Madden NFL 15 News Post

Following yesterday's deluge of Madden NFL 15 info, it's only right to follow that up with another day of extensive details on the game, including hands-on impressions from our friends over at GoodGameBro.

The first thing you will notice about the game is that, "for the first time in a long while I feel as if Madden NFL finally gives us a “full” experience on the field, something it hasn’t done in quite some time."

The defense is the star of the gameplay for sure, with noticeable improvements at every turn. The defensive line play receives high praise, as does the tackling for adding something to the defensive side of the ball that the series has been missing for quite some time.

The tackling and defensive line aren't the only things which have received treatment. The article states that the zone coverage A.I. is completely rewritten and actually works. In one anecdote about Corey's time with the game, "Seattle was incredibly tough to beat in their Cover 3, and players reacted to passes in a much more realistic manner."

A few more gems:

On adaptive A.I.: "Another solid improvement comes with a new Adaptive AI system, that helps create an environment where the CPU can start to read how you’re controlling your offense. The days of running “Strong Power” to the outside are over, as CPU opponents will pick up on repeated plays as the game moves forward. To test this, I purposely ran 4 HB screens in a row to see what would happen. The first one went for a gain of 12, the second went for a gain of 4, the third was stuffed right away for an incompletion and the fourth attempt was picked-off for a TD."

The tackle cone can be toggled on and off, with the plan to set it to off for the higher difficulties.

On QB Accuracy: "QB accuracy was completely re-written, and now ratings will play a much bigger role in just how successful a throw will be. In short, a ball can go almost anywhere now. You won’t see passes to a receiver’s numbers 100% of the time. In fact, you’ll see low passes, passes behind the target, errant throws, over-throws, bouncers and wobbly spirals."

Kick Meter: "Kick meter is much like the Tiger Woods PGA Tour swing mechanic. You still pull back and then forward, but if you aim left or right, you have to actually coordinate your stick movement in that direction, meaning a kick left to right needs a diagonal left to diagonal right press. The more severe the angle, the further you push the stick off-center."

Be sure to check out the full article on GoodGameBro for tons of other details!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 jmurphy31 @ 06/10/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
No, this is a huge positive in both single and multi. I still am baffled at the idea that a lot of the "offline" franchise guys think that the online franchise guys are any different. I only play due to online leagues, so I don't ever do "offline" anything. But I will tell you, ALL of the things you want in AI are also the EXACT same things those of us who play in online leagues want. There is no difference. I still have 10 other players on the field being controller by the AI when I am playing a person. Everything is the same!
I get you. I was thinking the CPU offense and defense. For example 95% of the time on 3rd and 1 or on the goal line the CPU pinches everyone inside the tackles. I can call a sweep and I always score or pick up a huge gain. If you're playing a human they would hopefully call a different defense or manually control the LB.

But I get you. I hate when my CPU counterparts do something dumb in coverage
# 42 apollon42 @ 06/10/14 04:42 PM
I think one of the main problems with Madden is that in Madden 06' they came up with a whole new engine. That engine was god awful. Since then, they have been trying to fix and modify that engine, instead of fixing the root of the problem. Although the game is substantially better, at least 50% of the animations look wierd.
# 43 DeuceDouglas @ 06/10/14 05:21 PM
Interested to see this kick meter (and special teams in general) in action. Don't like the sound of it so far with it still being a right stick motion. Seems to be nearly the same but I'll wait and see. Not sure I like the sound of some guys just simply not being able to make 55, or 50, yard FG's. If that means accuracy then I like the sound of it but if there's a ton of 50 to 50+ yard field goals coming up short, that's no good. Literally.
# 44 wordtobigbird @ 06/10/14 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by MossMan84
I dont like the sounds of the kick meter either! Not sure why we cant have a few to pick from? I like the old button start, button power, button accuracy, with less accurate kickers having a smaller window. It would also be nice to have random shanks/whiffs/chokes/ by even the best kickers (Gary Anderson anyone?) (clutch rating plays a factor) even when you hit a perfect meter. Maybe add a botched or high snap or fumble from the place kicker? Cant stand these right stick kicking meters, absolutely no fun!

