MLB 14 The Show News Post

One of the biggest lessons in life is that sometimes we just can’t get things our way.

We live in a culture and within an era where customized and personal experiences are being delivered at an ever increasing pace. Within one genre of video games, that progress has been stifled and has fallen behind: sports video games. The old Rolling Stones song “You can’t always get what you want” has seemed all to pertinent for many titles within our genre.

Read More - In The Show, You Can Get What You Want

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 MLB14 @ 05/17/14 12:42 PM
I like this.
# 2 Crazy Packers Fan @ 05/17/14 12:43 PM
Actually, it doesn't sound like all that many customizable options. Can you create a team? How about a stadium? Or custom uniforms? The mid-2000s sports games offered many more customizable options than what I'm seeing listed here, which are nothing more than glorified sliders and camera angles. Even in College Hoops 2K6 you could put in your own music to the arena. When are sports games going to return to all those customizable options, instead of offering "better graphics" every single year?
# 3 MLB14 @ 05/17/14 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Packers Fan
Actually, it doesn't sound like all that many customizable options. Can you create a team? How about a stadium? Or custom uniforms? The mid-2000s sports games offered many more customizable options than what I'm seeing listed here, which are nothing more than glorified sliders and camera angles. Even in College Hoops 2K6 you could put in your own music to the arena. When are sports games going to return to all those customizable options, instead of offering "better graphics" every single year?
Do you even have the game ? The gameplay is highly customizable. Glorified sliders ? Yea, cool adjective.
# 4 Blzer @ 05/17/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Mets1986
I think next year for MANY games is going to be the year to watch. This year, not just with The Show, but with many other games, seemed rushed and just missed the mark. Great things to come, but not this year.
It'll take two more years for some franchises. That was the case for me with The Show on PS3.
# 5 Turbojugend @ 05/17/14 01:34 PM
Over the last week, I've started a franchise with the Giants, a Player Lock season as Derek Jeter, a manager season with the Royals, a Diamond Dynasty, and two careers in the minors as a CF and a pitcher.

You can get what you want in this game.
# 6 xCeeTee @ 05/17/14 01:40 PM
I actually switched from Xbox 360 to PS4 because I saw MLB 13 The Show, I'm finding it amazingly fun! There is quite a lot to do in the game, and RTTS just has me hooked! The only thing I would like is more customization on things such as where a player's from in RTTS, which could even be talking points in the commentary. And adding my own songs for walk up music, reliever music and HR music, such as Shane Victorino has Bob Marley's Three Little Birds playing every time he steps up to the plate. And another thing that would be great, is a few more hair customization tools, for the colour and more styles, and if you decide to go to college in RTTS, naming a college would be a good addition to it, just to have more background infor and again, it could even generate NCAA stats based on how you played your inagrual Amateur Showcase. They could add on to more talking points for not only the user in RTTS but other players that played at collegiate level across the league, and even future generated players in franchise/RTTS. Just a few ideas, could submit them to next year's wishlist, I wouldn't also mind seeing a few more sequences in RTTS/Franchise a bit like they have in NBA 2K14
# 7 onac22 @ 05/17/14 02:09 PM
This game is fun.
# 8 Turbojugend @ 05/17/14 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mets1986
I think you can get that in most any sports game in this day and age man.
True, but how many of them get nearly everything right? With the possible exception of Diamond Dynasty, all of those modes mentioned are worthwhile timesinks. I'd say only FIFA does it better due to the wider range of creative options, but that's just my opinion.
# 9 Ghost Of The Year @ 05/17/14 06:22 PM
On the one hand, I can't always get what I want, but sometimes I find I get what I need.
On the other hand I Can't Get No Satisfaction.
On the other other hand sometimes I Paint It Black.
Sometimes I Let It Bleed.
Sometimes Time Is On My Side.
Sometimes Time Waits For No One.
Sometimes You Gotta Move.
I forget, what's this thread about again?
# 10 RedMeansGo2006 @ 05/17/14 06:26 PM
Fully Customizable Divisions
Fully Customizable Schedules
Fully Customizable Logos/Jerseys/Minor Leagues
More Throwbacks
Being able to start a franchise in a past season...

Unless these are or will at some point be in the game, then no, I can't get what I want.
# 11 CarryTheWeight @ 05/17/14 10:47 PM
Very true, Chris. I think The Show is one of the better franchises out there today because they keep their previous control schemes after adding new ones. No mysterious changes out of the blue (most of the time).

It's also good that there's a lot of options to speed games up if you don't have the attention span for baseball. The experience can be as painfully realistic or as homer-crazy as the player wants, not to mention the Quick Counts and Fast Presentation options.

More games out there should offer these types of gameplay options.
# 12 JohnDoe8865 @ 05/18/14 01:58 AM
I came over from XBox 360 to PS4 just to be able to play The Show. And I'm very happy I did. What a great game.
# 13 tril @ 05/18/14 10:04 AM
very customizable as far as on field experience.
2ks bball game is also very customizable.
the more sliders, the better the user experience will be.
EA's Madden developers need to take notes on this one little factor. more sliders.
# 14 Mitchrapp @ 05/18/14 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Over the last week, I've started a franchise with the Giants, a Player Lock season as Derek Jeter, a manager season with the Royals, a Diamond Dynasty, and two careers in the minors as a CF and a pitcher.

You can get what you want in this game.
Good post. You can do so much and with the saves to the following year you don't need to be rushed. I love this game..and next year will even be better.

Best game out there by far..
# 15 Metroalex @ 05/19/14 12:52 PM
Seeing how my team, the Mets, are missing their basic home whites and all their blue alternates...no, I can't get what i want.
# 16 thaSLAB @ 05/19/14 06:09 PM
As Mets fans, have you ever really got what you wanted tho?!?

htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk Pro
# 17 Metroalex @ 05/20/14 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mets1986
Looking at the Mets, with the exception of the pinstripe (and the camo they only wear a couple of games) i don't think ANY of them are right or in the game lol. I've never seen a blunder like that in a sports game..well..ever lol.

That's was so badly done they really do need a patch (they were in last years). I can understand some color issues, or an alternate they almost never wear, but the whites ARE their uniform. Bad choices made.
And even with the camo alternate, they STILL got it wrong. The Mets don't have a camo helmet!
# 18 RD_Rabin @ 05/20/14 11:04 AM
Can we actually load custom music on the PS4 now?

I thought it didn't cope with that yet, so I'm still using the awful music that came with the game.
# 19 GlennN @ 05/20/14 04:50 PM
Unless what you want is thorough year by year stat and award tracking. Hey, I know I am nitpicking, and I love the game, but baseball is (and always has been) a game of numbers. It stinks to come so far and still have only bare bones career stats available.

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