Madden NFL 15 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 15 screenshots featuring Mike Evans, Blake Bortles, Teddy Bridgewater and Johnny Manziel.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Valdarez @ 07/09/14 02:02 PM
If you're going to show Manziel, can't I at least see him being sacked???
# 22 Rams_3 @ 07/09/14 02:04 PM
They don't look much different than the M25 pics. The Colin pick still looks better in my opinion.
# 23 UH53 @ 07/09/14 02:06 PM
The more videos I see about how the other EA titles like NHL and NBA Live are doing to their player models the more I get pissed off! We as a consumer are totally getting ripped off... I'm disgusted! EA Tiburon should be ashamed but I know they're not... Cha Ching!
# 24 Greenblood60 @ 07/09/14 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
I din't realize Terry Bridgewater gained 30lbs of muscle since draft day.
That virtual HGH is a helluva drug.
# 25 Clappington @ 07/09/14 02:44 PM
Graphics still dont look next gen... hmm
# 26 NicVirtue @ 07/09/14 03:33 PM
The jersey's are still glued onto the models, why? Not even animated. But I'm sure when they finally do separate the jersey's, they'll advertise the hell out of it as if it's some remarkable thing.
# 27 The JareBear @ 07/09/14 03:59 PM
Looks like Teddys been lifting.
# 28 MrPinkBlackrose @ 07/09/14 04:04 PM
Teddy with the 24inch pythons...
# 29 msdm27 @ 07/09/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Looks like Teddys been lifting.
So now we know what happened....

Madden got Bridgewater to say he learns his playbook by playing the game, in exchange for Madden making him look like a bodybuilder for Madden 15.... Win-Win
# 30 CM Hooe @ 07/09/14 04:12 PM
I'm concerned for the eyesight of people saying the Buccaneers' jerseys are pink. It's clearly Buccaneers' red exposed to bright sunlight. It isn't remotely close to pink.

As to the stills themselves - IMO they look good, as expected. Nothing really earth-shattering compared to what we've already seen.
# 31 bcruise @ 07/09/14 04:18 PM
Any chance we could get full-size pics of each pic individually? (And I don't mean for someone in-thread to blow them up, that will lower the quality and cause even more complaints).

Unless I'm missing something on the linked page and the individual pics are already there...it's just hard to make out details when it's like that.
# 32 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 07/09/14 04:23 PM
That Manziel screenshot is really awkward. As though the lower and upper body don't belong in the same picture.

Overall, it looks about as good as we were expecting. They touched the graphic fidelity but it doesn't look as though the player models themselves were touched too much.
# 33 XXstormmXX @ 07/09/14 04:48 PM
Bridgewater has more muscles then Ray Lewis in that photo but everything else is great. I like how the new Bucs uniforms look in the game.
# 34 Cowboy008 @ 07/09/14 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm concerned for the eyesight of people saying the Buccaneers' jerseys are pink. It's clearly Buccaneers' red exposed to bright sunlight. It isn't remotely close to pink.

As to the stills themselves - IMO they look good, as expected. Nothing really earth-shattering compared to what we've already seen.
I just watched the new video and the Buccaneers jerseys look good to me.
# 35 azdawgpound @ 07/09/14 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
I just watched the new video and the Buccaneers jerseys look good to me.

I agree they don't look pink to me.
# 36 SageInfinite @ 07/09/14 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kaiser Wilhelm
That Manziel screenshot is really awkward. As though the lower and upper body don't belong in the same picture.
Probably due to the horrible scramble animations they have.
# 37 Gman 18 @ 07/09/14 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Graphics still dont look next gen... hmm

Are you serious? They look great. Besides, there are many more significant problems with this game than graphics. Madden always had great graphics no doubt about it. Gameplay and CFM need to be overhauled before the graphics do. Gameplay and CFM are and almost always were the liabilities of this game, not the graphics

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# 38 Gman 18 @ 07/09/14 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm concerned for the eyesight of people saying the Buccaneers' jerseys are pink. It's clearly Buccaneers' red exposed to bright sunlight. It isn't remotely close to pink.

As to the stills themselves - IMO they look good, as expected. Nothing really earth-shattering compared to what we've already seen.

People look for every little thing to complain about in this game, i swear. The jerseys look fine.

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# 39 strawberryshortcake @ 07/09/14 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gman 18
Are you serious? They look great. Besides, there are many more significant problems with this game than graphics. Madden always had great graphics no doubt about it. Gameplay and CFM need to be overhauled before the graphics do. Gameplay and CFM are the liabilities of this game, not the graphics

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Note: there is a completely separate department that does graphics and gameplay.

He probably is very serious. And I do concur with him to a very large extent. I think what someone people including me are looking for when it comes to graphics, lighting, texture is something more photorealistic. Something that can be mistaken for a real life photograph. Something about EA sports player models (across all their sports titles) in static still images in addition to the way they physically move has a characteristic hindering that desired realism. It's missing that 'something' that would blur the lines of real and video game. As it stands right now, all Madden screenshots released, albeit definitely improved and best to date, still has that video gamey quality.

Completely different, but think Gran Turismo graphics and how that can be mistaken for real life. Double and triple take often is needed. Even the PS3 version for gran turismo looks photorealistic. I want that type of effect when looking at all new next generation gaming. Something that auses you to question what you're seeing in a good way.
# 40 hawley088 @ 07/09/14 07:17 PM
Johnny Manziel doesnt look right...wheres the champagne bottle and stipper?

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