Operation Sports News Post

We have plenty of users from the OS community who already write fantastic dynasty stories, filled with stats, details and much more. Are you ready to take your dynasty to another level?

Thanks to a few key members of Dynasty Nation, we have found a home for those of you that want to do more with your dynasty. Below you will find just a few of the things you can do at Dynasty Nation. Feel free to continue updating your dynasties the way you currently do them or sign up for free at Dynasty Nation and see what you can come up with.
  • Dynasty Nation allows you to bring your sports video game franchise to life like never before.
  • The most authentic way to update and share games from your franchise or dynasty.
  • Write stories and articles that cover your games, major trades, injuries, etc.
  • Incorporate in-game images or video to remember your game time moments.
  • Dynasty Nation allows you do do as much, or as little as you want. It’s up to you.
  • Dynasty Nation is the perfect way to keep track of all of your team’s stats and records.
  • Keep box scores for every game.
  • Record year-to-year statistics for your players that games often do not record.
  • Track standings from year to year and playoff results.
The best way to understand what the site allows you to do is to check it out here.

Check out some of the examples from the different sport categories below.A special thanks to Dan and Grant for making this happen, also a tip of the hat to Shawn for helping out with the transition. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or just sign up free at Dynasty Nation and ask your questions there.

Game: Operation SportsReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 41 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 09/29/14 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by rancer890
It's looks like a really nice site. Unfortunately, out of all the sports games I play football (soccer) the most so I think I will wait until there is official support for the sport.
Working on it!
# 42 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 09/30/14 02:01 PM
I've been working on a new homepage design as well as team pages. I just posted an update video on my Youtube channel for anyone interested in following the progress. I can't post the link because I don't have five posts or whatever the limit is, but if you go to the Dynasty Nation homepage it is on the main page!

Thanks guys! More updates to come.....
# 43 Gagnon39 @ 09/30/14 07:57 PM
Just wanted to make sure you guys on OS knew that there were updates/support coming. Stay tuned because it all looks good! Soccer fans can rejoice!
# 44 KG @ 10/07/14 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
Just wanted to make sure you guys on OS knew that there were updates/support coming. Stay tuned because it all looks good! Soccer fans can rejoice!
Niiiiiice. Thanks for the footy love!
# 45 djp73 @ 10/28/14 01:21 PM
i signed up but i don't see where to start my dynasty
# 46 DavidTheGreat20 @ 10/28/14 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by djp73
i signed up but i don't see where to start my dynasty

Go to Admin CP.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
# 47 mlblover15 @ 10/29/14 10:33 PM
I was once a member of that site and tech still am. I used to post on there a great deal but got burn out and just haven't been able to get back into it. i have been getting things in line for a return but just not sure how soon it will happen. i am planning on making a full on return to the site in time however.

for those of you that love to write or are training or desiring to start a sports writing career this is the place to do it.

yes there is a lot more work to put into a single update or even setting up the actual page(s) but also there is a great deal of pride in it just as anything that is something that you do with a lot of passion or love.

I hope to find that fire, energy, and passion once again once i get everything in place...

don't be afraid of it... there is nothing to fear... come join the fun.
# 48 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 10/31/14 05:31 PM
I was just thinking about this idea today and was curious if anyone would have any interest in a league feature being added to DN when the new site rolls around? It wouldn't be ready immediately when the change occurs, but it could be something I work on and implement into the site. I know MLB 14 has 'Online Franchise', Madden has 'Connected Franchise', NCAA Football 14 has 'Online Dynasty' and even though I do not play the NBA, NHL or FIFA game, I'm sure those have some sort of league mode in the game.

So... interest?
# 49 DavidTheGreat20 @ 11/01/14 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY
I was just thinking about this idea today and was curious if anyone would have any interest in a league feature being added to DN when the new site rolls around? It wouldn't be ready immediately when the change occurs, but it could be something I work on and implement into the site. I know MLB 14 has 'Online Franchise', Madden has 'Connected Franchise', NCAA Football 14 has 'Online Dynasty' and even though I do not play the NBA, NHL or FIFA game, I'm sure those have some sort of league mode in the game.

