Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports has just released another Madden NFL 15 trailer, along with some more screenshots featuring Player Sense 2.0.
  • Defenses are now smarter when it comes to going for a swat vs. an interception or a tackle. This improved logic will be broken down by individual player traits.
  • Zone coverage ratings now have a much bigger impact on how quickly defenders break on throws.
  • Defenders with higher ratings in Zone Coverage will react much quicker to throws, often times before the ball is thrown.
  • Improvements have also been made to zone defenders responsible for the flats.
  • Look for smarter principles, head tracking on all players, increases in press and chuck interactions between DBs and wide receivers, as well as improved pursuit and tackling abilities.
  • Man Coverage ratings have also been tweaked to impact how much separation receivers are able to get on cuts in their routes, resulting in improved behavior of the defensive backs.
  • Also new to Madden 15 is the addition of disguised defenses, where opposing secondaries will show you one coverage but give another.
  • Madden NFL 15 represents the most fun and engaging defensive gameplay in franchise history.
Source - EA Sports

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Member Comments
# 61 hanzsomehanz @ 07/18/14 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I didn't like it. I don't like how the receivers run their routes and break down with more realistic steps, but the db's take one step and turn on a dime. I don't like that receivers have to go through the animation, but the db animation is shortened just to make plays on the ball. It's better than what we've had, but still kinda cheap.

This new defense definitely doesn't work well with the receivers being on "rails". I can see myself being frustrated, not because the defense is tougher, but because it doesn't seem fair. DB's are attacking the ball, and receivers are just on their predetermined path.
I share a lot of those same sentiments and I also feel I will be frustrated by the truth my eyes witness.

Its to the point I am accepting it will be healthier to not bother with this Madden title until a meaningful balance is struck between simulated realism and arcade freedom.

In respect to the 2.0: there are so many frequent iterations to features that the 2.0 is becoming cliche and no longer carries enough weight in the brevity of the cycle.

This title is making its strides but I personally would like to see more development time offered on both sides of the ball each year.

It is not sufficient to me to still see one universal true step and percision moves for every single ball carrier regardless of height, weight, position and real life running style.

It is also not sufficient to me to see improved head tracking dedicated to the D but no imprpved player sence for the the game from a holistic POV in that same series?

I am not going to endorse this pace of businesss productivity and proclivity -- around the bend I see the strides EA has made in NHL and FIFA in their '15 titles and am left to ponder when Madden will finally deliver some auhenticity to these football characters - some authenticity that actually adds gravitas to the game.

I do not see any interest from the Madden execs in priortizing player individuality and authenticity let alone even giving the ball its own independent physics like NHL is empowered to do.

With all that said, I will refrain from investing into Madden: I am not satisfied w how they are allocating my funds.

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# 62 tsbmolina @ 07/18/14 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
I'm all for people being able to give opinions on OS but, these are the commits that I could do without. Just pointless, non-constructive criticism. Actually this is not even criticism. It's more of just a Troll comment. The game most certainly hasn't looked the same in the last ten years. Some changes haven't been better. Some have been better but, not the same for sure.

By same I mean same robotic animations and legacy issues. At it's core Madden is using the same code it has used for the past decade or more.
# 63 friscob @ 07/18/14 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by marvinCB21
disguised coverage was in last year but it only allowed your DBs to "fake press" i guess this year you can show a certain coverage and play a different one at the snap. Or at least I hope lol
You could do more than just fake press in 25. Base align gave a standard 2 high safety look regardless of what youre actually running. Could also man align while in zone covg or vice versa. Nothing too complex but there were at least a few ways to disguise your covg
# 64 Danimal @ 07/18/14 12:14 AM
The animations at times are painful to look at. I'm sure the dev team feels the same way and I assume that is what will be worked on next year.

Having said that there is a lot to like there and still some things not too. The coverage looks good when player break on the ball or when they are in drop on any post, flag or go routes.

Where it looks to robotic are the cross, drags and out patterns. The DB's seem to react to quickly in this short sample size. Although on the last part where they go over disguised coverage if you watch the right side of the screen the DB does a nice defensive drop and then reacts appropriately to the out pattern.

There in lies the problem with these short marketing clips. Some things look good and some don't. Which will we see more of when the game releases.

Having played the position and coached the position this has been my #1 issue for 10 years, penalties #2. I'm really anxious to see this up close.
# 65 Skyboxer @ 07/18/14 12:29 AM
Yep I really like a lot of what I see but some of the animations are still making it a bit rough. Not to where I still won't enjoy it.
Liked seeing DB's that aren't looking at play not reacting as soon as ball is thrown.
Don't like how players rushing the QB still go straight at an OL and no (at least from what I see) stutter stepping or faking a move inside/outside to try and beat the OL. Always straight at them.

Here's a slow down vid to just see things ..well.. a little slower...

# 66 hanzsomehanz @ 07/18/14 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by DCEBB2001
Not impressed with this trailer. Why on earth are not only defenders standing around [idle, in no cover zones? how sensible..], but also the receivers. There is a clip of Jordy Nelson running a stop/curl/hitch but just stands there with his hands in the air as the defender swats the ball from behind him. If you do crap like that, you won't even make a team (not coming back to the ball, that is) in the NFL. EVERY NFL receiver knows to come back to the ball and compete for it.

