WWE 2K15 News Post

WWE 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 2
King_B_Mack @ 08/13/14 01:44 PM
Good lord these images are incredible. I need this game yesterday.
# 3
RyanLaFalce @ 08/13/14 02:24 PM
# 4
giantsharks @ 08/13/14 03:21 PM
Looks incredible, I really hope stardust is in even though his gimmick came along a little late. Would love if they had roster updates with costume changes and music changes whenever someone changed. Either way this game looks amazing
# 7
jaredsmith83 @ 08/14/14 08:50 AM
This....wow. No words for how awesome its looking so far. Surely with the NBA 2K crew behind it, they'll have roster updates that reflect character changes. I read that they waited until basically the last minute on some things, so hopefully it was late enough to include Stardust. But if not, I feel confident that we'll be seeing something similar to the roster updates.
Very impressive amount of detail and texture. Amazing is all I can say. Hope it looks that crisp in motion.
# 10
almostbobsaget @ 08/14/14 06:35 PM
If Stardust is in the game please, please, PLEASE let this animation be included:

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