So... interest?
That would be epic

First dibs on Detroit teams!
# 50 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 11/06/14 08:29 PM
For those who have been following the progress at Dynasty Nation, we're a step closer to getting the new site launched. A couple of nights ago I launched the new forum and I've been going through adding cool stuff to it. We've started the process of getting soccer added to DN.

I went through today and set up 249 soccer logos for use with the dynasty pages, and I also made them available in the avatar gallery of the forum. If you have any suggestions on things you'd like to see me add, please go to the link below and post in the suggestion box. Thanks!

# 51 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 11/09/14 10:41 PM


I've been working hard finalizing the home page as part of the new Dynasty Nation site that will launch soon. Here is a quick look at things. I am saving a special feature that is just below those blog posts. I'll make a video on this feature, which will also be available to members to use on their own dynasty pages. The questions I have for you guys are:
  • Do you guys want to be able to sort the dynasty posts by sport?
  • The blank space to the right of the site logo... fine or do I need something there? It looks a little bare to me, but I also don't want it to be all cluttered. I thought about rotating some recent scores up there through a news ticker of some sort, but let me know what you guys think. Not sure where else the scores would go...

Thanks for the continued support!
# 52 DavidTheGreat20 @ 11/10/14 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY


I've been working hard finalizing the home page as part of the new Dynasty Nation site that will launch soon. Here is a quick look at things. I am saving a special feature that is just below those blog posts. I'll make a video on this feature, which will also be available to members to use on their own dynasty pages. The questions I have for you guys are:

  • Do you guys want to be able to sort the dynasty posts by sport?
  • The blank space to the right of the site logo... fine or do I need something there? It looks a little bare to me, but I also don't want it to be all cluttered. I thought about rotating some recent scores up there through a news ticker of some sort, but let me know what you guys think. Not sure where else the scores would go...

Thanks for the continued support!

I think the new design is solid. Having a news ticker with scores is a great idea if you add the poster's username after the score, you feel?

Also looking forward to seeing that new feature!

As for the right side of that logo you talked about, you should add a motto. Looks like it will fit well
# 53 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 11/10/14 01:00 AM
Yes, I would definitely add the username after the score.

I'll play around with some different ideas and see what works best.
# 54 DavidTheGreat20 @ 11/10/14 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY
Yes, I would definitely add the username after the score.

I'll play around with some different ideas and see what works best.

Good to hear, can't wait !
# 55 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 11/12/14 04:59 PM
Soccer dynasties in the works at DN... A little preview of what's to come for all of the soccer fans:

# 56 KG @ 11/14/14 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY
Soccer dynasties in the works at DN... A little preview of what's to come for all of the soccer fans:

One thing that would also be great would be the ability to export the html so you can post it on other sites like OS.
# 57 bhurst99 @ 11/18/14 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY
Soccer dynasties in the works at DN... A little preview of what's to come for all of the soccer fans:

Maybe OS will even get a soccer dynasty forum one day. We can only hope.
# 58 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 12/01/14 12:10 PM
I just wanted to take a moment to share a quick little screenshot with you guys of the new admin area I'm working on at Dynasty Nation. The big feature everyone seems to want (besides Soccer pages) is the ability to archive your rosters, schedule, stories, etc. Here is a preview of what I've got.

Click the picture for a full-sized version.

# 59 DavidTheGreat20 @ 12/01/14 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by LeG_eNd_ArY
I just wanted to take a moment to share a quick little screenshot with you guys of the new admin area I'm working on at Dynasty Nation. The big feature everyone seems to want (besides Soccer pages) is the ability to archive your rosters, schedule, stories, etc. Here is a preview of what I've got.

Click the picture for a full-sized version.

Looks good! Too bad I deleted my 2014 schedule/roster, so I won't be able to use this awesome feature, haha.

What is the ETA for this release? Are we looking at Christmas for an amazing holiday gift?
# 60 LeG_eNd_ArY @ 12/02/14 11:43 AM
That is what I am hopeful for.

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