I feel your pain: Player Sense 2.0 has slapped some sense into me regarding the developments within the laboratory of Madden.

At this pace it may take a Player Sense 4.0 till we see fixed what you just described and then maybe 8.0 will complete the cycle which would fulfill the vision of true player sense for all 22.

Realistically though, 4.0 and 8.0 sound ridiculously far out there and development will likely be arrested here or we can at least expect a pregnant pause before the cycle is revisited.

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# 67 m1ke_nyc @ 07/18/14 12:46 AM
Defense looks better but it actually exposes one of the biggest issues with the game. WRs do not attack the ball. They play out a animation and hope the ball lands in their hands. The Jordy Nelson play, he stands there with his hands out, the DB swats the ball then Nelson has to finish the animation so he turns up field and takes a couple steps. Also at 0:12 that pick by the Broncos defender is straight cheese lol, he spins around and zips forward and picks off the ball in like 2 seconds. Then when they talked about the flats with the Ravens and Browns clip the DB on the right of the screen is just standing there with nobody within 20 yards of him.

Madden 16 we need

WR/DB interactions
Overhauled animation and movement/locomotion system
and challenge system fixed

We cant just have one or 2 of these things addressed, we need them all fixed and working. We get these things and we have the game we deserve.
# 68 atc43 @ 07/18/14 01:35 AM
Ill give them props seems like these guys are actually putting in the effort to make this a respectable game again.

Everything sounds real good on paper, just please deliver on implementation Tiburon.

Love the disguise coverage feature. This used to be in old last gen Maddens if I remember correctly. Hopefully its fleshed out like 2K8's system was(Strong Shell, 2Man, Weak Shell, Roll 3) If it is I'll be extremely happy. If not you guys should go check out how they did it, couldnt hurt. Just dont leave the feature to rot.

Like others have said a thousand times before, the animations are uuuugly. Overhaul it. Base them in real life physics. Give the players weight. The worst thing is seeing a corner make a play on the ball then going back to look a replay and noticing his feet sliding every which way as he turns on a record player to intercept the ball. Weight Tiburon, Weight.

Staying on animations. There need to be a plethora of new, and contextual animations. For example, that swat the Chief player did; Would have looked much more realistic if a dropped INT animation played out. Realisitc animations Tiburon, for as many situations that could arise in any pass or run play on the OLine/Dline or Secondary.

Again It seems the effort is there and its appreciated, just execute.

Or ask for a longer dev cycle, I dont think any of us would mind you guys taking an extra year for all that.
# 69 Skyboxer @ 07/18/14 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
@Skyboxer why oh why did you post that slowed video, it really made the deficiencies stand out, lol. Aside from the stuff already pointed out extensively, at the 1:25 mark in that video the pass thrown by the rookie QB Blake Bortles seems to be right on target, even with a defender bearing down on him, right in his face when releasing. I thought pressure was supposed to effect accuracy, especially for lesser skilled QBs and this guys a rookie. I bring this up because hopefully that's something that can be tweaked before release.

http://www.easports.com/madden-nfl/n...e-passing-game"QBs now throw a number of inaccurate passes determined by their accuracy ratings and pocket pressure, with the level of accuracy ranging from “very inaccurate” to “perfect.” As in the real NFL, there's a much higher chance of being inaccurate when under pressure."

Does anybody else see that or does it look like to you guys the pass was effected?

Mainly as even though I liked what I see for the most part I had other areas I wanted to see better.
As far as QB accuracy I'm sure it was because it was on rookie etc.. I've seen the videos of inaccurate passes so I'm assuming it was a lower difficulty in this video. One of the things we won't know for sure until we get hands on.
# 70 vannwolfhawk @ 07/18/14 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Yep I really like a lot of what I see but some of the animations are still making it a bit rough. Not to where I still won't enjoy it.
Liked seeing DB's that aren't looking at play not reacting as soon as ball is thrown.
Don't like how players rushing the QB still go straight at an OL and no (at least from what I see) stutter stepping or faking a move inside/outside to try and beat the OL. Always straight at them.

Here's a slow down vid to just see things ..well.. a little slower...

I thought the slowed down video was more encouraging than the original. I like a lot of what I saw minus obviously the bad animations. I'm happy with this band aid fix until they tackle the wr/cb interactions next year which I'm assuming is next on their list. It's better than leaving it alone til next year IMO.

So basically they tweaked man and zone coverage ratings and made them work when adjusted this year as in years past you could put to 100 and really tell no difference. I'll take this solution for now because it gives users the ability to fix some issues with rosters if need be.
# 71 Facts @ 07/18/14 02:31 AM
0:49 curl and comeback routes covered with cheese

How do you know a curl is open when a DB is around in real life? If the DB's hips are turned up field to sprint with a deeper route.

