Sony today posted a new blog detailing 51 details within DriveClub which you likely didn't know before today.
Here are a few:
1. NASA data was used to accurately map out the night sky — so wherever you are in the world you’ll see the correct star constellations for your location.
2. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see the northern lights — it’s possible to see the aurora borealis from the northern tracks in Norway, Scotland, and Canada.
9. The team spent weeks out on location and covered a minimum of 200km every day to get a feel for each country’s roads and atmosphere. They captured thousands of photos and recordings along the way, in all weather conditions and different times of day.
13. Some tracks boast more than 1.2 million road-side trees — and this number keeps going up as the artists try to out-do each other as development progresses.
15. Wildlife is realistically tied into the day/night cycle. You’ll see flies and butterflies only during the day, and moths and bats only at night.
21. A typical Driveclub car is made up of 260,000 polygons. The staggeringly detailed cars you see in promo videos are the same models you drive in the game — they’re not pre-rendered CG versions.
22. Each car takes approximately seven months to create — from initial licensing, reference collation, CAD data processing, asset production, physics modelling, through to the final car in-game.
36. Conversion of kinetic energy to heat is physically modelled to accurately render the temperature and glow color of brake discs.
42. In many cases, Evolution’s audio captures are the most high definition recordings of these cars in existence.
48. The AI drivers adapt their racing tactics and braking strategy based on pressure from players or other drivers. When alongside them, they will try to brake deeper into the corner.
Read the full list and let us know what you think about DriveClub's incredible attention to detail! Also be sure to check out the new screenshots we just posted from the blog post!