More EA Sports UFC gameplay video has been captured, most likely from the most recent event in Australia. While the video is taken from a shaky cam, there are quite a few things to see.
The second to last fight looked horrible but that was because they were going all out. So if you choose to play that way then so be it. I will be trying to fight realistically which is picking my shots. Looks good though.
The second to last fight looked horrible but that was because they were going all out. So if you choose to play that way then so be it. I will be trying to fight realistically which is picking my shots. Looks good though.
Yeah I completely agree. That was kind of the point I was trying to make in another post a few days ago. The game is going to play the way you choose it to. I, just like you, am not going to be button mashing. I like to keep things as realistic as possible so I will pick my shots and go for takedowns when I see the opening for them.
Yeah, I must say it always irk me when people who get to play games early always be the people who play like your average online random. Just mashing buttons....
Two things I got from that are that the animations look very fluid at times and there is definitely substantial slow down if you throw like crazy. Those are positives.
I love the way this game looks. The walks outs and most of the striking look good.
Still not feeling the ground game. And it looks like too many take downs are ending with a fighter in side control. Also I don't like how fighters seemly just push guys off of them when they are on the bottom in side control. It's such a dominant position most fighters wouldn't give it up so easily.
My biggest question comes at 2:09 when one fighter throws a front kick at point blank range. gets rocked in the ribs and doesn't fall or stumble. even though he was only on one leg.
Looks like it'll be a button masher but fun nonetheless.
They'll need sliders so we can tune it to our preferred style of gameplay.
Without sliders, it becomes too arcadey.
The walkout entrance looked great.
A button masher for those looking to catch an *** whoopin. From what the devs have said. Eating a shot with low stamina is a good way to het rocked or ko'd. Circle away from can counter crazy shots intellegently, and you will find an easy win button. I have to see and play for myself, but I am gonna take Hayes at his word on this until I can test it out myself. Hopefully stamina drains fairly quickly for trying to go full beserker mode, and whiffing.
Most of the videos don't show fighters evading punches with sidesteps etc. I can only think that if a guy is getting slow like these videos show, and you can then evade, they are done. Open season. I can only hope.
it did appear that stamina made a difference. It looked like Belfort against who I think was Anderson...Belfort was slowing down quite a bit. I think I saw Silva throw some quick strike jabs
Anderson's head looked HUGE, reminded me of UFC 2009 with the giant ref's lol
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