NHL 15 News Post

Now that the EA Access trial period has started, Xbox One players have noticed that the list of missing modes and features in next-gen NHL 15 is much larger than previously expected. In a prior interview with Sean Ramjagsingh, some of these were hinted at but not fully disclosed, but the depth of some of the gutted features seems to be larger than initially anticipated. The following items are features which users have noticed are missing while playing the early access to NHL 15 -- keep in mind this information is preliminary and some of these could actually be in the game but well hidden. With just six hours of time to test, it doesn't leave much room to explore:

  • No GM Connected
  • No Online Team Play (when this is patched into the game later this year, it will use real NHL players and teams)
  • No EA Sports Hockey League
  • No EA Sports Arena
  • No Online Shootouts
  • No Live the Life
  • No Be A Legend
  • No Winter Classic
  • No tournaments or Battle for the Cup
  • No season mode (you can only play seasons in Be A GM, which is limited to NHL teams)
  • No NHL 94 Anniversary mode
  • No custom music support
  • No create-a-play designer
  • Cannot customize each team's AI
  • No create-a-team
  • No way to edit individual players
  • Practice mode is now limited to one skater vs. an AI goalie
  • No custom camera option
  • No Action Tracker replay highlights
  • No Top 3 Stars at the end of games.
  • Yearly draft is fully automated by the CPU
  • Cannot play the AHL games for your chosen franchise
  • Players sent down to the minors do not accumulate any season stats
  • No fantasy draft option
  • No preseason games
Be A Pro
  • No option to sim ahead to the next shift
  • You only play in the NHL; you cannot play for minor league teams
  • The Memorial Cup tryout period is gone. You now begin by picking an NHL team, or by letting a random CPU team draft you.
  • No All-Star game
Ultimate Team
  • Cannot play against your friends
  • No tournaments
  • No mobile app
All of the above features were available last year in NHL 14 for the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 but appear to be missing this year on the new-generation of consoles. If you have NHL 15 early access and have noticed any of these are actually in the game or if anything additional is missing let us know in the comments below.

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 ianlast @ 09/04/14 07:20 PM
No season mode and no AI customization has me strongly considering sticking with the CG version.

That's just...man. Is there a chance they're just missing from the early release, and will be in the full retail version?
# 102 EliJ27 @ 09/04/14 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by ianlast
No season mode and no AI customization has me strongly considering sticking with the CG version.

That's just...man. Is there a chance they're just missing from the early release, and will be in the full retail version?
i was kinda hoping that was the case to but i'm not holding my breathe....
# 103 cheesy999 @ 09/04/14 07:26 PM
Wow that's terrible...I've been looking forward to having an NHL game for the ps4 for a while now. I don't really care that much about hockey but I've always liked playing the hockey video games because they're always fun. All I've ever really played is Be a GM and quick play games, so I wasn't too upset when they said they wouldn't have features like EASHL and some others. But now that there are so many little features missing as well, I am definitely considering cancelling my pre order.

I've played the demo and I think it's fun, but it's hard to justify paying $60 for a game that is missing so many features. If it was 30-40$, then I'd been fine with paying that for this game.
# 104 RNunez187 @ 09/04/14 07:31 PM
Looks like I'll use my preorder money on Driveclub and WWE 2K15. Thanks EA.
# 105 Tatz666 @ 09/04/14 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Rhaze48
Luckily for me I didn't pre-pay the entire amount, only put $10 down at the counter for it. Might even forego getting that back just to avoid the hassle. lol
Haha I just went and cancelled my preorder and got my 5$ back. Lol I would've went back for $1 just to give EA the virtual middle finger. It's definitely worth the hassle to me. This whole turn of events has me a little bitter, to say the least
# 106 TIm @ 09/04/14 07:43 PM
Huge Hockey fan here and didn't get NHL last year as I didn't have a console.. I honestly boutght a PS4 this year because they took a year off and I figured we would have at least a halfway decent game. Well I'm not buying this thing.. This is not worth it.. I will purchase when it's used or discounted, NO WAY am I going to pay full price.. Man 2k needs to come back.. This SUCKS
# 107 Sdrawkcab321 @ 09/04/14 07:55 PM
Unacceptable. Jobs need to be lost over this. If you can't make a compete game up to the standards of the public then you have failed and don't belong making video games.
# 108 ianlast @ 09/04/14 07:58 PM
I get that there are issues with bringing a fully featured game onto next-gen, but some of these omissions don't even make sense. No playable AHL in GM Connected? No exhibition games? Can't edit players?

