Week 2 was another big success with 93 Operationsports members playing in our championship league! It’s not too late to join, since each league lasts just one week. Week 3’s league is just $5 to enter, pays out $500 in total cash prizes, and the winner gets to compete for the championship and a free Playstation 4 or Xbox One in the week 5 final!
Here’s the link for week 3’s league. All lineups lock and the league starts on Sunday at 1:00 PM ET.
Congratulations to Ertlt, who won the week 2 league behind 80 combined points from a trio of Green Bay Packers. Aaron Rodgers, Jordy Nelson and Randal Cobb combined for 80 of his 149 points!
Here’s Ertlt's full team, which was good for a nice $75 payout in week 2! For his win, Ertlt also earns a chance to win a PS4 in the week 5 championship league.

Click here to join the week 3 league. Good luck!