NBA 2K15 News Post

Steam has revealed the system requirements for the PC version of NBA 2K15. It will cost you $59.99.

For those of you that aren't aware, the PC version will feature everything the PS4 and Xbox One version has.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 myownsun @ 09/05/14 06:19 PM
The link takes me to the front page of newegg.
# 102 cjallure24 @ 09/05/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by myownsun
The link takes me to the front page of newegg.
My bad, it was the mobile link, here it is.

# 103 cjallure24 @ 09/05/14 08:11 PM
What would you suggest?
# 104 TarHeelPhenom @ 09/05/14 09:50 PM
Anybody wanting to see if their system meets specs can go to the website Can You Run It. They now have NBA 2K15 up for spec check.

My laptop met all minimum specs except for the processor. In laymens terms what would that mean for my gameplay? Would I be able to get away with it on the low settings?
# 105 cjallure24 @ 09/05/14 11:04 PM
Mines meet the minimum as well, but I want be able to run high settings, if I can't run ultra.
# 106 Cod @ 09/06/14 12:34 AM
Anyone actually purchased it yet?
# 107 Cod @ 09/06/14 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Andarus
You can't purchase it yet. Only Pre-Order, I Pre-Ordered at Amazon.de for 19,95€ a while ago
By purchase, I assumed everyone knew I meant "preorder".

I have a 25% off GMG coupon I'm probably going to use.
# 108 Moegames @ 09/06/14 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
Not well optimized...at all!

I7 or better?? we may need a quantic processor to max it out!
This is why last summer when i built my PC i ignored everyone telling me going with a i7 Intel CPU was a waste of money...i opted for the i7 3770k CPU over the i5 3750k CPU...the diffence between the i7 cpu's vs the i5 cpu's is that i7 cpu's are quads with 8 threads while the i5 cpu's are quads with 4 threads....those 8 threads the i7 at the time i was picking out my parts for my new PC was something i thought would be important once the new consoles came out because i knew the spec's at the time of the new consoles and they were using AMD 8 core cpu's...so with Intel..going with a i7 that at least had 8 threads that can be used as "cores" would be a better fit but everyone kept yapping at me i was wasting that extra $100 dollars going with the i7 over the less expensive i5 for gaming...they were all saying i5's were more than enough for next gen gaming. Well just about all new PC games are asking for i7's for recommended requirements because why? Because they have 8 threads that can be used as "cores" ..

By the way..in no way am i saying a i5 3570k cannot do the job...these newer intel cpu's are so ahead of their time, at least for gaming that you will still probably do ok with a i5...but you are better off with a i7 if you are looking at high performance settings for your PC games!
# 109 Nza @ 09/06/14 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Moegames
This is why last summer when i built my PC i ignored everyone telling me going with a i7 Intel CPU was a waste of money...i opted for the i7 3770k CPU over the i5 3750k CPU...the diffence between the i7 cpu's vs the i5 cpu's is that i7 cpu's are quads with 8 threads while the i5 cpu's are quads with 4 threads....those 8 threads the i7 at the time i was picking out my parts for my new PC was something i thought would be important once the new consoles came out because i knew the spec's at the time of the new consoles and they were using AMD 8 core cpu's...so with Intel..going with a i7 that at least had 8 threads that can be used as "cores" would be a better fit but everyone kept yapping at me i was wasting that extra $100 dollars going with the i7 over the less expensive i5 for gaming...they were all saying i5's were more than enough for next gen gaming. Well just about all new PC games are asking for i7's for recommended requirements because why? Because they have 8 threads that can be used as "cores" ..

By the way..in no way am i saying a i5 3570k cannot do the job...these newer intel cpu's are so ahead of their time, at least for gaming that you will still probably do ok with a i5...but you are better off with a i7 if you are looking at high performance settings for your PC games!
Keep in mind these new consoles aim to provide concurrent services while you game other than just gaming, which is where extra threads may be of use. It's still going to be safer to build games for 4 threads max. For pure gaming, 8 is still overkill in the vast majority of cases. I think Crysis 3 may have had some minor benefits.

