MLB 14 The Show News Post

Choosing which team to pick for your franchise in MLB 14: The Show can be a daunting task. Do you want to rebuild? What about picking a team loaded with cash, but little talent to show for it? What if you just want to pick a team with all of the tools at your disposal, and your only job is to win a World Series? The fact is, there is a variety of great teams to kick off your franchise with, but you only get to choose one. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we'll be going division by division and team by team to help you make your choice. With our second entry, here's the AL East:

Read More - Choosing a Franchise Team for MLB 14 The Show: AL East

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 bowld @ 05/24/14 12:31 PM
Currently using my Jays in a 162 game quick count franchise where I plan on playing every game. I am currently 15-7 and have already promoted Stroman to be my 5th starter. We need a better option at 2nd base and my CF has been going back and forth between Gose and Rasmus.
# 2 jdungan69 @ 05/24/14 12:57 PM
You forgot to mention Tanaka in the Yankees Rotation. (granted he isn't in until the roster update is done) But a 25 year old pitcher who is amazing. Helps boost the rotation behind Sabathia Karoda and Pineda.
# 3 sinizin @ 05/24/14 02:03 PM
I think the Jays outfield deserves higher than a B. Melky is a 300 hitter and combined (Rasmus, Cabrera and Bautista) they have more home runs then most outfields in the league. Also they had pretty much the best bullpen in the league last year and besides a bad first two weeks, have been in the top 3 bullpens the last 5 weeks again.
# 4 Inverarity @ 05/24/14 04:37 PM
I take issue with your ballpark ratings. You rated Citizens Bank an A-, same as Camden Yards. I consider Camden one of the finest parks in the game and an A or A+

Citizens is nothing special, imo.
# 5 BenGerman @ 05/25/14 03:32 AM
Thanks Jdun, I did forget Tanaka! Their rotation is probably closer to a B, I'll see if I can get that edited.

Inverarity, CBP looks great in the game (by which I did my ratings by). Camden is certainly a classic, which is why I rated that highly as well.
# 6 B Easy @ 05/25/14 10:37 AM
Very good write up. I think the AL East is a great place to look if you want to take a team like say the Orioles, Blue Jays or even the Rays and be on the cusp of the playoffs and be competitive. I almost always prefer that route instead of going with a total rebuild project like say the Cubs. Just my opinion.
# 7 BenGerman @ 05/25/14 01:54 PM
Thanks B Easy. I'm with you, I prefer the rebuilding route.

I've been tentative to talk much about budgets in the write ups, but I'm into the offseason in a 30-team control Franchise, and budgets are playing a huge role right now. A bunch of teams ran out of money, and quickly. So there is certainly a benefit to playing with a larger market team.

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