EA Sports UFC News Post

Earlier this week, EA Sports released the first extended look at gameplay in a new video for EA Sports UFC. On the heels of that release, and with the game's fact sheet released earlier this month, we spent some time speculating whether EA Sports UFC was going to live up to its predecessors in terms of quality. Read on for our thoughts and add your own in the comments!

Read More - OS Roundtable: Will EA Sports UFC Live Up to Its Predecessors?

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BigBadTom @ 05/22/14 12:21 PM
I liked almost everything I saw in the video. It was great and it looked leaps and bounds better than any game in the past. The issues I saw was the gameplay style and how many haymaker attempts were thrown--hopefully the game won't play like that and reward players who have patience. Hopefully there is a good submission system too
# 2 CaliDude916 @ 05/23/14 02:20 PM
Absolutely. Everything I've seen so far has looked very good. THQ's UFC games were good, but EA UFC looks like it's gonna be on another level.
# 3 ManiacMatt1782 @ 05/23/14 05:08 PM
one very important part of the game I am at tad worried about. EA MMA did this right. the Early counter. you come in all crazy, and someone times you, and their hook beats your wild hook to the punch, you were in a world of hurt. Now go to fight night champion, and the same punch did not mean as much, and did not even register as a counter shot. you could only counter off the sway or parry. Because this team worked more with Fight Night than EA MMA this element of the striking game worries me. Now this may have been fixed, but it is concerning until we see a little more.
# 4 SwedishTouch76 @ 05/24/14 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by BigBadTom
I liked almost everything I saw in the video. It was great and it looked leaps and bounds better than any game in the past. The issues I saw was the gameplay style and how many haymaker attempts were thrown--hopefully the game won't play like that and reward players who have patience. Hopefully there is a good submission system too
My biggest fear is it ends up like FNC did. All the whiny little kids online throw tantrums because they cant throw 200 punches a round without slowing down. That game essentially turned into rock em sock em robots last I played. There was no reward for patience or actually trying to box. You could throw 10 shots, pause for 2 seconds and repeat. I really hope theres big time penalties for playing like that and also draining your overall stamina since fights are only 3-5 rounds.

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