MLB 14 The Show News Post

MLB: The Show
gets high praise around here, and usually for good reason. Despite being the only true console baseball title available, the developers haven’t become complacent. Every year, we see some nice innovations and revisions that demonstrate that the title isn’t taking its sole status for granted.

However, if there’s one area (outside online gameplay) that gets a bulk of the criticism, it’s The Show’s presentation. I try to emphasize in my review each year that The Show’s presentation (including commentary, camera angles, replays, etc.) isn’t bad, per se. Developments like authentic broadcast angles and real-time camera shots have revolutionized how virtual baseball looks. And in terms of replays and on-screen stats, no one does it better.

Read More - MLB 14 The Show: How to Improve the Presentation

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Mrmagoo @ 08/05/14 11:50 AM
Stats... Stats and more stats, both during the game WITH the commentary speaking about those stats which in itself will freshen up the commentary, and more stats tracked and presented in a much more organized and efficient way away from the game in franchise mode.
# 42 countryboy @ 08/10/14 12:36 PM
I am not sure if this really falls into this category, but during playoff games, the umpiring crew is short two umpires. There aren't LF/RF line umpires in the playoffs.
# 43 Stroehms @ 08/10/14 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I am not sure if this really falls into this category, but during playoff games, the umpiring crew is short two umpires. There aren't LF/RF line umpires in the playoffs.

Also along these lines, I would like of the umpires got into correct positions to make calls.
# 44 HustlinOwl @ 09/30/14 10:47 PM
hope the team is watching tonight's game and nail playoff atmosphere for next year
# 45 Bobhead @ 10/01/14 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm not sure if it's possible to load up two games simultaneously in order to have the announcers break to an important game (other than yours) in the league for a VISUAL look in....but they could certainly figure a way to grab info about the game(it's on the ticker!) and have the announcers talk about it.
Yeah a visual cut in would be amazing, but you're right... just having the commentators mention a no hitter in another game would be pretty cool too.

What if the other game in question was loaded up ahead of time? So it was all Predetermined?

I load up my Mets franchise, and as the game loads, the game looks at the calendar for today, and picks a game at random. It simulates that entire game ahead of time (the game already sims all other games before starting yours anyway, right?) . Let's say it picks Blue Jays vs KC Royals. After it sims the game, and before your game begins, it looks in the boxscore for the Royals game and picks a random event... home run, strike out, etc...

So before my game starts, The Show's engine already knows the cut in it's going to do, and what type of event it will be... and it loads the players involved (the batter, pitcher, those on base etc...)

Then at some point during YOUR game, it plays a scene (that was already chosen) of jose bautista hitting a 3 run-hr against james shields, which corresponds to the box score that was already created.

I don't see why thats not doable, on PS4 at least. I know implementation bla bla... but I mean... from a hardware standpoint, that's at least possible right?
# 46 Knight165 @ 10/01/14 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Yeah a visual cut in would be amazing, but you're right... just having the commentators mention a no hitter in another game would be pretty cool too.

What if the other game in question was loaded up ahead of time? So it was all Predetermined?

I load up my Mets franchise, and as the game loads, the game looks at the calendar for today, and picks a game at random. It simulates that entire game ahead of time (the game already sims all other games before starting yours anyway, right?) . Let's say it picks Blue Jays vs KC Royals. After it sims the game, and before your game begins, it looks in the boxscore for the Royals game and picks a random event... home run, strike out, etc...

So before my game starts, The Show's engine already knows the cut in it's going to do, and what type of event it will be... and it loads the players involved (the batter, pitcher, those on base etc...)

Then at some point during YOUR game, it plays a scene (that was already chosen) of jose bautista hitting a 3 run-hr against james shields, which corresponds to the box score that was already created.

I don't see why thats not doable, on PS4 at least. I know implementation bla bla... but I mean... from a hardware standpoint, that's at least possible right?

That's a good idea.
I really don't know if it can load up the graphics for two games though....and if not....the problem would be that the faces/stadium/etc are not generic...so it's not like you can even have some "pre-set" cutscenes and fill in the teams and such.

BUT...as you can save your highlights....I wonder if the game could do that for other games for a WEEKLY highlight show(or daily...OUT of your game...)

I hope they do something along these lines though!

# 47 MrOldboy @ 10/05/14 05:47 PM
For me the two things that I have wanted to see presentation wise are

Catchers framing pitches: A big part of baseball that is not represented in the game is catchers framing pitches (this could even be tied to fielding/reaction rating or a new one as to how much they do it. i.e. Lucroy would do it more pronounced or often than W. Castillo.). The way catchers receive pitches has always been a weak spot to me for the game and with framing becoming such a large part of catcher evaluation I feel like it's an important element of baseball that should be represented in the game at least visually.

More natural camera cuts/angles: I've brought this up before, but during an MLB broadcast there is always a slight delay after the ball is put into play before the cut to action. Pro Yakyuu does this well and I wish The Show could add this slight delay that is seen in TV broadcasts. It is a subtle delay, but I feel it would go a long way to make the game feel more like a natural broadcast. It doesn't have to be as long as an actual broadcast as well. Pro Yakyuu's is probably shorter than actual TV, but just seeing the batter's follow through would likely be enough.

