MLB 14 The Show News Post

When it comes to the total package, MLB 14 The Show is one of the top games of the year. However, despite what is an overall solid package, the title is held back slightly by a host of small issues which add up to an actual loss of some of the fun factor within the game.

Read More - MLB 14 The Show: Little Issues Hampering the Fun

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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# 1 SVCbearcat10 @ 05/22/14 04:46 PM
The contact swing might be a little overpowered, but people just trying to make contact hit HRs every night. I don't spend the time customizing so I don't know those pains. Also, I switched to fast play after day 1. I just want to play the game, not spend most my time in menus.

In all, I haven't found anything that hampers the fun for me. I'm sure many others feel the same and many others feel otherwise.
# 2 ferriscj24 @ 05/22/14 04:54 PM
FANTASTIC GAME, first of all!

CPU bunting in RTTS is totally bizzare. Just two quick examples...

Matt Kemp in a full count and 2 outs.
Jason Heyward 0-2 count with bases loaded

Both outs, of course.
# 3 Heroesandvillains @ 05/22/14 04:54 PM
Increasing pick-off success? Decreasing steal success? Reducing my BA by under powering contact swing success?

That's a patch I would not download!

Games are funny sometimes. People seeing different things and all...
# 4 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/22/14 05:24 PM
For me it's those odd black face/speckled faces I am seeing in Spring Training games. It's incredibly ugly to look at, though I hear this is only an issue in ST and with SCEA players. But, still...
# 5 Earl1963 @ 05/22/14 05:50 PM
I agree about the base running with multiple runners. Other baseball games are much simpler.

# 6 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 05/22/14 06:03 PM
I agree with everything in this list except for steals being too easy. I find the balance to be just right on stealing bases. I hope all of these issues can be addressed in a patch especially the frame rate. The game would look so much better if the frame rate & screen tear/flickering was ironed out.
# 7 LastActionHero @ 05/22/14 06:14 PM
I really like the idea of only controlling the lead runner!
# 8 giantsharks @ 05/22/14 07:17 PM
i would love if they just took the exact same hitting interface from pro yakuu spirits. The game is perfect for hitting
# 9 Sports fanantic @ 05/22/14 07:28 PM
being able to import MP3 songs to add it to the Show?
# 10 ShaBoomer @ 05/22/14 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Sports fanantic
being able to import MP3 songs to add it to the Show?
That's a Sony issue, not a SDS issue. The functionality is in the game, it's just not user accessible because of the licensing issue.
# 11 BSUFAN @ 05/22/14 07:53 PM
Too many good check swings being called for strikes.
# 12 @legendm0de @ 05/22/14 08:27 PM
FUNNY i have Lot of small problems with this game that make it not as phenomenal as it could be of course not listed in this article. Inversely I have NO problem with pickoff success, baserunner steal success?, powerful "contact swings". All I can do is laugh at how much we see things differently now.

Running bases I can see a little bit of the argument, though I have no problem personally as it is. I can see where it can be chaotic. Honestly I'd love to figure out a way to incorporate that RTTS mode of baserunning in all games for a fuller experience.

My "small" issues with this game, are how impossible it is to play RTTS/PlayerLock modes under ALL PITCHES, making the mode unplayable for me because I only play these modes under ALL PITCHES. (this issue seems more a bug, than by design though)

The lack of any realistic pace of the games, by shortening and eliminating far too many cutscenes and complete removal of Pitch Delay: SLOWER which has been in the game since 2010 at least? This issue could have me fuming if I'd let it but I try to play and ignore it as much as possible. http://theshownation.com/bug_reports/12708

Various other bugs like the black faces, and Lack of Umpire Calls and Yells

Other than that I really can't complain, aside from my issue with them doing a Major disservice to Spring Training

But that doesn't mean that these issues don't need to be corrected, IMMEDIATELY.
# 13 bwiggy33 @ 05/22/14 08:30 PM
My only complaint is there no longer being slow mode. I'm still having fun, but man oh man it'd be nice to breathe between pitches and actually have time to think about what I'm doing.
# 14 dalger21 @ 05/22/14 08:34 PM
I've stopped playing it. The whole random PCI with timed hitting turned me off. MLB 14 might be my last purchase for a few years.
# 15 ShaBoomer @ 05/22/14 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by @legendm0de

My "small" issues with this game, are how impossible it is to play RTTS/PlayerLock modes under ALL PITCHES, making the mode unplayable for me because I only play these modes under ALL PITCHES. (this issue seems more a bug, than by design though).
What do you mean by this? How is it impossible to play?
# 16 ShaBoomer @ 05/22/14 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
My only complaint is there no longer being slow mode. I'm still having fun, but man oh man it'd be nice to breathe between pitches and actually have time to think about what I'm doing.
There are plenty of ways to take your time yourself, without weighing down the game with extended cut scenes and making the pitcher stand on the mound for 15 seconds between pitches.

You can call time (down on the d-pad), you can press R3 to get the batter's perspective, you can hold R2, L3. You can press Options to pause, or the touchpad as well.

Lots of ways to slow the game down...
# 17 cardinalbird5 @ 05/22/14 09:11 PM
"Batting Interface Lacks a Ball Icon

Speaking of pitch cursors, MLB 14: The Show could greatly reduce the frustrations of its "zone" hitting style if there was an on-screen icon that represented the ball from the time it left the pitcher's hand to the time it crosses the plate. Presently, the ball's location only appears on screen once it's inside the catcher's mitt.

Baseball titles from Konami, SEGA, Nintendo, EA Sports, Acclaim, etc., have all offered this method of hitting, yet Sony's MLB: The Show series still does not."

Uhh no. How about read and react to the ball? I don' know need a little cursor on my screen. Spirits is a great baseball game, but it isn't the show. That game is pure hand-eye coordination and physics based. Its cursor is based on the sweet spot of a bat, while the PCI is something completely different composed of attributes of the hitter/pitcher.

Everything else I can agree with. I wish community challenges were paying out stubs. I don't mind the loading times, but it is a waste of a mode until we can actually make stubs from it.
# 18 bwiggy33 @ 05/22/14 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by ShaBoomer
There are plenty of ways to take your time yourself, without weighing down the game with extended cut scenes and making the pitcher stand on the mound for 15 seconds between pitches.

You can call time (down on the d-pad), you can press R3 to get the batter's perspective, you can hold R2, L3. You can press Options to pause, or the touchpad as well.

Lots of ways to slow the game down...
I already know all of this. It's not the same though. I've been accustomed to the slow style since I started playing all the way back with MLB 10. Doing all of those shortcuts and stuff hampers the experience and doesn't give it the feel the game previously had with true slow speed. I understand people who didn't use slow mode are happy and it doesn't affect them, but I just don't understand why some people make it sound like us slow mode users are the bad guys. The fact is just flat out that the dev team pulled it from the game. They did something that angers a small amount of people, but none the less it's still part of their fan base and most of those people have played the game for years.
# 19 @legendm0de @ 05/22/14 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by ShaBoomer
What do you mean by this? How is it impossible to play?

It almost seems like a bug or something they overlooked somehow.
# 20 nemesis04 @ 05/22/14 09:22 PM
My top 3 issues:

1) Check swing appeals are way out of whack, had to turn them off.

2) Contact swing is on major steroids.

3) The pickoff controls are no longer camera specific. Still not sure why this needed to be changed.

Nothing earth shattering but still there non the less.

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