EA Sports UFC News Post

With UFC 177 set to take place on August 30th, EA Sports has simulated the rematch between T.J. Dillashaw and Renan Barao with EA Sports UFC.

Do you agree with the sim results? Who do you think takes the fight?

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 LingeringRegime @ 08/28/14 06:30 PM
I wonder what difficulty they used for the sim.

I wouldn't be surprised if Barao wins by decision. Seems like a safe bet.
# 2 DBMcGee3 @ 08/29/14 10:13 AM
Dillashaw is a very impressive young fighter, but I'd be pretty surprised if he were able to beat Barao again. On a gaming related side note, has anyone else found the CPU difficulty to be a tad higher since this latest patch? Don't get me wrong, I like the patch and feel it plays more realistically, but I'm suddenly having more trouble getting KOs from the stand up. I'm sure it's at least partially due to the aggressiveness being toned down, and therefore less strikes to parry and counter, but damn....wondering if I lost my touch, lol.
# 3 godylla @ 08/29/14 10:40 AM
I don't agree with some of the aspects of the fight. I wouldn't be surprised if Barao won, but I would be surprised if he was able to take Dillashaw down, and mount him. According to TJ's profile on UFC.com, he has never been taken down, so I would be surprised to see Barao take him down and get to the mount positions like he did in this "Sim". My money is on TJ, as speed kills.
# 4 csamuelsvt @ 08/29/14 11:42 AM
man...I wish they could patch in the excitement Buffer has in this video for the entrances e.g. "itttttts TIIIIME!" and how he screams the fighters name...dont know why they didn't just take it from broadcasts

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