on iPad. I lost all of it. This is annoying.
I digress...
Short version, buildup up play by the CPU is absent bcause the CPU still won't make risky passes and the man marking is too tight in the midfield so the CPU doesn't think anyone is open so they just go on silly dribble runs.
The fix but not solution would be to loosen human marking (but only in midfield) which is impossible.
But the real solution is in the coding. IRL football the player receiving the pass will run back towards his own goal to collect it while looking for pass targets in his periphery. This is totally missing from fifa. So all they need to do is code passing targets to make runs back towards their own goal much more often. It's this going forward while incrementally going backwards that is missing from the build up play.
Originally Posted by BL8001
Continuing the previous post.
You can see the player run logic built into your trigger player run button (LB) doing the same thing. 95% of the time the player runs forward only. I swear this button made the players run to space in like fifa 11 or 12 and not just forward.
The fact is, space, often, is backwards of your player location.
Strangely enough though, on lower difficulties I see my cpu controlled teammates make better diagonal runs and hook runs while signaling their intent with hand signals. These still are all forward minded runs.
I don't think ea could patch it so that their cpu players came back towards passes in midfield but that would be the simple answer to creating more buildup play and less frenetic ping pong race up the field/or ludicrous dribble run cpu gameplay.
I am just saying across the board in this game nobody ever seems to come back to the ball that frequently.
A staple of the game.
The "player running back towards his own goal" totally depends on the situation and the kind of pass the ST/CF receives. If the marking is tight and the pass is to his feet then he can either use his body to shield it for true hold-up play or, like you say, control it while moving away from goal. If the marking isn't tight maybe the pass plays him into space where he can run onto it. It should be very situational.
IMO, the issue with FIFA in regards to this is with your holding midfielders not actually "holding". They don't build a wall in front of your back 4 like they should and your back 4 is exposed. To compound the issue the marking out of the box is severely lacking. There isn't a manager/coach in the world that would instruct their CB's to allow an attacker to get the ball at the top of the box with no pressure. What ends up happening is your CB's are immediately put under siege and your defense goes into scramble mode. It also decreases the chances of the CPU playing back-passes (and increasing possession %'s) because there are much better options available. I've yet to see many back-passes in this game but saw them more frequently in '14.
I've seen my players, especially Diego Costa, make diagonal runs towards the side touch-line. Maybe it's a player rating thing? Positional awareness?
Some great points above. I wrapped up a 3 hour FIFA 15 session last night and was emo and bummed about the pace.
I think sliders will help and Run Frequency is an obvious candidate, along with line height. I *really* hope I don't have to fumble f%#@ around with CTTs this year, but I'll do that if it helps! I also have to remember that I'm playing on 10 minute halves again for the first time since FIFA 13. I just don't have the time or patience to work through 15 minute halves this year. I'm pretty sure the length of the matches determines pacing, too. If I am able to *fix* the pace, I might not like the low scores that follow. Orion, et al take note: 10 minute halves might not be tenable for Sim fans.
Meanwhile, I'd be lying if I didn't say this year's FIFA is *much* more "entertaining" out of the box. E.g. It goes well with a cheap beer while last year's offering was more of a red wine. In fact, I think I played FIFA 14 so much that I'm going through the inevitable withdrawal period where the new year's FIFA feels utterly foreign.
One thing I wish they hadn't changed in the UI this year is the formation graphics. They used 3d renderings that are at a weird angle and it makes it incredibly difficult to determine spacing. They should have left well enough alone there.
Sim crowd wants non-sim game to play sim out of the box with no tweaks?
You guys know what FIFA is right?
If I sat down and analyzed every bit of soccer in FIFA I am sure I would find tons of oddities and inconsistencies with the sport; but as far as fun goes this is the best FIFA to date. I am absolutely loving it. I just wish I could settle on a formation in career mode .
As a scouser you should follow your inner Rafa and have at least 6 formations ready!
KG, I think it may be a player rating thing. Also the commands you can issue in the team sheets and also the difficulty level you have chosen. And what the CPU feels like doing with the AI and Sliders.
It really is a giant quagmire of things affecting one another.
