EA Sports UFC News Post

The EA Sports UFC demo dropped yesterday, featuring UFC light heavyweight champ Jon “Bones” Jones vs. Alex “The Mauler” Gustafsson in a three round fight at MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas Nevada. The difficulty is set to normal with a walkthrough tutorial included.

After playing through the demo, here are some of our impressions of how the game is shaping up...

Read More - OS Roundtable: EA Sports UFC Demo Impressions

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 21 jeremym480 @ 06/05/14 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by orion523
Coming from a non MMA fan who knows relatively little about the sport, the controls are quite overwhelming to say the least, and in truth I'm simply not interested in the genre enough to put the time in to make it fun for me. That said, the game is beautiful, the controls were responsive, and I could definitely see MMA fans liking the game.
Going through the tutorials, watching the videos and getting a couple of fights under my belt has definitely helped me a ton. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm very confident that I will have the controls down after spending some time with the full game.
# 22 sticks323 @ 06/05/14 04:51 PM
The controls do take a while to learn. Standing up is easy but when it goes to Clinch or Ground it's hard to remember the controls. Love the submission game. It's a challenge and you have to work for it. I also love the fact that it is buttons and not right stick striking. Hopefully it will run smoothly online so it can be a lot of fun
# 23 miraiii @ 06/15/14 12:57 PM
I just got the demo on ps4...and i have to say: not impressed at all. The controls will scare of most people but looked past that and gave it a try. The whole atmosphere is really sterile...the voice of bruce buffer sound totally separted from his movements...and all the great "feel the fight" hoople turned out to be mostly BS; the transition from gameplay to the prerendered celebrations after a flash knockout is staggering: this is how the entire game was supposed to look like. Even worse the animations are a little stiff and the punches simply "dont pack a punch" (pun intended). i was really looking forward to this game but up to this point all much touted "ignite-powered" games have been good: Fifa and Madden to mediocre: UFC to a atrocious: nba live. Maybe someone at ea should take note: not every sport is rendered best in the same engine...have you looked at nba 2k; sure the got issues aswell...but their engine puts out an entire basketball stadium with better looking charactermodels at a locked 60 FPS @ 1080p...their was even some major clipping on the ground (hips going through hips)! In a fighting game...ufc 3 (Thq) was better at this...i really dont wanna sound to negative about it, but i was really looking forward to this game...and, judging by this demo, simpyl doesn't fully deliver in any aspect...

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