WWE 2K15 News Post

A post tonight on NeoGaf shows a WWE Network screenshot showing three different versions of WWE 2K15, an Xbox 360, Xbox One and a PC version. There is no official word on whether a PC version actually exists, and we are reaching out for official comment on whether it is true. Late last month, Attack of the Fanboy reported a similar rumor citing a Korean Games Rating Board has WWE 2K15 as a PC game releasing in 2015. Another item to note would be whether or not the PC version would be last-gen or current-gen.

Regardless of if the rumor is true or not, a PC version would be welcome news as the medium has had a resurgence in recent years thanks to platforms like Steam -- and modders would likely have a field day with a game like WWE 2K15. Count us as excited about the possibility.

UPDATE: Official comment from 2K... Stay tuned to @WWEGames for any future announcements.

Would you be interested in a PC version of WWE 2K15?

Game: WWE 2K15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Phreezy P @ 09/23/14 12:45 AM
All signs are pointing to this being true right now!

# 2 Rams_3 @ 09/23/14 12:51 AM
Hell yeah. MOOOOOODS!!!!
# 3 ghettog @ 09/23/14 12:52 AM
If its the PS4/ONE version then I would definitely buy it.
# 4 drewst18 @ 09/23/14 02:26 AM
Flame me if you will, I am typically a pirate for my offline games (I know, I'm terrible, I buy if I like it to support) but the resurgence of sports games on PC is such a welcome addition I may buy multiple copies and gift them to support, What I wouldn't do to have madden or NHL back on PC, seeing what modders have done with NBA and previous versions of the aforementioned games.
# 5 Dylonus @ 09/23/14 02:43 AM
Still getting this on PS4 or Xbox One (whichever allows custom music in game) but PC could be BEAST... It'll probably get a QUICK sale on Steam...
# 6 cattlekiller @ 09/23/14 02:56 AM
"Would you be interested in a PC version of WWE 2K15? "

For sure!
I was on the fence about upgrading to a PS4/Xboxone just for this game, and since I am a avid PC gamer this would be best the best choice by far.Thank you 2K if this is true.
# 7 SQI @ 09/23/14 03:26 AM
"Would you be interested in a PC version of WWE 2K15? "

Yes, yes, yes! I have PS4 but I would rather have this one on PC.
# 8 SoxFan01605 @ 09/23/14 06:27 AM
I would dance like a little girl on a sugar high if true, but until it's an official announcement from 2K, I refuse to fall for the hype.
# 9 jpollack34 @ 09/23/14 07:53 AM
"Would you be interested in a PC version of WWE 2K15? "

Are you joking.... OF COURSE we would be interested. I'm increasingly turning to PC Gaming last couple of years as it provides the most flexible options. It has a ton of great games at cheaper prices, and most importantly MODS !!
# 10 brandonc1979 @ 09/23/14 08:16 AM
Hey look! They finally changed the pic promoting the "Full Roster Reveal!" to "Roster Reveal Part 1".
# 11 fearwhatnow @ 09/23/14 09:03 AM
Looks like we're close to official confirmation for this. The surprise might be even bigger as we may see a pc release not in 2015 but some weeks after the XB1/PS4 one and right before Christmas.
# 12 GlennN @ 09/23/14 09:45 AM
Not even a little bit. Not a wrestling fan. But, I like the precedent this could set (especially if it sells well). I'd love to have updated football and hockey on the PC.
# 13 elgreazy1 @ 09/23/14 10:33 AM
I'm hoping so. I don't even own a PC or am a PC-gamer, but having a solid sports title on the platform will offer a huge opportunity to see what mods can do to a game. People are creative enough with the in-game editing tools, I can't imagine what some computer-geeks can do.

And again, maybe this will incentivize 2K to put out other sports games on PC **coughFOOTBALLcough** as a test run.
# 14 realultimatepower @ 09/23/14 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by GlennN
Not even a little bit. Not a wrestling fan. But, I like the precedent this could set (especially if it sells well). I'd love to have updated football and hockey on the PC.
I would too, but EA holds all the cards on that. WWE making it to the PC now makes sense since 2K is pretty supportive of the platform. I really want NHL on PC and while I love FIFA, EA need to get their heads out of their asses and bring Madden and NHL back to it.
# 15 Goffs @ 09/23/14 11:28 AM
YES! Finally a wrestling game on the PC! Now we need Hockey, UFC and Football!
# 16 TemplateR @ 09/23/14 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
YES! Finally a wrestling game on the PC! Now we need Hockey, UFC and Football!
And Baseball

If a WWE 2k15 will comes to PC, then it would be great for WWE-Fans. Well for me, I´m not interestet in WWE in general.
# 17 MelMan1486 @ 09/23/14 02:04 PM
Haven't purchased a wrestling game since the N64 days but if this releases for the pc this is going to have to be a must have. After seeing what the MOD community does with NBA 2k I have no doubt they will deliver
# 18 StevenSD @ 09/23/14 02:21 PM
Count me in as for giving 2k more money. I'll glady take the ps4 and pc version.
# 19 dOm_CaTz @ 09/23/14 04:17 PM
As long as it's the ps4/xb1 version of the game it would be the one I pick up, just look at the crazy stuff that's VGCW and then putting that stuff with mods on pc just insane.
# 20 Gramps91 @ 09/23/14 05:07 PM
I'd be all for getting it for PC..... if I had a better PC

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