FG kicking is going to be a struggle this year. #Madden15 #E32014
# 45 friscob @ 06/10/14 06:15 PM
A lot of positive info coming out. Hopefully it can pass the eye test
# 46 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/10/14 06:17 PM
Not a huge change to kicking but THANK GOD they did something. The angled kick should be a nice change as long as they make it precise.
# 47 DeuceDouglas @ 06/10/14 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
I would hope so. I don't think I missed a FG the entire 360 generation. I just really hope when they mention kickers not being able to make from 50 it has to do with accuracy and not distance. I don't want a guy like Ryan Succop who will probably only have high 80's for KP coming up consistently short on FG's from 50+ unless there is some wind or weather.

Definitely like hearing this initially though. Just hope it goes well online and they don't neuter it down the road if it actually does turn out to be a challenge. Can't wait to see it.
# 48 wordtobigbird @ 06/10/14 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I would hope so. I don't think I missed a FG the entire 360 generation. I just really hope when they mention kickers not being able to make from 50 it has to do with accuracy and not distance. I don't want a guy like Ryan Succop who will probably only have high 80's for KP coming up consistently short on FG's from 50+ unless there is some wind or weather.

Definitely like hearing this initially though. Just hope it goes well online and they don't neuter it down the road if it actually does turn out to be a challenge. Can't wait to see it.
I hear you. Knowing EA they might screw it up but I rather have it too hard than too easy.
# 49 Official_Mole @ 06/10/14 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
Mole, here is a question that shouldn't be under the NDA...

One of the WORST things in Madden is the synchronized animations and movement. In other words, you will see 2, 3, sometimes even more players doing the exact same movement at the exact same time. "Terrible" is not a big enough word to describe how bad this makes the game look and feel.

For example, you will often see a receiver and DB both go into the exact same catching animation at the same time. Or 3 linebackers running for the ball carrier with the exact same stride, all stopping at the exact same time with the exact same movements. For some reason, this has stayed in the game for about 7 years and I don't know how they can't notice it. It's been discussed beyond all recognition by the youtube and social media madden community as well. Will this finally be removed from the game and give the user the perception that the players are not just mindless drones operating in a scripted environment?

This is actually under NDA. I will answer as soon as I can.
# 50 DeuceDouglas @ 06/10/14 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
I hear you. Knowing EA they might screw it up but I rather have it too hard than too easy.

Same goes for when I see people worrying about defense being overpowered. I think I would definitely prefer it being way too hard to score than it being too easy. Just like I wouldn't want to play a baseball game where I bat .400 as a team.
# 51 The JareBear @ 06/10/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas

Same goes for when I see people worrying about defense being overpowered. I think I would definitely prefer it being way too hard to score than it being too easy. Just like I wouldn't want to play a baseball game where I bat .400 as a team.
Yeah, I saw a post last night right after the man/zone coverage enhancements were announced that was something like "I really hope they didn't make it impossible to score" or something like that.

Please make it too hard. Please. Too hard is MUCH better than too easy. I would much rather adjust the game to make it easier than have to max out sliders to give the CPU a chance. Scoring a touchdown in the NFL is a big deal.
# 52 wordtobigbird @ 06/10/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas

Same goes for when I see people worrying about defense being overpowered. I think I would definitely prefer it being way too hard to score than it being too easy. Just like I wouldn't want to play a baseball game where I bat .400 as a team.
One of hte most ridiculous things about Madden is that in 20 minute games we score 2-3 times more than the best NFL offenses do in 60 minute games, on default settings. I was able to change the sliders on M25 enough to get realistic scores with full 15 min acc clock but Madden out of the box is far from a realistic representation of the NFL.

Imagine if in NBA 2k you could get to 100 points (assuming thats the NBA average) regularly on 5 minute quarters.
# 53 wordtobigbird @ 06/10/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Yeah, I saw a post last night right after the man/zone coverage enhancements were announced that was something like "I really hope they didn't make it impossible to score" or something like that.

