EA Access News Post

EA has just announced EA Access, exclusive for Xbox One users.

Here are a few things that it will offer:
  • EA Access membership unlocks The Vault, a collection of EA’s biggest games on Xbox One ready for you to download and play.
  • Besides the great games in The Vault, EA Access members will save 10% on purchases of EA digital content for Xbox One offered through the Xbox Games Store.
  • Membership in EA Access lets you experience trials of new EA games up to five days before the release date.* It starts with Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but more are on the way. If you decide to buy the game, your progress will carry over so you can pick up right where you left off.
You can join EA Access for just $4.99 per month, or you can purchase an annual membership for $29.99 per year on Xbox LIVE. It is in beta right now, but should be rolling out for Xbox One users very soon.

Read the full press release below.

Announcing EA Access for Xbox One: The Best Way to Play EA’s Games

Today we’re revealing a new way for gamers to play more EA games. This is something we’ve never done before and we’re excited to share it with you.

We have partnered with Microsoft to deliver EA Access, an all-new monthly (or annual) membership for gamers exclusively on Xbox One that starts at just $4.99 a month. The service is being rolled out in beta to a limited number of players today, but it will launch for everyone on Xbox One soon. At EA, we are always looking for new ways to make it easier for gamers to play more EA games across all platforms, and we are excited about what EA Access will offer to players on Xbox One.

EA Access membership unlocks The Vault, a collection of EA’s biggest games on Xbox One ready for you to download and play. During the beta, gamers will have unlimited access to four great EA games: FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, Peggle 2 and Battlefield 4™, with more titles being added soon. That’s over $100 worth of games for $4.99 a month. You can play these EA favorites as much as you want with the click of a button.

EA Access is a totally new way for you to play more of the games you love, for less. Here’s a rundown of the additional benefits EA Access members will get:

Awesome Value – Besides the great games in The Vault, EA Access members will save 10% on purchases of EA digital content for Xbox One offered through the Xbox Games Store. From full digital-download titles like the upcoming Dragon Age™ Inquisition or NHL®15, to additional membership services such as Battlefield 4 Premium or even FIFA Ultimate Team points, it’s all 10% off for members.*

Play First – Membership in EA Access lets you experience trials of new EA games up to five days before the release date.* It starts with Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but more are on the way. If you decide to buy the game, your progress will carry over so you can pick up right where you left off.

You can join EA Access for just $4.99 per month, or you can purchase an annual membership for $29.99 per year on Xbox LIVE®.

Soon, fans of GameStop will be able to purchase their EA Access membership in local retail stores. GameStop and Amazon will also carry EA Access memberships for Xbox One gamers across Europe, as well as EB Games in Canada.

Excited to check it out? EA Access will launch on Xbox One soon. You will find more information on the program at the EA Access website. Be sure to follow EA Access on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Stay tuned!

*Conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. See www.ea.com/eaaccess for details.

UPDATE: EA just added their FAQ.

UPDATE #2: Here is the official response from Sony.

We don’t think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer."

Game: EA AccessHype Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox OneVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 fatleg3 @ 07/29/14 11:03 PM
Is NCAA one of the games being offered?
# 122 mestevo @ 07/29/14 11:05 PM
No and likely never will be for the same reason it or NFL2k5 won't be on PS Now, licensing.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
# 123 XtremeDunkz @ 07/29/14 11:11 PM
oh man, can someone send me an invite to the xbox preview program so I can get in on this?
# 124 GamerDad4 @ 07/29/14 11:16 PM
From what I see, it looks like this will be an XBox one exclusive for the first year. Doesn't make sense to add in ps4 at a later date, especially if they miss the 5 day early access for Madden, FIFA, and NHL. I have both systems, but sorry PS4 owners, looks like you may be SOL on this one.

I think this is going to be a gamechanger. If this goes over well, look for Activision and UbiSoft to follow suit.
# 125 Shadojoker @ 07/29/14 11:20 PM
Why does EA always trying to get people to sign membership subscriptions but yet come out with weak perks and half *** games? 10% is like $4-5 off people!! Not buying if it comes to Ps4. This is nothing but VC on cocaine!
# 126 mestevo @ 07/29/14 11:20 PM
I'd give them my money too for a selection of on demand titles. Bring it on copycats.
# 127 jmurphy31 @ 07/29/14 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by XtremeDunkz
oh man, can someone send me an invite to the xbox preview program so I can get in on this?

Can someone send me an invite as well to the xbox preview program .