It's just unbelievable how stripped down this release is. Way worse than NHL 07.
# 109 RynoSabre @ 09/04/14 08:01 PM
Wow, I had just purchased the digital ultimate team edition 2 nights ago since it was cheaper because of EA Access. I am feeling VERY ripped off right about now. I've gotten every NHL game since it started and if this is all accurate, it's the worst betrayal by EA to it's extremely loyal NHL fan base.
# 110 MavsUCCB @ 09/04/14 08:10 PM
On the plus side, I sat out last year and still have my 360 so NHL 15 on that might be alright....

I still can't believe they're going to roll this game out, charge 60 bucks and smile about it.
# 111 RefMixture @ 09/04/14 08:19 PM
Pre-Order Cancelled! Thanks OS for getting this vital information out to us before the releas date. Too bad we have no idea what the future patch for BeaGM contains. Unless EA restores BeaGM, I will spend my money else where.
What a shame.
# 112 venga @ 09/04/14 08:26 PM
and finally... NO PURCHASE !
# 113 oyla10 @ 09/04/14 08:29 PM
Missing feature:
I'm not reading all 7 pages so this may have been said.

You can no longer hop into a middle of a simming game.

Man, this is my favorite game year in and year out but this is very disappointing.
# 114 RaychelSnr @ 09/04/14 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by oyla10
Missing feature:
I'm not reading all 7 pages so this may have been said.

You can no longer hop into a middle of a simming game.

Man, this is my favorite game year in and year out but this is very disappointing.
Can anyone else confirm this? Will add it onto the list if a couple more can confirm.
# 115 HeroWorship @ 09/04/14 08:55 PM
I'm going to give myself a high-five.

I had the chance to purchase a Playstation 4 and/or Xbox 1 last month. I anticipated getting NHL 15 and relishing in the next generation glory the game would provide. After all, I figured the EA NHL series learned from their mistakes in the past; NHL 07 for XBOX 360 was actually playable, and it wasn't stripped down like NHL 2001 for Playstation 2 was and NHL 97 for the Playstation.

Knowing that NHL 15 for the XBOX 360/PS3 would be NHL 14 with a facelift, I decided instead to purchase a ticket to Riot Fest in Chicago next weekend. The ticket was expensive, as will be the hotel and travel arrangements, but I decided I'd rather go have a fun weekend than purchase a system to play one game. Now, knowing the one game is going to be stripped to it's core, I am happy that I spent that money to go see a music festival.

The gameplay may be awesome, but the rest is not close to being worth the $60 it will cost to purchase. Sports games are a lot like cars; once you leave Gamespot (or the lot), the games dwindles in value. If some of you contend to spend $60 on this, then you're the same person who can't get mad when the price drops to $39.99 by Christmas, and ultimately, less than $20 by the end of the season.

Save your money kids. Play the older games. Plug in the Sega; play a non-EA Sports hockey game, or enjoy the upcoming NHL season, unless you're a Sabres fan like me. I'll be drinking whiskey watching every game while playing NHL 07 reliving the Presidents Trophy winning-season and possibly crying.
# 116 13whitebread @ 09/04/14 09:04 PM
Epic failure
# 117 Inverarity @ 09/04/14 09:08 PM
No way to edit individual players
No custom camera option
Yearly draft is fully automated by the CPU
I like to think of myself as a pretty patient, pretty forgiving guy when it comes to these things. You won't find me whining about missing stuff, or features most of the time. But c'mon. This is silly.

I'm going to skip this year's version. Frankly, I'm sick of EA Sports. Enough is enough.
# 118 onac22 @ 09/04/14 09:11 PM
I will hope that EA will add a few features, but deep down inside I know they won't. It is dissapointing for sure, but will improve in the long run when most people pass on this game because of lack of features. I just hope the NHL series can survive the corporate pirates in charge.
# 119 canucksss @ 09/04/14 09:14 PM
Maybe thats what RAM was saying in his interview...building this series from ground up....remove 90% and try to put it "back in" in the next couple of series....what a joke this guy and the whole EA department responsible for this cruel joke to the passionate hockey video gamers!
# 120 Haeyena @ 09/04/14 09:20 PM
I have an idea for EA to make it up for my missing modes: Give me a full/free/included download of NHL 15 on the XBox 360 with my already pre-ordered NHL 15 for XBox One. I get all the next gen prettiness and can pop on the 360 to get some EASHL in. Anyone else be satisfied if that fantasy came true?

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