EA Sports UFC News Post

The newest patch is out for EA Sports UFC, and it’s another free update that adds a host of changes as well as three new fighters. The details about the update are here. There are some fairly substantial changes to the gameplay in this update, as I was completely taken off guard by some of the new ways a match can finish as well as how certain situations played out. I still feel that the stamina loss on strikes needs to be adjusted for certain fighters so that people can’t just spam and not be penalized, but these are mostly good changes that make the game better and add more depth.

Read More - EA Sports UFC: How The Patched Version Has Improved

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DBMcGee3 @ 09/04/14 11:29 AM
I find the biggest changes to be related to CPU aggressiveness. It seems that they are smarter about throwing strikes now, which makes the game more difficult, because there are fewer opportunities to parry and counter. I also love the kick catching animation. It somewhat nerfs the ability to continually throw head kicks while your fighter is gassed. I haven't gotten used to taunting yet, but as you said, who doesn't want that option?

Very impressive stuff from EA to this point, hopefully the trend will continue. This is a great game in my opinion, and only getting better.
# 2 mmathaifighter @ 09/04/14 11:48 AM
Stamina still def needs to be addressed especially when it comes to still being able to throw power strikes when gassed. I fought a guy online lastnight who was using Chuck and even though he had no stamina he was able to spam Chucks overhand without any real loss of speed. I eventually got "caught" by one of these and was flash KOd even though my stamina was 3/4 full. I'm not complaining about getting caught but I'm complaining about the power shots having the same power and close to the same speed without anything on the stamina bar.

The body shot spamming still needs to be addressed also. I generally fight smart and am not aggressive. I like to let my opponent come to me and counter but when someone uses either a taller fighter or someone faster the body spamming ruins the fight. Its almost to the point where if I recognize someone as a body shot spammer I'll start spamming takedowns just to stop them.

Some guys also need their "chin" rating tuned down. Ive fought guys using Cain and have beaten them up from one side of the cage to the other and they barely have any damage to show for it.

Miocic is an absolute beast in this update. And overall I really like it especially because for the gripes the online seems much more balanced now. I'm able to beat guys using Jones, Cain, and the other overpowered fighters. I just wish EA would implement some sort of matchmaking thing that would either pair guys against someone of similair rating or allow us to see our opponents choice so we can choose accordingly. Nothing worse then picking Wandy or Rich Frankling and the guy your fighting picks Jones... :/
# 3 jaredsmith83 @ 09/04/14 12:47 PM
I know there will always be things that can be improved in the MMA games, but man, so far the crew has done an awesome job of listening and implementing. I can't say enough good about that. The game is really shining!

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