This seems arcadey in a way. A lot colors and fancy indicators. Dont really like all these colors and words popping up on the play screen. Another thing about real NFL players is: if a NFL player cant get through a football game without being gassed then something is wrong with the coach not keeping up on their conditioning! I remember playing games in high school and the games were so easy compared to practice during the week! I barely was ever winded and I played kickoffs, offense n defense! The only games I got fatigued was the ones that the night b4 I drank a case of beer lol.
So you're saying there should be no way to view the matchups and there should be no fatigue...Right........ "arcadey"
If you've never seen an NFL player get gasses then you've never watched the NFL.
I think he is saying that he HAS seen NFL players get gassed. However, he (like myself) has probably never seen a fatigue indicator while watching a game.
Yeah, because that is REALITY. This is a video game.
I think he is saying that he HAS seen NFL players get gassed. However, he (like myself) has probably never seen a fatigue indicator while watching a game.
Well in that case there should be no receiver icons or any HUD at all..
Well in that case there should be no receiver icons or any HUD at all..
The HUD is for a coach. A real football coach will know his players need a little time on the sidelines. As a virtual coach, you don't get to see as much, so a HUD is needed. As a QB, you know matchups and where your advantages are, but a casual fan doesn't spend hours reading rating sheets.
This whole coaching stick is allowing the casual player understand more football knowledge and show some of these little things can turn a game around.
The HUD is for a coach. A real football coach will know his players need a little time on the sidelines. As a virtual coach, you don't get to see as much, so a HUD is needed. As a QB, you know matchups and where your advantages are, but a casual fan doesn't spend hours reading rating sheets.
This whole coaching stick is allowing the casual player understand more football knowledge and show some of these little things can turn a game around.
My only issue with any of the fatigue-centered stuff is that if auto-subs worked correctly, we wouldn't need to worry about some sort of graphic/indicator.
The graphic indicator could still be useful even with auto-subs being no object, in case you wanted to manage a three-back rotation, for example. Madden's auto-subs implementation doesn't have a concept of a "pitch count" for RBs at all. Me personally, I tend to do a ton of manual formation subs on the defensive line over the course of a game as soon as they hit yellow at all to make sure I keep my best guys relatively fresh for the fourth quarter.
Doesn't absolve auto-subs not working in CFM, no, but it can potentially be useful depending on your substitution strategy.
My only issue with any of the fatigue-centered stuff is that if auto-subs worked correctly, we wouldn't need to worry about some sort of graphic/indicator.
Man I hope auto subs are fixed. It's been how long since they've worked properly?
Love the feature. It's about time really. Of course real NFL coaches and players on Monday know the matchups because its studied ahead of time when gameplanning. Love the idea of being able to do it on the field. I think its a great concept, and at a glance in these videos I think they did a good job of implementing it. Of course, we'll see for sure once I get to use it myself, but it sure looks promising, quick, and easy to use so far.
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