NBA 2K15 News Post

Calling a time-out in NBA 2K15 when you don't have any left, will result in a technical foul, according to LD2K. While it has been in the game before, it wasn't in last year. Don't be this guy.

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# 21 Real2KInsider @ 09/10/14 06:08 PM
Honestly not a fan of this, and disappointed to see it back. Is the game going to display timeouts on the screen? It's very easy to lose track or even mis-click.

This frankly never happens at the professional level and does not belong in an NBA game. It's a video game for a reason. What is this adding at a competitive level? Is the CPU ever going to make this mistake? No. It's just there to screw the user up, as if the AI cheating weren't enough.
# 22 Tomb Of God @ 09/10/14 07:39 PM
Couldn't someone just continue calling TO's over and over again to ruin a game near the end? This seems very exploitable by someone who wants to ruin a game by being a poor sport loser.
# 23 reptilexcq @ 09/10/14 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by PippenAintEasy
Because that's what happens in real life...
So is trash talking...so is throwing chairs...so is punching and kicking the ball into the crowd...how come i don't see those in the game as well? HEY...it's in the game right??? The point is....it doesn't make sense to put something that is very unlikely to happen in real NBA. I would rather see getting tech for trash talking and kicking/punching the ball into the crowd. Those events are more likely to happen than giving a T for calling none timeout left.
# 24 VDusen04 @ 09/10/14 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
So is trash talking...so is throwing chairs...so is punching and kicking the ball into the crowd...how come i don't see those in the game as well? HEY...it's in the game right??? The point is....it doesn't make sense to put something that is very unlikely to happen in real NBA. I would rather see getting tech for trash talking and kicking/punching the ball into the crowd. Those events are more likely to happen than giving a T for calling none timeout left.
Unlike the majority of the examples mentioned, calling a time-out when none are remaining is not an unsportsmanlike act. Trash talking, throwing chairs and punching are all examples of things that have been well established as aspects the NBA wishes not to have reflected in their video game products, due to their negative connotations.

Personally, as long as there is a consistent way for gamers to know their exact time-out situations (example, pressing pause to reveal how many time-outs are left per team, in addition to semi-frequent late game overlays) I have very little issue with this addition. In fact, I find it to be an appreciated detail.
# 25 Boilerbuzz @ 09/10/14 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rashidi
Honestly not a fan of this, and disappointed to see it back. Is the game going to display timeouts on the screen? It's very easy to lose track or even mis-click.

This frankly never happens at the professional level and does not belong in an NBA game. It's a video game for a reason. What is this adding at a competitive level? Is the CPU ever going to make this mistake? No. It's just there to screw the user up, as if the AI cheating weren't enough.
Seriously? Yes, based on the Gamescon footage, the game DOES show you your TOR. But did you seriously just say this doesn't happen in the NBA? Wow. It HAS happened in the NBA. I can't remember when. But lets say, it didn't. You know why it doesn't? Because NBA coaches pay attention to the number of timeouts left. Now, maybe you're not one of those "I have to control EVERYTHING. I don't want the game to do anything for me" control freaks. But to complain that the game observes a rule under any circumstances goes against the main mantra of this site of being all about being SIM. If you don't like it, pay attention to your timeouts. It's just that simple. To claim it's just there to screw the user is off base. It's there to observe a rule. If a user is too lazy to look at the scorebug for his TOR, then how is that on the game? It takes LESS than a second. A THOUSAND times less time it took for you to type that post.
# 26 Boilerbuzz @ 09/10/14 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
So is trash talking...so is throwing chairs...so is punching and kicking the ball into the crowd...how come i don't see those in the game as well?
Because it DETRACTS from the actual game. The "interface" to it would not be simple to impliment. And most importantly: the NBA would not allow it in the game. Not, yelling, just pointing to that as the biggest and primary reason you have not seen it in the game. The ONLY league OK with fights is the NHL. Hell, the NFL made developers take out the term "severe concussion" a while back.

HEY...it's in the game right??? The point is....it doesn't make sense to put something that is very unlikely to happen in real NBA.
That's the worst argument I've ever seen concerning observing rules in a sports game. Just wow. I remember when people were HAPPY that NFL 2K observed the rule that allowed Devin Hester to return a missed FG attempt. It had rarely EVER happened, yet, it was in the game and people were stoked.

I would rather see getting tech for trash talking and kicking/punching the ball into the crowd. Those events are more likely to happen than giving a T for calling none timeout left.
Um... Don't you get a technical for swearing at your Kinect? Hmmm...

You guys...