No backpedal and amazing super ability to stop on a dime and go full speed the opposite direction. That was Maddens way to fix the curl route abuse. More unsim play. smh

WR/DB jostling after 5 yards, hip to hip coverage, backpeddaling ALL LEFT OUT
# 72 msdm27 @ 07/18/14 02:50 AM
"Actually this came from Cortez Allen from the Pittsburgh Steelers and Stevenson Sylvester from the Buffalo Bills. We had both guys down here for a week working with us on coverage. They explained to us that in zone coverage, they break as soon as they see the QB locks his shoulder to throw. We scale break time by the zone coverage rating, so you will really only see this from 90+ rated zone coverage defenders.
Trust me we are well aware of psychic DB concerns and this will NOT be in the game."

That quote from Rex will only have meaning if not 85% of all CB's end up with 90+ zone coverage rating :/ which I can basically already tell you, won't be the case especially on CFM.
# 73 life4eva @ 07/18/14 03:43 AM
I just cannot believe how horrible the players move...... I actually played FiFA and though the game moved great, why hasn't this kind of movement been implemented into Madden......

I don't care about any features, plays, options anything, all I want is a football game that looks and plays good. This game looks good graphically, but the movement is just so cartoony and not something you would expect from next gen.

I've come to the realization that Madden will never change they way their game plays, man how I wish other Football games existed.
# 74 roadman @ 07/18/14 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
I thought the slowed down video was more encouraging than the original. I like a lot of what I saw minus obviously the bad animations. I'm happy with this band aid fix until they tackle the wr/cb interactions next year which I'm assuming is next on their list. It's better than leaving it alone til next year IMO.

So basically they tweaked man and zone coverage ratings and made them work when adjusted this year as in years past you could put to 100 and really tell no difference. I'll take this solution for now because it gives users the ability to fix some issues with rosters if need be.
This right here.

I understand the gloom and doom with the animations and locomotion, it's really telling in the slow down video posted here.

At the same time, I'm also feeling the same I did before the release of Madden 10, which I consider one of the bigger jumps in Madden LG.

I just can only hope the implementation goes as planned and I won't be let down come late August.

There shouldn't be any surprises about the movement and animations for Madden 15. Rex mentioned in a interview this week he knows what is missing for the sim community.

Doesn't make it right, but gotta give the guy credit for being straight up at this point.(at least I will, lol)
# 75 Junior Moe @ 07/18/14 09:17 AM
Madden will still look and play like "Madden". But this is an encouraging sign and it cements my feelings on the title at the moment. It has been bad, but they seem to have a sim vision going forward and the game does look better than any Madden that I can remember. I am actually looking forward to 15, now. Kinda excited now instead of indifferent. Also, considering EA is all we have going forward, I see this a positive development and I hope that Rex and the team continue on this path.
# 76 trey2k198003 @ 07/18/14 09:39 AM
Some enthusiasms for the OS board wow and about madden no doubt lol
It makes me wanna play more the last two games my big problem has been mainly AI I get to a certain point where I have to make rules to play the CPU only way it be fun hopefully this yr will be different I still would like to hear about the franchise improvements kinda makin me nervous with the lack of info on that
# 77 kromo50 @ 07/18/14 09:43 AM
In that video the tackling looks so bad. Is it just me?? It looks like they go down before they are hit and the visuals come on..
# 78 ThatBlackPanda @ 07/18/14 09:50 AM
I feel like we've heard all this before.....
# 79 kjcheezhead @ 07/18/14 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
@Skyboxer why oh why did you post that slowed video, it really made the deficiencies stand out, lol. Aside from the stuff already pointed out extensively, at the 1:25 mark in that video the pass thrown by the rookie QB Blake Bortles seems to be right on target, even with a defender bearing down on him, right in his face when releasing. I thought pressure was supposed to effect accuracy, especially for lesser skilled QBs and this guys a rookie. I bring this up because hopefully that's something that can be tweaked before release.

http://www.easports.com/madden-nfl/n...e-passing-game"QBs now throw a number of inaccurate passes determined by their accuracy ratings and pocket pressure, with the level of accuracy ranging from “very inaccurate” to “perfect.” As in the real NFL, there's a much higher chance of being inaccurate when under pressure."

Does anybody else see that or does it look like to you guys the pass was effected?

That slowed down video killed any props I had for this game. The animations and player movement were showcased as the worst of any sports game. There is just no fight from the wrs either.

The accuracy does concern me as well. I've only seen a couple of inaccurate passes in all the footage released, most completions are either perfect chest level or the wr has to jump for it. I just don't see enough variety. It would be nice to see them go to a knee to make a catch, or slide, a bobble where it's pulled in on second effort. QB accuracy looks to be a neutered improvement.

This game has potential, but they design it for tourney play. Place premiums on user control and minimize randomness like errant throws, penalties etc. What you get is bad animations and quarterbacks regularly completing 80%.

The flaws in this game we see as legacy issues are design flaws that are unavoidable with the game EA is making.
# 80 BrianFifaFan @ 07/18/14 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
and my anticipation level has just gone up!

Looking forward to getting my hands on the game
Why? The Raiders will still stink! That said, this is the first thing that has really hyped me. D in Madden? Who'd of thunk it!

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