Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports will completely remove Ray Rice from Madden NFL 15 in the next roster update, which is scheduled to arrive later this week.

UPDATE: The official Madden NFL 15 twitter account has just made it official. The roster update arrives on Friday.

Source - Mike Garafolo: FOX Sports 1 NFL insider

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Member Comments
# 21 Sheba2011 @ 09/09/14 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by TexasFan2005
Yep, I like to choose the same uniforms, arrange the depth charts as closely as possible, and control the winning team. In this case, it's going to be a bit difficult beating NE since I'm not the best player in the world, but I'll try for a few games. If I can't beat NE after a couple, I'll just sim the game and move on. I know I can't get results 100% the same as in real life, but I like to try anyways. It's really the only way I can enjoy Madden.
Everyone plays the game differently, only thing that matters is if you enjoy it. I wouldn't have the patience to do something like that lol.
# 22 Shon 23 @ 09/09/14 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
That's why I always just go ahead and move forward. You have to just pretend that your CFM is your own little NFL universe. It's impossible for everything to stay exactly like it is in real life forever. I just roll with it. I'll be playing with him in the game.
I agree with this and with what Sheba just said, so I'm finally going forward and starting my solo online CFM tonight regardless of the Rice roster situation (not really a big deal). Time for some CFM gaming action. I plan on restarting my CFM once the offline CFM patch fixes roll out anyway.
# 23 Sheba2011 @ 09/09/14 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by ForTheQuinn94
I agree with this and with what Sheba just said, so I'm finally going forward and starting my solo online CFM tonight regardless of the Rice roster situation (not really a big deal). Time for some CFM gaming action. I plan on restarting my CFM once the offline CFM patch fixes roll out anyway.
I finally started a CFM to hold me over until the offline patch is released. Online is not an option for me as I travel so much for work and take my PS4 with me. Once I start my CFM though it is my own world completely separate from the real NFL. I edit players who I think are highly overrated in the real NFL and raise players I think are underrated. With Ray Rice I did what someone else mentioned, I lowered all his ratings so no one will sign him. Problem solved.
# 24 azdawgpound @ 09/09/14 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
I finally started a CFM to hold me over until the offline patch is released. Online is not an option for me as I travel so much for work and take my PS4 with me. Once I start my CFM though it is my own world completely separate from the real NFL. I edit players who I think are highly overrated in the real NFL and raise players I think are underrated. With Ray Rice I did what someone else mentioned, I lowered all his ratings so no one will sign him. Problem solved.

I made him a punter and released him he sits in the FA pool with 0 overall.
# 25 jbrock11 @ 09/09/14 01:56 PM
All this white knighting is even more disgusting than what Rice did. Dude had a domestic dispute with his now wife that has forgiven him btw but the media and idiot public want to hang the man. Completely disgraceful. Crazy to think that the public hasn't changed much from the witch trial days.
# 26 RogueHominid @ 09/09/14 02:00 PM
All I can say is good riddance.
# 27 Shon 23 @ 09/09/14 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by jbrock11
All this white knighting is even more disgusting than what Rice did. Dude had a domestic dispute with his now wife that has forgiven him btw but the media and idiot public want to hang the man. Completely disgraceful. Crazy to think that the public hasn't changed much from the witch trial days.
Even MORE disgusting than what Rice did? Are you F'ing serious? Do you also hit women by chance?

She took a closed-fisted, right hook from a stout, and strong (needless to say) NFL football player.. that kinda crap can kill someone, especially a fragile female. The guy should be arrested, there is no witch trial here. He was just stupid enough to do such a heinous act with security cameras rolling, since you know, they are basically everywhere nowadays.

What IS digusting are the ones in that Ravens crowd during camp and pre-season that gave Rice a standing ovation, on more than one occasion.
# 28 MoneyOvaHuds @ 09/09/14 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Can we all agree that Rice will most likely never play in the NFL again?

Naw he'll be back next season
# 29 Shon 23 @ 09/09/14 02:14 PM
I remember watching Rice back when he played for Rutgers. I believe they had a 10 win season that year. He might have had an O-line, but he definitely contributed greatly to that 10 win season. Then he got drafted and the Rutgers stunk again. Anyways, what a shame, but oh well...
# 30 kehlis @ 09/09/14 02:18 PM
This thread is not about what happened, please get the discussion back to how it relates to Madden.

If you want to discuss the situation there is an ongoing conversation about it in the pro football section.
# 31 StevenSD @ 09/09/14 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by jbrock11
Dude had a domestic dispute with his now wife that has forgiven him btw
You don't think she's sticking around for his money?

Plus that wasn't a domestic dispute, it was DV 100%.
# 32 decga @ 09/09/14 02:19 PM
Ea, Ravens and the NFL are cowards and walk behinders. The guy was put in front of a judge. The judge gave him his punishment under the first time offense rule. The NFL and Ravens punk butts follow suit like idiots. Instead of doing the right thing from the jump.

I don't agree with what Ray did. But I don't agree with the NFL are doing now either. You came up with a policy. 1st time offense 6 games, 2nd offense lifetime ban. SMDH!!!!!
# 33 Sheba2011 @ 09/09/14 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Can we all agree that Rice will most likely never play in the NFL again?
I think he will be back at some point, he will take the year off go through sensitivity training, do some volunteer work with a woman's right organization and be playing for some team next September.
# 34 kackle85 @ 09/09/14 02:29 PM
Now all they need to do is remove the Madden from Madden.
# 35 Bull_Market @ 09/09/14 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
He is no longer part of the NFL, why should he be in the game? His contract was terminated and he was suspended indefinitely by the league. There is even talk of him being kicked out of the union at this point.
Yet we have a retired David Wilson.
# 36 kehlis @ 09/09/14 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Not to mention, the NFL ahem *Goodell* and co, came up with these policies on the fly as things were coming to light, AFTER they sanctioned him. So they say "Rice, you did this, so your punishment is this"... Then they say "Oh by the way, now that we see what really happened, we're changing our stance, you're just screwed pal".

For the last time.

Please use this thread to discuss how it applies to Madden.

Not the situation. That can be discussed in the pro football forum where it's been being discussed for awhile now.
# 37 Last Gunfighter @ 09/09/14 03:12 PM
This is pretty cut and dry, if you want him out of the game and don't want to wait for the next roster update take the advice of an earlier poster and make him a punter and cut him, he will remain a FA forever, simple, done deal.
# 38 yougo1000 @ 09/09/14 04:41 PM
I have no problem removing him from the online modes but I hope this doesn't affect the offline rosters because in CFM I like to have the rosters from the beginning of the year. I have zero problem with what EA is doing as long as it doesn't affect offline modes.
# 39 azdawgpound @ 09/09/14 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by yougo1000
I have no problem removing him from the online modes but I hope this doesn't affect the offline rosters because in CFM I like to have the rosters from the beginning of the year. I have zero problem with what EA is doing as long as it doesn't affect offline modes.

online and offline works same way if u already have a cfm started he'll be in the game if u wait to start one after the new update he'll be gone from the roster. unless u have an old one with him on it then u can start a new one after the update that removes him from game all together.
# 40 dubcity @ 09/09/14 06:03 PM
I'm sure this won't stop people from starting their "Ray Rice: a 2nd Shot" franchise/blog...

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