GT: jmurphy31

# 128 StL_RamZ @ 07/29/14 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Shadojoker
Why does EA always trying to get people to sign membership subscriptions but yet come out with weak perks and half *** games? 10% is like $4-5 off people!! Not buying if it comes to Ps4. This is nothing but VC on cocaine!
troll much?

you have access to 4 games(with more games coming soon) for no additional price, (free if you must) games that cost $60 still. and all u have to pay is 29.99 a year?

it's more like we are ripping EA off!
# 129 charter04 @ 07/29/14 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Shadojoker
Why does EA always trying to get people to sign membership subscriptions but yet come out with weak perks and half *** games? 10% is like $4-5 off people!! Not buying if it comes to Ps4. This is nothing but VC on cocaine!

10% of $60 is $6. Math is fun. We all (or almost all) know how much 10% is. The major perk is playing full EA games early and getting vault games free. I did not have FIFA 14 or Battlefield 4 and now I do. Plus I can trade in my copy of Madden 25 since I also have it for free.

Not bad for $30 a year
# 130 Cusefan @ 07/29/14 11:40 PM
I think I'll be down for this, this is perfect as I was on the fence for a few EA titles. Honestly sounds like a win/win situation for the consumer and the developer.

I'm just looking at the negative comments about this and it doesn't surprise me a bit, So many posters here are blinded by hate. This is a genuine great deal.
# 131 mrclutch @ 07/29/14 11:49 PM
This looks very cool. I am sure I'll be in. I may start with the pay by the month deal until we confirm this isn't coming for ps4 which is my preferred system this gen.
# 132 mestevo @ 07/29/14 11:55 PM
It's confirmed exclusive to Xbox One, I'd agree with the previous post that it's probably just for the first year.
# 133 mrclutch @ 07/29/14 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by mestevo
It's confirmed exclusive to Xbox One, I'd agree with the previous post that it's probably just for the first year.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. Sounds like I'll be going with it on the One!
# 134 Darth Aegis @ 07/30/14 12:22 AM
It seems like a neat idea, but will be a no buy for me. I have both systems and have it reserved on the PS4 and don't see this changing my mind with this, it probably doesn't help that I haven't turned on the XBox one for about 4 months now lol. I thought Madden 25 was superior on the PS4 in game play and graphics compared to the Box, so I'm going with what I know. Since I know I will be playing this game for the next 5 months non-stop I can wait 5 days, no biggie. Not suprising Microsoft would do this, you throw enough money at something its bound to stick to something. I am glad people will be able give us early and honest impressions of Madden 15
# 135 iNolaNightmare @ 07/30/14 12:22 AM
So $5/month for early 2 hour limited demos? Correct? Someone please help me out here.
# 136 charter04 @ 07/30/14 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by iNolaNightmare
So $5/month for early 2 hour limited demos? Correct? Someone please help me out here.

Read about the last 10-20 comments if you really want to know the answer
# 137 juduking @ 07/30/14 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by iNolaNightmare
So $5/month for early 2 hour limited demos? Correct? Someone please help me out here.
No, not correct. You get 10% off all digital EA products, any game in the vault is free for as long as you own the service just like PS plus and Xbox live gold, plus as the person tweeting for the program stated 2 hours is the minimum with most games likely exceeding that. On top of that some games will not have a time restriction where your saves and achievements will carry over if you buy the full game, so no its not 5 dollars a month. You can buy month to month for 5 dollars, or 30 dollars for a year which is a better deal depending on whether you like or are interested in any of the games in the vault that will be free. Personally for me, I was on the fence about grabbing Plants vs zombies for my XB1, so this really makes the 30 dollars well spent for me.
# 138 juduking @ 07/30/14 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
10% of $60 is $6. Math is fun. We all (or almost all) know how much 10% is. The major perk is playing full EA games early and getting vault games free. I did not have FIFA 14 or Battlefield 4 and now I do. Plus I can trade in my copy of Madden 25 since I also have it for free.

Not bad for $30 a year
If you play battlefield like I do then this deal is really nice too as getting premium a little cheaper is a good deal considering you save money buying premium over buying each map pack individually.
# 139 bigwill33 @ 07/30/14 01:28 AM
Anyone that can send an invite into the xbox program I'd appreciate it.

GT: illponu2
# 140 mike24forever @ 07/30/14 01:42 AM
I've been invited because I'm in the xbox one preview, so I've downloaded it and bought the year subscription. Looking forward to taking advantage of it.

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