# 27 youvalss @ 09/10/14 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
Still waiting for the day when we can argue foul calls/no-calls and get realistic techs and flagrants all around, instead of a few random ones from swearing at Kinect (or calling a time-out and having it register as a bad word).
If you can beat the crap out of the other guy in NHL games, there's no reason this shouldn't be included in a basketball game.
# 28 Boilerbuzz @ 09/10/14 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Tomb Of God
Couldn't someone just continue calling TO's over and over again to ruin a game near the end? This seems very exploitable by someone who wants to ruin a game by being a poor sport loser.
I could see this. But this would just prolong their own suffering wouldn't it.
# 29 Goffs @ 09/10/14 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
So is trash talking...so is throwing chairs...so is punching and kicking the ball into the crowd...how come i don't see those in the game as well? HEY...it's in the game right??? The point is....it doesn't make sense to put something that is very unlikely to happen in real NBA. I would rather see getting tech for trash talking and kicking/punching the ball into the crowd. Those events are more likely to happen than giving a T for calling none timeout left.
Which do you think the NBA would allow? A technical foul called when there's no more time out or the examples you give.....

jeez...this is just straight up common sense....

A good example would've been a player hanging on the rim for too long after a dunk. Not fighting and stupid **** like you said....
# 30 Goffs @ 09/10/14 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I could see this. But this would just prolong their own suffering wouldn't it.
If it's just to annoy the other player I don't think he would mind losing.....
# 31 Scramz718 @ 09/10/14 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tomb Of God
Couldn't someone just continue calling TO's over and over again to ruin a game near the end? This seems very exploitable by someone who wants to ruin a game by being a poor sport loser.

I'm pretty sure they'll be a limit. Exceed the limit then the troll will be force to forfeit. just like intentional fouls or player refusing to inbound the ball.

Originally Posted by WISports
Sounds good to me. But there has to be a spot where we can see how many timeouts we have remaining. Even if it's on the pause screen.

Also, I'm sure there will be an option where you can turn this off and on.

In 2k14 they're indicators on score board the show how many remaining TOs each team has. Most likely 2k15 will have it too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 32 gregsactly @ 09/11/14 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by yellow86
I think there should be an option to react to a call:
A) running away - random tech
B) stare at the referee (X) - random tech, less likely tech
C) talk to him (triangle) - random tech, likely tech
D) make hand signals (O) - random tech, more likely
E) go nuts / throw tantrum (square) - tech!
This is a feature I can see being well equipped in MyCareeer.
# 33 Sundown @ 09/11/14 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Rashidi
Honestly not a fan of this, and disappointed to see it back. Is the game going to display timeouts on the screen? It's very easy to lose track or even mis-click.

This frankly never happens at the professional level and does not belong in an NBA game. It's a video game for a reason. What is this adding at a competitive level? Is the CPU ever going to make this mistake? No. It's just there to screw the user up, as if the AI cheating weren't enough.
Professionally coaches keep track of how many timeouts they have. Just do the same thing. Problem solved.
# 34 TCFClemson @ 09/11/14 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Tomb Of God
Couldn't someone just continue calling TO's over and over again to ruin a game near the end? This seems very exploitable by someone who wants to ruin a game by being a poor sport loser.
Cant call time outs unless you have the ball so while yes it would delay the game its not like they could delay it infinitely.
# 35 TCFClemson @ 09/11/14 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
I thought you're talking about getting TECH for trash talking on the mic...but getting tech while calling timeout when you have none is not cool. I would think it's going to annoy some people. What IS the point of putting that in the game anyway.
Part of the game should be keeping track of how many time outs you have.
# 36 CBfromCU32 @ 09/11/14 10:32 AM
The referees should all call the game a little differently. Why not just have all the real refs in the game and their different styles.. I think Fifa does this.. Also there has to be someway to implement technical fouls based on player personalities/ref personalities coaches ect. That would make the reactions to different calls actually have an effect on the game and give the refs some life. I still don't understand why techs aren't in the game its apart of basketball
# 37 CBfromCU32 @ 09/11/14 10:40 AM
There has to be ways you could do it without having players going Ron Artest in the stands.. To even suggest that is just stupid..
# 38 Poke @ 09/11/14 11:15 AM
I mentioned arguing calls as one of my wishes in my 2K15 wish list thread a couple of months back. I said it should ble handled like this:

"Technical Fouls need to be in the game for more than infractions. For instance if you think a bad foul call is made you should be able to argue the call during the break in action which will fire your player up and give him a temporary 1.5 min stat boost. But this should be a gamble which may result in a tech instead. There should be some type of badge that help dictate the likelihood of the tech. For people like Lebron it would rarely result in a tech but people like Lance Stephenson or D. Cousins it would."
# 39 Sdrawkcab321 @ 09/11/14 01:57 PM
In one of the inside drive games you could get a tech by going up to the ref and hitting the swip button to steal the ball. You hit the ref and get a tech. Bring that back lol
# 40 BA2929 @ 09/11/14 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sdrawkcab321
In one of the inside drive games you could get a tech by going up to the ref and hitting the swip button to steal the ball. You hit the ref and get a tech. Bring that back lol
While that would be extremely fun and hilarious, I doubt the NBA would want that in their game.

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