Example: http://youtu.be/SMz7rzw5Uiw?t=3m9s
# 48 2ndBase @ 10/06/14 12:18 PM
- All replays and highlights in full speed and not slow mo.
- Custom music for post game highlights
- Use custom music with saved custom highlights for pre game intro
# 49 Bamafan3723 @ 10/06/14 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
Another feature I'd like to see added are replays that aren't always in slow motion.
Originally Posted by 2ndBase
- All replays and highlights in full speed and not slow mo.
Totally agree with both of these. Most replays during a broadcast are in real-time speed. They'll show a slow-mo replay from time to time if there's a close play or a nice diving catch but for the most part they are in real-time. HR replays would look so much better in real-time, especially with the sound of the bat hitting the ball, crowd reaction, etc. The HR Derby replays should be in real-time too. The slow mo replays just take away the power of a HR IMO. I want to see how fast the ball got out of the park, how it clanked off a rail in real-time speed, etc.

--As far as pregame presentation, bring back the announcement of the umpires and which position they are covering. I remember back in MLB 09 and 10 where this was in and for whatever reason was taken out. Now I'm still playing MLB 13 so my apologies if this was back in on MLB 14.

--Would love to see MLB Network integration. MLB Tonight already shows simulations of the some of the night's games using MLBTS from time to time so it would be a great pair.
# 50 ShowTyme15 @ 10/06/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
Totally agree with both of these. Most replays during a broadcast are in real-time speed. They'll show a slow-mo replay from time to time if there's a close play or a nice diving catch but for the most part they are in real-time. HR replays would look so much better in real-time, especially with the sound of the bat hitting the ball, crowd reaction, etc. The HR Derby replays should be in real-time too. The slow mo replays just take away the power of a HR IMO. I want to see how fast the ball got out of the park, how it clanked off a rail in real-time speed, etc.

--As far as pregame presentation, bring back the announcement of the umpires and which position they are covering. I remember back in MLB 09 and 10 where this was in and for whatever reason was taken out. Now I'm still playing MLB 13 so my apologies if this was back in on MLB 14.

--Would love to see MLB Network integration. MLB Tonight already shows simulations of the some of the night's games using MLBTS from time to time so it would be a great pair.
d like to see them bring back the presentation when they go up and down the lineup and announce each player. See MLB 06 and anything before it.

Would also like too see presentation like this. (Similar pre/post game and even weekly with something like a wrap up show)
# 51 brrmikey @ 10/07/14 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
...during an MLB broadcast there is always a slight delay after the ball is put into play before the cut to action...
...actually the game has this (can only verify for the PS4 version). you have to bat from a behind the pitcher view and use the dynamic camera. i actually think this is by accident, but check it out. i've always used BTP view when batting and love this feature, accident or not!

this give me hope that it gets implemented...would love the delay batting from BTP view with a true broadcast cam

i agree with both of your points.
# 52 @legendm0de @ 10/10/14 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Batistaj15
The idea of your game being interrupted to showcase a key situation in another game sounds pretty neat.

So sorry that I'm late to this thread. I have already posted a few points about this topic around in other discussions though. First, I dislike the idea of being presented other teams ballgames from around the league during my own game. Really don't even know where this idea comes from, because even local games on tv don't break in with highlights of random games throughout the season, I think they are not even allowed. If I ever need to know anything about those games I can simply look at the scoreboard in my own ballpark. I also deactivate the ticker in franchise, so I'm glad that's optional. That's out the way.

Now, presentation is the most glaring problem area of MLB The Show. It's basically non-existent and you have all these magnificently modeled ballparks dying to be enjoyed. You should make us want to enjoy being in these ballparks and spending time there playing these games. That's one point. The other point is that the priority right now seems to be overwhelmingly on the side of rapid pace, players who need to cram games for whatever reason. The result is highly unrewarding and invasive on the players who play the game and want to experience all of what it can offer. 9 inning, every pitch players have no features they can turn to for the enjoyment they seek to get from the game especially considering how much time they are dedicating. There are hardly even 5 seconds in between pitches no matter what action even took place. I have crushed balls just shy of the foul pole and the action zooms me right into the next pitch as if that was no big deal. Beyond the lack of establishing a decent level of pace, This title has the fewest replays in any sports game which also contributes greatly to it's presentation problem. Now I've pointed out the main things wrong with the presentation issue in this game, and next I'll suggest what things you can to take the steps in the right direction.

Transitions Between Innings -

Foul Balls, Swings & Misses, Filthy Pitches & etc Quirky Moments - It is not always easy to foul off tough pitches, and for this that needs to be reflected in the game. Let the player have a moment or two to get his head together and prep for the next pitch. Simple suggestion. In between pitches in general these are opportunities to provide panoramic views of the outfield, show stat or mlb overlays. NBA 2k has a wealth of presentation they integrate during their many dead ball moments, this is when you need to also pound those stats and presentation opportunities in. I'd like to see during these moments, a team schedule, standings, last 10, injury updates or personal ingame info, such as pitch speeds, pull tendencies, lineup/bullpen info, team stats, etc. But reward us full game players with these opportunities to enjoy our time on the game.

Authentic Sounds of the BallPark - Much needed to me, I will start here with my biggest wish. Please give us the authentic voices of public address announcers. Contract them to call all names and numbers in the game. That is one wish, but I will go much further. There is an acoustic aspect of certain ballparks that I don't feel the presence of in this game. I'm convinced you guys visit every ballpark when developing this game. I wish that while there you could generate as many sounds of the game inside these arenas as you can. The other must if none of these are possible to do, is that you should at least be able to obtain all authentic organ music from each team and implement them the same way they are used in stadiums throughout the season.

JUMBOTRON Shows NO Replays -

Pre-Game Batting Practice -

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