Please make it too hard. Please. Too hard is MUCH better than too easy. I would much rather adjust the game to make it easier than have to max out sliders to give the CPU a chance. Scoring a touchdown in the NFL is a big deal.
It makes me if people who say that are more Madden fans than football fans, if that makes sense. If you watch and love the NFL how can you not see that a lot of times it is nearly impossible to score. Teams get 10+ drives and if they can score a TD on 4 of them thats a great game. I think if we only scored on 25% of our drives in Madden people wouldn't know how to react lol

Some guy who got really good at coffin corner punting is doing the birdman hands right now.
# 54 friscob @ 06/10/14 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
It makes me if people who say that are more Madden fans than football fans, if that makes sense. If you watch and love the NFL how can you not see that a lot of times it is nearly impossible to score. Teams get 10+ drives and if they can score a TD on 4 of them thats a great game. I think if we only scored on 25% of our drives in Madden people wouldn't know how to react lol

Some guy who got really good at coffin corner punting is doing the birdman hands right now.
I remember when 25 came out and ppl were expressing sentiments like yours and "Madden" fans were pointing to the Broncos thrashing of the Ravens as proof that Madden was realistic!

NFL has swung in favor of the offense the last few years. The game just needs to give you some tools at your disposal to play good defense while also taking away the madden money plays. Sounds like they had the money plays in mind while developing this game when you read about taking away overpowered runs and the secondary reacting quicker.
# 55 Danimal @ 06/10/14 08:47 PM
I liked the preview but I ask this question with no intent of causing an issue, or discrediting the source and mainly because I have not been keeping up with the Madden community.

Is the author of this article the same Corey that used to be here as a game changer?
# 56 N51_rob @ 06/10/14 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
I liked the preview but I ask this question with no intent of causing an issue, or discrediting the source and mainly because I have not been keeping up with the Madden community.

Is the author of this article the same Corey that used to be here as a game changer?

10 Char.
# 57 CoreySA @ 06/10/14 10:01 PM
I appreciate all of the comments guys, and thanks for reading.

As for positive vs. negative feedback, I think I did clearly point out that it still isn't perfect. I mentioned CB/WR interactions in the article and how they remain to be an issue. While the CB's react better now and there is better coverage, the fact remains that the lack of physicality between CB's and WR's is still a very clear issue. I mentioned this in my feedback to the team and that it needs to be addressed moving forward. I believe fixing this issue is a priority and would fix a lot - proper press coverage, pass interference calls, etc.

I think some type of jostle system needs to be implemented. A modifier that allows you as both a CB or WR, to grab jerseys, push your opponent or get better positioning with a risk/reward system, meaning if you do too much of something, it'll result in a PI call. Having this type of system would make playing those positions fun again and would create a more realistic setting with a secondary that wants to play physical.

Either way, my focus here was to talk about the improvements that Madden NFL 15 DID make this year and what I thought of that experience. I had a good time with the game, and I feel like the improvements made do a lot to enhance the experience and that these aren't fluff features. Re-writing zones is a huge deal, so was making the D-Line fun again and making those positions matter after the O-Line was so OP last year. Defense still isn't 100% yet due to the lack of physical action between CB's and WR's, but it is improved and feels much more balanced because of it. I thought I pointed that out, but if I didn't state it clearly, I apologize.

And yes, I still am a Game Changer, and I do visit here daily, but my responses have become less because I've focused heavily on GoodGameBro and making it a success. It honestly takes up all of my time. I do lurk for feedback though, and I do appreciate all of your comments no matter if you agree or disagree with my thoughts.

As we get closer to release, I'll try to get to more of your comments and concerns, because I know it's important to you guys.

Thanks for reading, and we'll have more content soon!
# 58 mmorg @ 06/10/14 10:12 PM
Awesome reply. Thanks.
# 59 Dr. Poe @ 06/10/14 10:59 PM
Sounds like the DB's will have even more psychic powers. Sounds like they will cheat even more to make plays.
# 60 Kramer5150 @ 06/10/14 11:19 PM
Everything SOUNDS promising,but as it's been stated anything can sound good,the obvious test will be how it all plays out once the game is released to the masses.

This sounds promising (at least to me)....

Saw more penalties being called such as – blocking downfield, late hits out of bounds and roughing the passer were all penalties I saw numerous times that I saw none of last year.
But what I am more surprised about is with the attention being made to the defensive side of things (about time...lol) there was no mention of pass interference anywhere (unless I missed it)

While I hope it's true about the other penalties being called more frequently,I thought for sure this penalty would be called alot as well.

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