Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports has posted their Madden NFL 15 gameplay improvements blog and quite a few new screenshots.

Quite a bit of information on pre-play mechanics, max protect blocking, pre-play coverage adjustments, QB contain, bluff blitzing, improved adaptive AI, defensive play types, kicking game and much more.

Source - EA Sports

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Member Comments
# 41 N51_rob @ 07/25/14 02:18 PM
Very good read. First blog that actually peaked my interest.
# 42 TheBleedingRed21 @ 07/25/14 02:36 PM
I'm still waiting for the day they get away from the screen jump for the fake snap and use head/shoulder movement & voice inflection instead. The current function is ugly and not very sim.
Maybe I misunderstand your message, but in real football, any head/shoulder movement by the QB to draw the defenders offsides is a false start.
# 43 BezO @ 07/25/14 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
Maybe I misunderstand your message, but in real football, any head/shoulder movement by the QB to draw the defenders offsides is a false start.
Exaggerated head/shoulder movement is a penalty.

It's hard to bark out cadences without moving your head/shoulders at all.


# 44 l8knight1 @ 07/25/14 03:14 PM
I am also excited. It is clear to me that this development team means business. While I am aware of Madden 25's shortcomings, next gen improvements in November were huge, especially physics, compared to when it was first released last August, and I continue to enjoy M25 immensely compared to previous generations. Madden 2006, for example, was horrendous, and I was mortified with the game until M13. All of the improvements in the article are welcomed.

I do hope they allow more flexibility with player/team editing. I've had a lot of fun creating historic teams but the process is painful in its current state.

Glass half full or half empty? Three Maddens in one year. That's glass half full for me, albeit while emptying my wallet.
# 45 countryboy @ 07/25/14 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by maafla1

I STILL WANT TO KNOW, HOWEVER, IF THE STATISTICS ENGINE IS FIXED! Nobody has ever told me if they eliminated the problem with ties. An team finishing with an 8-7-1 record should be behind a 9-7 team but ahead of an 8-8 team.
probably won't know about that until the CFM blog is released.
# 46 Aggies7 @ 07/25/14 04:13 PM
The only concern I see is a 99 kick power can kick 64 yard FGs I just hope that doesn't become a common occurrence.

Also an 83 kick power can only kick a max of 45 yard FG. Seems a little short to me but haven't seen kickers ratings yet

I love hearing weather impacts kicking game. Don't know if that means we will see kickers falling down in rain and snow which would be nice but hope it's implemented well and kicking become harder in inclement weather.
# 47 TheBleedingRed21 @ 07/25/14 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
Exaggerated head/shoulder movement is a penalty.

It's hard to bark out cadences without moving your head/shoulders at all.
In a video game world, I don't see how they could implement it without being exaggerated. I think the way a video game would have to use it would be unrealistic.
# 48 BezO @ 07/25/14 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
In a video game world, I don't see how they could implement it without being exaggerated. I think the way a video game would have to use it would be unrealistic.
More unrealistic than the screen jumping?

A little head/shoulder movement & a little vocal inflection is better than that IMO.
# 49 Quint75 @ 07/25/14 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
probably won't know about that until the CFM blog is released.

And even then they will claim it's fixed regardless. We won't really know until after release day or someone gets an early copy and spills the beans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 50 Retropyro @ 07/25/14 04:45 PM
Like everything I've heard about the game so far. But I'm still waiting to hear if we finally get penalties like Pass Interference.
# 51 RandyBass @ 07/25/14 04:55 PM
Wind arrow bug is fixed
# 52 LorenzoDC @ 07/25/14 05:40 PM
It's a good write up, welcome things if they all worked as advertised.

Not nit picking, but I had to laugh at this though:

The arrow showing which way the wind is blowing was broken in Madden NFL 25.
and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, and. . .
# 53 redkumar @ 07/25/14 08:41 PM
so are they fixing the qbs? are all qbs still going to have the same throwing mechanic? are the ratings actually going to matter (besides speed)? is there any progressive fatigue?

yea i didnt think so.
# 54 countryboy @ 07/25/14 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by redkumar
so are they fixing the qbs?
Haven't heard

are all qbs still going to have the same throwing mechanic?
Don't know

are the ratings actually going to matter (besides speed)?
Don't know. Nobody has spoken on this

is there any progressive fatigue?
Don't know, the CFM blog/information hasn't been released

yea i didnt think so.
# 55 ggsimmonds @ 07/25/14 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Haven't heard

Don't know

Don't know. Nobody has spoken on this

Don't know, the CFM blog/information hasn't been released

From what has been revealed you are wrong on most accounts.

Fixing QBs = They say accuracy has been tuned this year so it matters more now than ever.

Throwing mechanic = It appears to be the same

Ratings mattering = Now more than ever. Multiple times they have mentioned how players with high ZCV will play better in zone (who would have thunk it?)

Fatigue = Gotta wait til CFM, but the gameplay footage did show WRs getting fatigued more play to play, so perhaps it matters more. But I don't think progressive fatigue is high on their priorities
# 56 countryboy @ 07/25/14 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
From what has been revealed you are wrong on most accounts.

Fixing QBs = They say accuracy has been tuned this year so it matters more now than ever.

Throwing mechanic = It appears to be the same

Ratings mattering = Now more than ever. Multiple times they have mentioned how players with high ZCV will play better in zone (who would have thunk it?)

Fatigue = Gotta wait til CFM, but the gameplay footage did show WRs getting fatigued more play to play, so perhaps it matters more. But I don't think progressive fatigue is high on their priorities
# 57 DeuceDouglas @ 07/25/14 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Remember we still have sliders to adjust the game to our liking. (i.e. FG PWR)
Yeah, but sliders have been questionable in recent years. And special teams sliders in CFM have only worked for the user in recent years.

As for the K being able to routinely hit 60+ yarders, I'll be interested to see how that works out as well. My hope is that based on the screenshot, Prater, who I'd consider one of the top kickers has a somewhat small meter for a 55-yarder andt hat the higher the level, the smaller the meter is by default. So a 55-yarder under the same circumstances has a bigger meter on rookie versus all-madden. It's hard to say yet though. I still fear kicking to be far too easy with the RS but I'll have to play it first.
# 58 mr_dukes @ 07/25/14 10:21 PM
I remember when mouth guards were in the game at point of time in madden it was early PS2 days I remember seeing it in madden 03
# 59 DeuceDouglas @ 07/25/14 11:55 PM

Has the returning team always lined up this way on punt returns?

Off the top of my head I don't remember but I always thought there was two guys on both sides defending the gunner? My only thought was that it was a punt return right call and that's why but that seems like it would immediately give up what you called. Another thing I want to see is punt coverage greatly increased and for there to be a difference between punt and max cover punt but that's for another day.
# 60 ggsimmonds @ 07/26/14 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas

Has the returning team always lined up this way on punt returns?

Off the top of my head I don't remember but I always thought there was two guys on both sides defending the gunner? My only thought was that it was a punt return right call and that's why but that seems like it would immediately give up what you called. Another thing I want to see is punt coverage greatly increased and for there to be a difference between punt and max cover punt but that's for another day.
I think it has always been like that.

I believe it is always two players defending the gunner on the short side of the field.

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