Lacrosse 15 News Post

Pittsburgh developer, Crosse Studios, has partnered with Australian publisher, Big Ant Studios, to pitch a new lacrosse video game for the Xbox, PlayStation and PC.

Lacrosse 15's Indiegogo project, which closes on July 10, has currently raised over $35,000 of its $75,000 goal, courtesy of 345 donors. If the stretch goal of $115,000 is reached, the game will also release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, in addition to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Lacrosse fans can pledge their pre-orders towards the PC version for $25, the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 version for $55, and the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 version for $65.

If Lacrosse 15 reaches its $75,000 target, the game will enter an eight-month development cycle, with plans to produce the following features:

Quick Game -- "Choose from hundreds of customizable teams and players."

Dynasty Mode -- "Negotiate player scholarships, sign sponsors, hire top-flight coaching staff and set intense training programs to build the ultimate team."

Online Multiplayer -- "Our engine is built from the ground up with online gaming in the forefront. Quickly pick up the game for competitive ranked play, or run a top-tier franchise with your friends through Dynasty Connect. Play competitively in ranked/unranked matches or in mini-games. Earn badges and rise to the top of the leaderboards."

Character Creation - "Create teams and players in the fully featured Lax Academy and share them online. The Lax Academy opens up endless customization options, from the players' height, weight, skin and physique to their facial features and hairstyles. Equipment selection allows for customization of helmets, jerseys, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, stick shafts, stick heads, war paint, socks and shoes."

Xbox 360 lacrosse fans have likely already played one of Sunseri's five previous console lacrosse games, which were built with Microsoft's XNA engine, and released through the system's underpublicized Indie Games channel.

Crosse Studios' previous crowdfunding attempt, completed in November 2013, raised $120,725 from 1,157 supporters, but did not meet its $210,000 goal.

Lacrosse 15's lead producer, Carlo Sunseri, was a three-time captain on Robert Morris University's lacrosse team, where he also served as an assistant coach for nine years.

Game: Lacrosse 15Hype Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 bxphenom7 @ 06/22/14 10:58 PM
Hope this does well
# 2 BigBadTom @ 06/24/14 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
Hope this does well
So do I, a solid lax game would be a great new sports game that could be very popular given the growth of the sport
# 3 strawberryshortcake @ 07/07/14 02:40 AM
Kickstarter campaign isn't looking good

7/6/14: $46,578USD raised of $75,000 goal (62%)
4 days left

Previous Kickstarter campaign for this exact game only received around 50% of set goal. $120,725 raised of $210,000 goal

EDIT: Well good news, there's an extra 9 days (for a total of 13 days) to reach the goal.
7/7/14: $48,868USD raised of $75,000 goal (65%)
13 days left

EDIT: 7/8/14 $51,182USD raised of $75,000 goal (68%)
13 days left


EDIT 7/8/14: $52,229USD raised of $75,000 goal (70%)
12 days left

EDIT 7/10/14: $53,474USD raised of $75,000 goal (71%)
10 days left
... $21,526 left to go.

EDIT 7/11/14 $54,178USD raised of $75,000 goal (72%)
9 days left ... $20,822 left to go.


EDIT: 7/12/14 $54,408USD raised of $75,000 goal (73%)
8 days left ... $20,592 left to go.

# 4 Fiddy @ 07/08/14 10:19 AM
can we start a kick starter to get the potato salad guy to donate to this cause? LOL..

35k for potato salad.. grrrrr!
# 5 strawberryshortcake @ 07/14/14 02:02 AM
7/13/14: $54,797USD raised of $75,000 goal (73%)
7 days left ... only $20,203 left to go.

7/14/14: $56,136USD raised of $75,000 goal (75%)
6 days left only ... $18,864 left to go


7/15/14 $58,751USD raised of $75,000 goal (78%)
5 days left only ... $16,248 left


$61,501USD raised of $75,000 goal (82%)
4 days left only ... $13,499 left to go


7/17/14 $62,045USD raised of $75,000 goal (83%)
3 days left only ... $12,955 left to go


7/17/14 $64,442USD raised of $75,000 goal (86%)
3 days left only .... $10,558 left to go.


7/18/14 $68,025USD raised of $75,000 goal (91%)
72 hours left only ... $6975 left to go


7/18/14 $69,080USD raised of $75,000 goal (92%)
65 hours left only ... $5920 left to go

# 6 strawberryshortcake @ 07/18/14 04:26 PM
Success. Goal Met for last generation (PS3/XBOX360/PC)
USD raised of $75,000 goal (103%)

Goal for Next Generation/Current Generation (PS4/XB1)
PS4/XB1 Goal $115,000
$77,571USD raised of $115,000 goal (67%)
$37,429 left to go

$84,284USD raised of $115,000 goal (73%)
$30,716 left to go
... 45 hours left to go

$89,212USD raised of $115,000 goal (78%)
$25,788 left to go ... 33 hours left to go


$108,498USD raised of $115,000 goal (94%)
$6,502 left to go ... 13 hours left to go


$112,377 USD raised of $115,000 goal (97%)
$2,623 left to go ... 10 hours left to go

# 7 TDenverFan @ 07/20/14 04:55 PM
Wow the funding for this blew up quickly. They'll probably hit the 115k and get it on next gen at this rate
# 8 strawberryshortcake @ 07/20/14 06:51 PM

Goals Met For Both Last Generation and Current Generation!

Success. Goal Met for last generation (PS3/XBOX360/PC)

USD raised of $75,000 goal (103%)


Success. Goal for Next Generation/Current Generation (PS4/XB1)
$115,055USD raised of $115,000 goal (100%)
# 9 Thrash13 @ 07/21/14 03:49 PM
I'll have to keep my eyes on this. I've never been into Lacrosse much, but it could definitely be a fun game to play! Congrats to them for reaching their goal for XB1 and PS4 too!
# 10 TDenverFan @ 07/21/14 10:39 PM
Looks like due to an error Indiegogo closed their campaign down early, so it's been extended three days to compensate
# 11 mcmax3000 @ 07/22/14 10:59 AM
Oh, I didn't realize they had hit the XB1/PS4 goal. Might go ahead, and back now. Didn't want to back, and have it not hit that goal, since I'm not really interested in a previous gen version.

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