And part of the reason, (in this thread, where people are going this game is great! this game is lacking! why does this happen? this was amazing!) why there is varied opinion on FIFA every year is because of how differently the game plays in different modes.
Weekly challenge gameplay is nothing like FUT is nothing like CM is nothing like online is nothing like kickoff. Many of the ways to play don't allow slider changes. And each of those gameplay modes also seems to vary according to difficulty.
With 4 million teams included and so many different ways to play its no wonder opinion on the fifa titles varies wildly.
KG, I think it may be a player rating thing. Also the commands you can issue in the team sheets and also the difficulty level you have chosen. And what the CPU feels like doing with the AI and Sliders.
It really is a giant quagmire of things affecting one another.
And part of the reason, (in this thread, where people are going this game is great! this game is lacking! why does this happen? this was amazing!) why there is varied opinion on FIFA every year is because of how differently the game plays in different modes.
Weekly challenge gameplay is nothing like FUT is nothing like CM is nothing like online is nothing like kickoff. Many of the ways to play don't allow slider changes. And each of those gameplay modes also seems to vary according to difficulty.
With 4 million teams included and so many different ways to play its no wonder opinion on the fifa titles varies wildly.
It's true, and I should also prepare everybody for my diatribes being limited to Career Mode in a lower league. I'm playing with Nottingham Forest. That said, I do get annoyed when I see players on Millwall dribbling the %@$ing football like they're playing in a Champions League final.
KG, I think it may be a player rating thing. Also the commands you can issue in the team sheets and also the difficulty level you have chosen. And what the CPU feels like doing with the AI and Sliders.
It really is a giant quagmire of things affecting one another.
And part of the reason, (in this thread, where people are going this game is great! this game is lacking! why does this happen? this was amazing!) why there is varied opinion on FIFA every year is because of how differently the game plays in different modes.
Weekly challenge gameplay is nothing like FUT is nothing like CM is nothing like online is nothing like kickoff. Many of the ways to play don't allow slider changes. And each of those gameplay modes also seems to vary according to difficulty.
With 4 million teams included and so many different ways to play its no wonder opinion on the fifa titles varies wildly.
Yeah, the first game I fired up was the weekly challenge of Milan-Juventus (a great game of Italian footy IRL) and the pace was so Serie A it was frightening (in a good way). Then I jumped into a CM fooling around with Chelsea vs Burnley and it was as frantic as can be. I need some more time to test this out on a separate note, the weekly challenges are and have always been fantastic as a supplement to a career mode.
I'm kind of finding that my players seem to get "stuck on mud" at times and move reaaaally slow even when I press down on the Sprint button. It has happened fairly often in my Career Mode with Dortmund and its quite annoying because the it doesn't happen at all to the CPU and so I end up losing the ball way too much in situations I shouldn't. Its just a really weird issue.
Also, getting a bit annoyed about all the clean slide tackles that the CPU does, its a bit absurd. In one match in particular they had 10+, and in some situations I had the defender beaten only to have them lunge at my player and cleanly take the ball away. Playing on World Class.
I'm kind of finding that my players seem to get "stuck on mud" at times and move reaaaally slow even when I press down on the Sprint button. It has happened fairly often in my Career Mode with Dortmund and its quite annoying because the it doesn't happen at all to the CPU and so I end up losing the ball way too much in situations I shouldn't. Its just a really weird issue.
I think I know what you mean and I'm experiencing that as well. I will also have moments where despite pressing the pass button (particularly through balls), my player just keeps moving/dribbling. It's like the command is lost in the shuffle or something. I imagine this will be fixed with a patch. In fact, I'll bet by the second week of October, there will be a patch (if not sooner).
Some great points above. I wrapped up a 3 hour FIFA 15 session last night and was emo and bummed about the pace.
I think sliders will help and Run Frequency is an obvious candidate, along with line height. I *really* hope I don't have to fumble f%#@ around with CTTs this year, but I'll do that if it helps! I also have to remember that I'm playing on 10 minute halves again for the first time since FIFA 13. I just don't have the time or patience to work through 15 minute halves this year. I'm pretty sure the length of the matches determines pacing, too. If I am able to *fix* the pace, I might not like the low scores that follow. Orion, et al take note: 10 minute halves might not be tenable for Sim fans.
