THIS is what I grew up playing so seeing this looks amazing...ya`ll nitpick too much man. Your acting like you plan on pausing the game to go get a bottle of lotion and a towel
I agree, realistic faces are nice, but I honestly won't even be paying attention that anyway. Not like I'm going to go into instant replay and go up and down every single player bench and look at their faces. I'm more concerned about gameplay and I could careless if JVR or Seth Jones don't look like themselves. Doesn't bother me one bit.
hmmm....did you see the NBA 2k14 for PS4? This picture from EA is far from the actual JVR...except the mole.
hmmm...look at the lips, i'm very sure its not because of the lighting.
I honestly never spent the time to study JVR or any other players faces in that much detail. I'll take your word for it though. To me tho from looking at pictures of him online and comparing it to this image it looks pretty good for a video game. Is it perfect? Of course not but again its a video game...
I don't think it looks like him.. EA pic he looks older and face is off. But I'm hoping the players actually play differently w unique skills as well as teams.. Let's hope they don't make nhl 14.5 bc the gameplay last year wasn't good.
I don't think it looks like him.. EA pic he looks older and face is off. But I'm hoping the players actually play differently w unique skills as well as teams.. Let's hope they don't make nhl 14.5 bc the gameplay last year wasn't good.
I saw the same thing you did. The face scan made it look older. That is the one thing that completely through me off.
infact we had the worst hockey videogames the last 3 years, good for you that your are happy with this junk joke marketing series. But as you are free to be happy, we are free to be disappointed with this farce. And we have reasonable grounds to be disappointed. trust me
n.b and stay sure that when we will see a decent gameplay video, we will start talking about better!
IF EA will just release info about the improvements they BaGM (offline and online), Live a Life..I am very sure many of us will start getting excited and bombard this forum with eager anticipation.
IF EA will release (much improved) ACTUAL GAMEPLAY not a film-canned animation I am very sure most if not all of us will salivate over this game and hoping its already September.
The problem with EA marketing is that they boast about arenas that helps you feel better when playing the game. But if the gameplay sucks....I dont care about arenas. EA boast about faces...sure this add some "wow" in the game...but if it plays like NHL 13.2...forget the faces. BTW, I still say this shot of JVR is not close to the real JVR except the mole.