NHL 15 News Post

NHL 15 is available now for EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers, exclusively on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Play a few games, post your impressions and let us know what you think.

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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# 1 jyoung @ 09/05/14 12:03 PM

NHL 15 is available now for EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers, exclusively on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Play a few games, post your impressions and let us know what you think.
# 2 Yundtder @ 09/05/14 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
I'll begin downloading the Xbox 360 Season Ticket version of NHL 15 at 1 PM EST.

If you guys have any questions or anything that you want me to check, just post it here and I'll make sure to check it out today.
I will start off with my focus will be Gameplay stuff since the BEAGM questions for 360 are satisfied, its same as 14, I can live with that!

Are penalties called IN FULL, IE interference is my biggest concern, in High Impact mode?
Is the bouncyball puck with the CPU dumps it in gone?
Is the poke check better?
How is the AI? Any change?
Any noticeable tweeks to gameplay overall?

In player profile menu, do you still have to search deeper for their rank (1st, 2nd) ect or is it like 15, right there under there name, as it was in 13 as well.

Biggest one is player roles, player development, this was broken or not correct in 14, is anything changed there? Do you have more control over the players?
Any player specific training like past games?

Thats all I really have. Thanks alot in advance if you can answer any of these! Most of these are going to impact whether I get it or not, or stick with 14.
# 3 Phoenix29 @ 09/05/14 02:25 PM
Are the new announcers for sure in the PS3/Xbox360?
# 4 pezdaddy @ 09/05/14 02:28 PM
custom music still supported for 360/ps3?

ability to please games and season using AHL or Jr or European teams?

create a player or create-a-team any different?

ability to edit players still the same?
# 5 johnnydrum @ 09/05/14 02:33 PM
Sorry to be a pest but any word on below?


Originally Posted by socalbeast08
Yeah season mode is what i mostly play and also i like to keep all goalie gear current so i edit them. If i cant do this for the 360 I'll pass altogether since i was planning on getting it for ps4 until now. I was going to try and get it for 360 but i may hold off now.
# 6 jyoung @ 09/05/14 03:28 PM
I just went through the menus, and all the game modes from NHL 14 are in the NHL 15 Xbox 360 Season Ticket version.
# 7 jyoung @ 09/05/14 03:34 PM
Only the 2011 and 2012 Winter Classic stadiums are available, though you can play with custom teams.
# 8 jyoung @ 09/05/14 03:38 PM
Now streaming the Xbox 360 Season Ticket early release:

# 9 jyoung @ 09/05/14 04:06 PM
Player editing is in. Same as it was in NHL 14.
# 10 jyoung @ 09/05/14 04:22 PM
Pregame intros use the same cinematics as in NHL 14, only with Doc and Eddie on commentary. You don't see them on screen, you just hear them.
# 11 jyoung @ 09/05/14 04:30 PM
Hybrid icing is in.
# 12 Fiddy @ 09/05/14 04:34 PM
thanks for showing this off via twitch. was debating picking it up just bc ive had them all. but, this is a patch, with Edzo, Doc, bouncing puck fixed, and a new menu splash with cover athlete. man!
# 13 jyoung @ 09/05/14 04:36 PM
NBC overlays are not in. All of the overlays are the same generic EA sports ones from NHL 14.

The "basketball bounce physics" on dump-ins has been fixed. Pucks bounce normally now on dump-ins.
# 14 ozcore @ 09/05/14 05:01 PM
is there a season mode?
# 15 jyoung @ 09/05/14 05:02 PM
Simming to the next shift and the Memorial Cup entry period are both in for Be a Pro. BAP looks identical to last year so far.
# 16 FFWRX @ 09/05/14 05:07 PM
Can you check BEAGM drafting? I am sure it is the same, but just curious.
# 17 jyoung @ 09/05/14 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ozcore
is there a season mode?
Yep, same as last year.
# 18 DJ @ 09/05/14 05:44 PM
How many "authentic" arenas are in the game?
# 19 jyoung @ 09/05/14 06:25 PM
Are penalties called IN FULL, IE interference is my biggest concern, in High Impact mode?
I saw a lot of penalties in the Memorial Cup Be A Pro entry draft tryout game I played. There was even a CPU instigated fight and a game misconduct boarding.

In the NHL Be a GM games, I haven't seen hardly any penalties called.

I am playing on default All-Star Hardcore.

Is the poke check better?
Feels the same as NHL 14.

How is the AI? Any change?
The CPU feels the same as NHL 14. All the old tricks seem to work. They are extremely passive and will let you do whatever you want when you have the puck.

The CPU's offense also feels the same. They are incredibly indecisive in the neutral zone. They struggle to get shots off and stay in possession.

Any noticeable tweeks to gameplay overall?
The puck physics on dump-ins are the only real noticeable gameplay improvement so far. The collisions feel a little more lifelike, but not by much.
# 20 BlueNGold @ 09/05/14 06:27 PM
Does the CPU still use that seemingly invincible protect puck/cut to the net move most of the time?

Also, are the breakouts still too easy with the CPU D leaving the LW wide open all the time?

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