MLB 14 The Show News Post

The franchise mode in MLB 14 The Show is one of the deepest and most realistic career/franchise modes in all of sports games (outside of the text-sim world). With improved menus this year, it's easier than ever to find what you want, when you want it.

I posted a brief surface level walkthrough of the menus in Franchise mode and where to find everything. Also, here are some observations from the mode:
  • It's deep, realistic, well done overall. Seriously, there's no other mode of this type which approaches The Show's level of detail and attention to the actual roster rules.
  • Trade logic still needs help, why should the Royals be looking to trade James Shields in May, ever?
  • The sim options are pretty ok, but SportsCast Manager could use a few things to help it along still.
  • The ability to set lineups/starting pitchers for simulated games would be awesome. Without entering any menus, you can sim games in a mere second -- I'd love it if on the games I chose not to play, I could at least set my lineups.
  • The financial model is solid, but could still have layers of depth added to it.
  • Each organization/manager tends to not separate themselves from the rest. I'd love it if this was an area paid attention to in the future.
  • Stats are realistically done it appears, I've had few issues with the generated stats with 10 simulated seasons.
What are your impressions of franchise mode thus far? How is your franchise going?

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 GrandMaster B @ 05/14/14 02:30 PM
They took away some things like the TV broadcast revenue and the fake ad revenues. Have not finished a season, so I have no idea how they calculate budgets year by year.
# 2 ggsimmonds @ 05/14/14 06:54 PM
Very basic and bare stat tracking, removed financial management and commentary does not add to the immersion.
# 3 Lovesports @ 05/14/14 08:02 PM
Year to year stat and award tracking is very poor. I can't look back at past seasons to see who won the world series...so why am I even trying. Full carrer stats for each year played and some sort of award tracking system which let's you look at the player card to see how many all star appearances, gold gloves, mvp awards guy has (madden and all 2k games have it). Add trade finder.
# 4 GlennN @ 05/15/14 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Year to year stat and award tracking is very poor. I can't look back at past seasons to see who won the world series...so why am I even trying. Full carrer stats for each year played and some sort of award tracking system which let's you look at the player card to see how many all star appearances, gold gloves, mvp awards guy has (madden and all 2k games have it). Add trade finder.
I agree completely. For me, the fun of having a franchise mode is to be able to look back and see who went where and did what. The crappy stat and award tracking here makes that pretty difficult (if not impossible). And, I might add, this is also my major gripe with the NHL series.
# 5 malky @ 05/15/14 12:42 PM
I agree with all comments said, while I love that you can control EVERYTHING or basically nothing in franchise, you def. still should have more stat tracking, especially playoff and world series tracking for franchise guys. I mean that's what it's all about for replay value if you are a big franchise player.
# 6 cowboy_kmoney @ 05/15/14 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Year to year stat and award tracking is very poor. I can't look back at past seasons to see who won the world series...so why am I even trying. Full carrer stats for each year played and some sort of award tracking system which let's you look at the player card to see how many all star appearances, gold gloves, mvp awards guy has (madden and all 2k games have it). Add trade finder.
Madden doesn't have it that's what missing as well in madden. Hope they nailed it this year. They show awards won but not the year it was won or track probowls or SuperBowls won. This is needed.
# 7 Skyflame21 @ 05/16/14 02:05 AM
This is one of my biggest gripes about the Show. It has very little depth to multiple seasons.

No players cards, much like a bubble gum card is a MUST have. High Heat baseball 10 YEARS AGO! Had this and it even include the minor league stats also. On a PS2 no less.

Achieve system is a must have. Need a way to see previous years of my franchise.

MLB records. This needs to be very in depth. Statistics is what is at the very heart of baseball. The ability to see players climb the ranks of greatness. The history of the game needs represented.
# 8 Lovesports @ 05/16/14 03:22 PM
Baseball equals stats, and the show lacks in that department.
# 9 ELkomanderJOZZI @ 05/21/14 03:16 PM
NEED HELP!! I signed a free agent and im trying to trade the player but it wont let me because it keeps saying that the player was recently signed. How do I stop that from popping up. Its been over a month in the franchise mode that I have had this player.
# 10 dlawar @ 06/12/14 04:32 AM
will done....
# 11 jeterboy12 @ 07/21/14 11:36 AM
I want 3 things that have to do with trades that annoy me.
1. We should be able to add more than 3 players to a trade.
2. I want to be able to offer cash in a trade or be able to trade the player and buy out the rest of his contract, like my beloved Yankees did with Burnett.
3. We should be able to pull off multi-team trades for example if I want Trout but will go over salary cap, and the Angels don't want my player I should be able to bring in another player from another team into the deal.
# 12 razorkaos @ 07/28/14 06:08 AM
Before trying to add more features to the game, why not fix what is broken, like the budget increase issue that totally breaks the franchise mode AND the idea of porting your savegame from MLB14 to MLB15?

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