Meanwhile, I'd be lying if I didn't say this year's FIFA is *much* more "entertaining" out of the box. E.g. It goes well with a cheap beer while last year's offering was more of a red wine. In fact, I think I played FIFA 14 so much that I'm going through the inevitable withdrawal period where the new year's FIFA feels utterly foreign.
One thing I wish they hadn't changed in the UI this year is the formation graphics. They used 3d renderings that are at a weird angle and it makes it incredibly difficult to determine spacing. They should have left well enough alone there.
I think they screwed up the formation UI big-time. For one, if you have a CAM sitting right behind your ST you cannot read the players name because it's blocked. Secondly, when you go to change formation the players names or #'s don't appear on the graphic. Lastly, it seems like they removed a lot of formations or like Hutton said, incorrectly named them 4-5-1 or something similar. UGH!
I think they screwed up the formation UI big-time. For one, if you have a CAM sitting right behind your ST you cannot read the players name because it's blocked. Secondly, when you go to change formation the players names or #'s don't appear on the graphic. Lastly, it seems like they removed a lot of formations or like Hutton said, incorrectly named them 4-5-1 or something similar. UGH!
Let's be honest. The formations menu is an unadorned cluster#%&@.
I don't even know if that can be fixed with a patch. We'll probably have to live with it and that's a damn shame because it's one of the most important parts of the Team Sheet, let alone the game.
Why EA? Why did you change something that was simple & easy to use, replacing it with some fancy 3Dish formation view?
Also somewhat related; why for the love of God did EA replace the formation named 4-2-3-1 (and others) and lump it into a 4-5-1? This is so damn unnecessary and confusing.
And to top it off, in FUT you can still assign the traditional 4-2-3-1, but that form doesn't exist in the Team Sheet GUI. Why EA, just why?
I get it that the 4-5-1 has many variations, but I agree with you. Why call them all 4-5-1 and making it harder on us?
West Ham or Liverpool for my Career mode? I will ponder this at work all day and fire it up when I get home. My formation will depend on what conclusion I come to there.
West Ham or Liverpool for my Career mode? I will ponder this at work all day and fire it up when I get home. My formation will depend on what conclusion I come to there.
If current form is any indication, Liverpool may not be in the premier league next year, so go with West Ham!
The "player running back towards his own goal" totally depends on the situation and the kind of pass the ST/CF receives. If the marking is tight and the pass is to his feet then he can either use his body to shield it for true hold-up play or, like you say, control it while moving away from goal. If the marking isn't tight maybe the pass plays him into space where he can run onto it. It should be very situational.
IMO, the issue with FIFA in regards to this is with your holding midfielders not actually "holding". They don't build a wall in front of your back 4 like they should and your back 4 is exposed. To compound the issue the marking out of the box is severely lacking. There isn't a manager/coach in the world that would instruct their CB's to allow an attacker to get the ball at the top of the box with no pressure. What ends up happening is your CB's are immediately put under siege and your defense goes into scramble mode. It also decreases the chances of the CPU playing back-passes (and increasing possession %'s) because there are much better options available. I've yet to see many back-passes in this game but saw them more frequently in '14.
I've seen my players, especially Diego Costa, make diagonal runs towards the side touch-line. Maybe it's a player rating thing? Positional awareness?
^^^This. The problem is that the defensive AI is downright terrible at times when it comes to tactical discipline, tracking runs, and basic marking.
It's clear that when they upgraded the attacking AI two years ago, they did not sufficiently upgrade the defensive AI to accomodate. After last year I thought for sure they'd compensate, but instead it's even more attack-oriented and open this year.
It's a shame because the attacking football on show in this game can be pretty awesome. But when it comes so easily and cheaply because of poor defending, it doesn't satisfy like it should.
I think people are complaining more they should. Game is the best in years. It will never be perfect.
About defending, attacking etc, I´m having the best fun I´ve haver had in a soccer game. I know CPU gets easily to the box, but I´m adjusting my way of play to avoid it and I´m quite achieving it. Its a more patient approach. Now I always remind that if I go crazy on the midfield pressing, I will most likely pay for it and to be honest, I think its a great way to make this game better.