Week 1 was a giant success with 90 Operation Sports members playing in our championship league! It’s not too late to join, since each league lasts just one week. Week 2’s league is just $5 to enter, pays out $500 in total cash prizes, and the winner gets to compete for the championship and a free Playstation 4 in the week 5 final!
Here’s the link for week 2’s league. All lineups lock and the league starts on Sunday at 1:00 PM ET.
Congratulations to Candyman05os, who won the week 1 league behind the strong performance of Julius Thomas. Only 6 other teams in our league selected Thomas, whose 3-touchdown performance gave Candyman the edge over 2nd place finisher wwharton and his squad lead by Matt Ryan.
Here’s Candyman’s full team, which was good for a cool $150 payout in week 1!

Click here to join the week 2 league. Good luck!