EA Sports UFC News Post

Back in October, Brian Hayes confirmed EA Sports UFC would run at 1080p on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In the face of that widely circulated report, no one had denied those claims at EA in an official capacity.

However, thanks to an analysis by Digital Foundry, the demo appears to be running at 900p instead of the touted 1080p.

It is possible that the demo is running at a lower resolution than it will in the full version, but this is obviously something many fans want to know more about as we approach the launch of EA Sports UFC in just a couple of weeks.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Phobia @ 06/06/14 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Panicshade
Back in October there were reports that Brian Hayes had confirmed that EA UFC would be 1080p on both PS4 and XB1


Nothing else had been said denying this. Digital Foundry did an analysis on the demo and found that they both run at 900p instead.


I wonder if EA is going to make any comment about this because they've had since October to deny it and now it's less than 2 weeks until release.
I don't care, game looks amazing.
# 2 thesillyputty1 @ 06/06/14 03:57 PM
Doesn't change how disappointing the gameplay is
# 3 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/06/14 04:20 PM
HD is HD. I can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080 anyway.
# 4 Artman22 @ 06/06/14 06:00 PM
Like Phobia said, Who cares it looks great. When are we just going to start enjoying these games and stop worrying about pixels? I can notice the difference between 720 and 1080p, but 900p to 1080p is hard to notice.

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# 5 Phobia @ 06/06/14 06:14 PM
I'd like someone to make a overlay showing the difference 180 pixels make and then see if this is worth making a big deal about. 900vs1080 = pointless, gameplay = Lets talk.
# 6 TreyIM2 @ 06/06/14 09:41 PM
This is funny. I was just saying something to my nephew about this about and hr or so ago. I noticed the lower res the day the demo came out. If ur used to playing the now current gen 1080p games on good 1080p TVs, u DO notice the difference, especially when you're settings tweaker like me.

For those of u that are poo-pooing resolution differences, glad u can enjoy it without noticing any differences but a person like me who feels that NOW we have these very powerful systems (and, yes, I'll throw XOne in there even tho it's bringing up the rear when it comes to the PS4), I want not only advanced gameplay, I want great, high res graphics to boot. My thinking is that consoles didn't get to this point to be half stepping with one foot in this gen and the other in last but I can accept SOME of the shortcomings since we're still in first gen games of current gen systems. I didn't pay $400 for my PS4 plus game costs to be settling for 900p on the regular. A pass, for now...but if this is retail version res, I have to wonder who is holding this back from 1080p, like Watch Dogs. I think I know the answer. Heh.
# 7 Artman22 @ 06/06/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
This is funny. I was just saying something to my nephew about this about and hr or so ago. I noticed the lower res the day the demo came out. If ur used to playing the now current gen 1080p games on good 1080p TVs, u DO notice the difference, especially when you're settings tweaker like me.

For those of u that are poo-pooing resolution differences, glad u can enjoy it without noticing any differences but a person like me who feels that NOW we have these very powerful systems (and, yes, I'll throw XOne in there even tho it's bringing up the rear when it comes to the PS4), I want not only advanced gameplay, I want great, high res graphics to boot. My thinking is that consoles didn't get to this point to be half stepping with one foot in this gen and the other in last but I can accept SOME of the shortcomings since we're still in first gen games of current gen systems. I didn't pay $400 for my PS4 plus game costs to be settling for 900p on the regular. A pass, for now...but if this is retail version res, I have to wonder who is holding this back from 1080p, like Watch Dogs. I think I know the answer. Heh.

Huh?? On my 50 inch panasonic plasma that's professionally calibrated I can tell the difference between 720 and 1080, but 900 and 1080 is barely and I mean barely noticeable. Also if you want guaranteed 1080 and 60+ fps all the time than buy a PC, it's that simple. These consoles only have 6 months out. As the sdk kits get better the games will improve visually and get better. At this point it's extremely foolish to continue pixel counting instead of playing and enjoying these games. Ryse on the Xbox one is 900p and it's the prettiest game on ANY Next gen console, better than nba2k which looks beautiful. COD is 1080p 60 fps on the ps4 and still looks crappy compared to other games available. Resolution isn't everything. I'll take 900p with solid steady framerate anyday over 1080p with unstable framerate.

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# 8 TreyIM2 @ 06/07/14 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Huh?? On my 50 inch panasonic plasma that's professionally calibrated I can tell the difference between 720 and 1080, but 900 and 1080 is barely and I mean barely noticeable. Also if you want guaranteed 1080 and 60+ fps all the time than buy a PC, it's that simple. These consoles only have 6 months out. As the sdk kits get better the games will improve visually and get better. At this point it's extremely foolish to continue pixel counting instead of playing and enjoying these games. Ryse on the Xbox one is 900p and it's the prettiest game on ANY Next gen console, better than nba2k which looks beautiful. COD is 1080p 60 fps on the ps4 and still looks crappy compared to other games available. Resolution isn't everything. I'll take 900p with solid steady framerate anyday over 1080p with unstable framerate.

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Again, if u don't notice the diff, good for u but EYE (I, heh) do. I could tell diff since PS3, and I broke down my reasoning on the res thing. It encompasses multiple angles not just a resolution is everything as well as my understanding of this just being the 1st gen of games on these new consoles. Read and comprehend before speaking on something or attacking someone's opinion.
# 9 capnbuh @ 06/07/14 07:35 PM
It's likely that the demo is an older version of the game that has yet to be optimized. I've definitely noticed drops in framerate more than lost pixels. In the last hours of game development, they are probably mostly working on optimization, so I'd expect they will hit their 1080p benchmark.
# 10 Brian_OS @ 06/08/14 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Huh?? On my 50 inch panasonic plasma that's professionally calibrated I can tell the difference between 720 and 1080, but 900 and 1080 is barely and I mean barely noticeable. Also if you want guaranteed 1080 and 60+ fps all the time than buy a PC, it's that simple. These consoles only have 6 months out. As the sdk kits get better the games will improve visually and get better. At this point it's extremely foolish to continue pixel counting instead of playing and enjoying these games. Ryse on the Xbox one is 900p and it's the prettiest game on ANY Next gen console, better than nba2k which looks beautiful. COD is 1080p 60 fps on the ps4 and still looks crappy compared to other games available. Resolution isn't everything. I'll take 900p with solid steady framerate anyday over 1080p with unstable framerate.

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Frame rate arguments should be a thing of the past with the power avialibe in the new boxes. There is a UFC employee lurking, maybe he will comment?
# 11 Crazydavid212 @ 06/08/14 06:48 AM
well the game still looks great!
# 12 Artman22 @ 06/08/14 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
Again, if u don't notice the diff, good for u but EYE (I, heh) do. I could tell diff since PS3, and I broke down my reasoning on the res thing. It encompasses multiple angles not just a resolution is everything as well as my understanding of this just being the 1st gen of games on these new consoles. Read and comprehend before speaking on something or attacking someone's opinion.

Read and comprehend? Isn't that attacking? Ohh the irony. Listen, no one is attacking anyone. The fact that you're complaining about the demo being 900p even though it looks great is a joke. It's like the game would be more fun if it had those little extra pixels and be at 1080p. And, you're reasoning isn't logical when you look at the picture in its entirety. You feel your $400 purchase means these games should automatically be 1080p 60fps when in reality these consoles aren't that strong like you think. That's why I said what I said on my first post. I'm pretty sure developers are shooting to get these games at 1080p all the time, but if a game looks great at 900p why complain?

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