Madden NFL 15 News Post

The Pre-Week 1 Roster Update is out for Madden NFL 15 featuring each team's final 53-man rosters. Also a new tuning update was released as well. We'll have details on both shortly!

UPDATE: EA Sports has stated the tuning update includes some user and CPU pass rush tuning.

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Member Comments
# 61 CujoMatty @ 09/05/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by booker21
I dont think its a placebo but i doubt they changed the gameplay that much with a simple tuner. What i think you are experiencing is the randomness of madden itself.
I played the same game week1 season with same team against same team and some games it feel i`m playing all madden difficulty, other times i think i`m on Pro, sometimes cpu wont run more than 2avg others it will do 200yds per game, etc etc.

lets wait for the note from EA to be sure what they tweaked.
ya I played the eagles in my franchise and I got killed 38-3 and I couldnt do anything. I lost my internet connection and it was an online franchise so I had to replay the game. I won that one 42-14 and could move the ball at will.
Madden sometimes is just random.
people see a tuner patch then play one game and draw conclusions usually. play 2 or 3 and if they are all the same then chances are stuff was changed.
# 62 Kodii Rockets @ 09/05/14 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
This ish right here has me dying at work, absolutely perfect execution Bull.
# 63 tbunz1324 @ 09/05/14 04:54 PM
Did we get the tuner details yet?
# 64 The Clairvoyant @ 09/05/14 04:58 PM
Simmed a season offline stats are not fixed
# 65 jeremym480 @ 09/05/14 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Clairvoyant
Simmed a season offline stats are not fixed
I could be wrong but I think tuners are for gameplay only. You'll probably have to wait on a patch.
# 66 kongemeier @ 09/05/14 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheSaints7
Will EA release another roster after all the Week 1 games have been played?
I think so! And it will be named the Week 2 Roster!
# 67 Gagnon39 @ 09/05/14 05:03 PM
I've asked this before about online patches.

How do we know we got the updates? Where does it say?
# 68 kb0731 @ 09/05/14 05:08 PM
The CPU has already gone deep on me three times in the first half with drew brees

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# 69 SickDL @ 09/05/14 05:10 PM
What about offline sim stats?
# 70 Hoos @ 09/05/14 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Arrowhead21
Booted up Madden today and was thrown into the Panthers-Seahawks sequence cinematic sequence for some reason. Then it made me choose my favorite team once I hit the menus, and gave me the whole Cam Newton intro all over again. Yep, then I was thrown into skills trainer, where it says that I have none of the drills completed even though I earned at least 5 PS trophies via the skills trainer multiple days ago. Just a whooooooole bunch of BS going on here.
I have had this happen to me three times now, very frustrating!
# 71 charter04 @ 09/05/14 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
There was an update to the original post that human and cpu pass rush were tuned.

Nothing states that that is all it did though. It just said it includes that. I'll wait for the complete notes before I jump to conclusions

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# 72 rovert22044 @ 09/05/14 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by SickDL
What about offline sim stats?
Literally 5 posts before you:


Granted it's only 1 season. I'd sim 4-5 to get a good feel.
# 73 zizoux @ 09/05/14 05:26 PM
I don't really want to jump to conclusions but I think they definitely did something with the user running game. Auto 6+ yards almost every down even on all-madden.
Just hit the turbu because right after the snap your OLs create huge holes for you
I think they felt they HAD to dumb down the running game bc many ****** fans or even sim heads( they just couldn't adjust to new running mechanics) complanied about it.
# 74 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by PMO
There players on your practice squad! Count how many players are on the skins madden roster is? It's more than 53! EA added all 53 and practice squad players.
How dare you interrupt an uneducated rant with truth and logic.

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# 75 Glenn33 @ 09/05/14 05:29 PM
It may be placebo effect...but I was just playing MUT challenges last hour and I swear the CPU was overthrowing more passes than I have seen in a while [without sliders]. Colin Kapernic was overthrowing receivers alot. Like alot. Granted it was rookie - but still.
# 76 Arrowhead21 @ 09/05/14 05:29 PM
Can't you erase gameplay tuners and revert to "stock"
# 77 Legaci3 @ 09/05/14 05:30 PM
my question is does this fix the owner mode issue also? where you barely make money
# 78 OhMrHanky @ 09/05/14 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Ahh the suspense.

I have good vibes we got a ton of fixes to sacks/offline CFM load screen bugs...hope hope hope!!!!

Lol. U r WAY too hopeful. Wow. Didn't I see this exact post last year? Lol

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# 79 charter04 @ 09/05/14 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
He was in the game before. Calm down

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How did anything I said sound like I need to calm down first of all. Second, don't tell me to calm down.

My point is that Sam is on Dallas. He is on the practice squad so that is good that he's on there.

I'm referring to at least one or two others that are on the practice squad that aren't on Dallas's roster. RB Ryan Williams is supposed to be on the practice squad but, he is a FA on the updated roster

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# 80 Kramer5150 @ 09/05/14 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
Ok. I've played more now and I got to say. The sky might not be falling after all. Lol. I actually think AM plays more realistic.

They tuned difficulty for sure. I was giving up a ton of rushing yards to SF every game before on default AM. Now it's seems toned down to a more realistic level.

Obviously I'll have to play more but, default AM doesn't seem to have the super human boost anymore. That is a good thing IMO

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This is what happened to me after checking out the tuner,this has never happened before...lmao....I definitely don't think they dumbed down anything....lol

OK....just got done playing the first quarter of my preseason game against the Bills with the new tuning update.

Something WAS definitely messed with...lmao. I know Spiller is a good RB,but his stat line after the 1st Q?

5 att for 201 yards avg 40.2 and 2 TD......with a long of 92 .

F. Jackson 4att for 25 yards avg 6.2

Looks like it's back to the drawing board...lol

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