NHL 15 News Post

In a recent video on Twitch, an overview of the Xbox One NHL 15 achievement list seems to indicate that neither EASHL or GM Connected are in the game. This, of course, joins the plethora of evidence indicating that EASHL and GM Connected have not made the jump onto the new generation of consoles this year. We are still expecting official news on the fate of both soon.

If you are interested in seeing the achievement list itself, check it out starting at 1 minute, 8 seconds in.

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Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 bad_philanthropy @ 08/18/14 06:15 PM
I think that confirms it.
# 2 GrandMaster B @ 08/18/14 06:20 PM
Ouch. So there is Be a Pro, Be a GM, Online vs and HUT on the One.
# 3 AngelPingu @ 08/18/14 06:25 PM
So no EASHL or no GMC achievements, while these two modes have achievements on PS3-X360. Yikes.
# 4 mgoblue @ 08/18/14 06:27 PM
I wonder if it's something they want to add in later? Will be interesting to hear what EA eventually comes out and says this week.

I'll wait for a sale on this anyways, but I'd be playing BAP or BAGM offline no matter what, but I know tons of guys here loved the OTP and all that.
# 5 chrisphil1724 @ 08/18/14 06:29 PM
I had already given up on EASHL being in the game at launch. I'm only hoping for news of the mode being added to the game after launch.
# 6 spidertour02 @ 08/18/14 06:30 PM
Oddly enough, this seems like a much easier achievement/trophy list than usual. I can easily see myself clearing 50%+ of these instead of the usual 10% or so.
# 7 messngretz @ 08/18/14 06:30 PM
Looks like it's the XBOX 360 version for me when it launches...such a shame, was really looking forward to playing NHL on the new console. NHL 15, along with the Master Chief Collection, Destiny, and next year's Halo 5, was the reason I was going to buy an Xbox One next month.
# 8 TDKing @ 08/18/14 06:38 PM
Wondering what makes people think they will patch these modes in? Has there ever been a game mode patched into a game after release? They should only be charging 29.99 for this half a game!!!!!
# 9 swimfunk @ 08/18/14 06:49 PM
this is why we can't have nice things
# 10 duffman @ 08/18/14 06:52 PM
I think the first year of fifa ultimate team it was patched in, 10 or 11 maybe?
# 11 bad_philanthropy @ 08/18/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by iloveparkmin
hey, Do Be A GM mode is similar to franchise mode to control one team and play every games and manage roster ?
Yes, Be a GM is the equivalent to franchise mode in other titles.
# 12 ericromain @ 08/18/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by duffman
I think the first year of fifa ultimate team it was patched in, 10 or 11 maybe?
Well, FUT was added late in the game that year as pay DLC.

I doubt it this year for EASHL, i've got my fingers crossed for a decent online roll out for the 1v1 online modes on next gen.
# 13 ghettofocker @ 08/18/14 07:01 PM
Shows all achievements/trophies for NHL 15

# 14 Syce @ 08/18/14 07:06 PM
well im sitting here waiting for the response from EA, if it is not in next gen GMC that is, then there is no point in me buying the game on next gen nor on old gen because why pay the 60 bucks for a few tweaks here and there for what will probably be basically the same game as nhl 14 on the old gen. my GMC league may as well just continue with our NHL 14 GMC league and wait until 16.
# 15 adayinthelife @ 08/18/14 07:11 PM
I feel bad for the guys who are really into this stuff, as the lack of communication is a joke at this point. I can't imagine how'd I'd feel if this situation involved lacking a franchise/BAGM mode. It's just bizarre.

As an offline guy however, I do hope that this somehow means that a lot of attention was paid to things like BAGM, but I'll believe it when I see it.
# 16 ManiacMatt1782 @ 08/18/14 07:14 PM
No GM Connected means I wait till this hits 30 bucks. Pre-order cancelled.
# 17 onac22 @ 08/18/14 07:25 PM
No EASHL maybe it is the new engine, but so far this year it feels like one big fisting crom EA's pr departmensts they are truly showing how little they care about their consumers. On all games from lack of info to flat out bait and switch with the whole early release and six hours of play on the x-bone. If PES is half wAy improved this could be the year EA's profits drop.
# 18 canucksss @ 08/18/14 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by adayinthelife
As an offline guy however, I do hope that this somehow means that a lot of attention was paid to things like BAGM, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Like you, I am BaGM offline exclusive. I feel sorry for the guys who enjoy this game by playing EASHL. Having said that, its no guarantee that BaGM or HUT or BAP received an attention and improved here in 15. I bet only the NBC presentation, graphics (for NG) the uniforms that reacts, facial animations and reactions of the crowds are the only new in this NG version of NHL 15.
# 19 Pezell04x @ 08/18/14 08:54 PM
Oh yeah, we got Madden 06'd
# 20 snc237 @ 08/18/14 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Pezell04x
Oh yeah, we got Madden 06'd
Well I wouldn't push it that far. Madden 06 was a horrible game all round that set the franchise back pretty much all last gen. NHL looks to be establishing a solid foundation for this game, unfortunately my favourite game mode is dropped this year. Hopefully pretty graphics will hold me out for a year... Which we know they won't

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