Also, I have my doubts any of the PS4/XO games being ported to PC will be on the level of Crysis 3, any time soon - the other specs of these consoles will limit the games so they're unlikely to benefit from more than 4 threads on a gaming PC (when you consider something like a i5-4690 already has more grunt than these consoles, and can probably more than match any console game using more than 4 threads anyway). There may be an edge case game where a multi-threaded CPU is far more important than GPU due to the sheer amount of active CPU threads needed and so it can be released on the consoles to use more than 4 threads but not need a better GPU, but I'm not sure what type of game that would be (something very AI heavy?).

If you're going to buy 8 threads for gaming, I'd look towards PC exclusives or at least PC first games like Crysis 3 as the motivation. There won't be many necessarily, but there will probably be a handful by the time an i7 is redundant. A good i5 will still handle these games fine - the likelihood of a PC game coming out that requires >4 threads to perform well is unlikely within the lifespan of existing hardware - but if you're looking for top line performance, an i7 would be better for those types of games.
# 110 ConfigSys @ 09/07/14 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cod
By purchase, I assumed everyone knew I meant "preorder".

I have a 25% off GMG coupon I'm probably going to use.
can you share GMG coupon...
# 111 myownsun @ 09/07/14 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ConfigSys
can you share GMG coupon...
# 112 Cod @ 09/07/14 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by ConfigSys
can you share GMG coupon...
Its not a coupon code, its through my Playfire awards. Sorry!
# 113 BrianFifaFan @ 09/07/14 08:28 PM
Got my Titan Black on the way!
# 114 stlpimpmonsta @ 09/07/14 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cod
Anyone actually purchased it yet?
i pre purchaced from GMG in August
# 115 ThrowBack @ 09/07/14 11:29 PM

This code works for 20% off at GMG.
# 116 cjallure24 @ 09/08/14 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by cjallure24
Here are my specs. I updated the PSU from 300W to 500W. I've also swapped out my GPU from the 512MB to a nvidia GeForce 9800 1GB. I'm going to upgrade my GPU, I'm thinking of purchasing this one off of newegg.


AMD Phenom™ II
Processor Speed
System Bus
Cache Memory
2MB on die Level 2 + 6MB shared on die Level 3
System Memory (RAM)
System Memory (RAM) Expandable To
Type of Memory (RAM)
Hard Drive Type
SATA (7200 rpm)
Hard Drive Size
ATI Radeon HD 5450
Video Memory
7.1-channel high-definition
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU, anyone have any suggestions. My budget is up to around 250.
# 117 JBulls @ 09/08/14 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by cjallure24
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU, anyone have any suggestions. My budget is up to around 250.
I suggest you wait to see what happens with those rumors of new GPUs being released this month, it could lower the price of anything you're looking at now and save you some cash.
# 118 Goffs @ 09/08/14 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by cjallure24
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU, anyone have any suggestions. My budget is up to around 250.

http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-D...=operasport-20 and I think AMD 7870 are priced around that range. Sorry if thats not much of a help but I just googled best 250 dollar gpu's. I would read up on other forums for other opinions about those cards to help you choose which suits you. More opinions the better I say...good luck
# 119 myownsun @ 09/08/14 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Originally Posted by JBulls
I suggest you wait to see what happens with those rumors of new GPUs being released this month, it could lower the price of anything you're looking at now and save you some cash.
Jbulls and Goff are both right just wait until the 1st-5th of Oct and if no new gfx cards have been released go with a 760 or a R9280/280x, 2gb of video ram is fine but but look for one of these cards with about 3-4gigs.
# 120 seanbarkley @ 09/08/14 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs

http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-D...=operasport-20 and I think AMD 7870 are priced around that range. Sorry if thats not much of a help but I just googled best 250 dollar gpu's. I would read up on other forums for other opinions about those cards to help you choose which suits you. More opinions the better I say...good luck

At least here in Spain there're a couple of GTX 770 models around 250€. For example, the Gigabyte GTX 770 OC is at 275€.

However, as jbulls statted, I would wait til GTX 970/980 because certainly those will come with price drops in the rest of the models.

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