NBA 2K14 News Post

NBA 2K14 has its share of issues. JesserPlays and some of his friends decided to put together some real life video footage from the game and the results are quite hilarious.Follow jesserthelazer on Twitter and subscribe to his YouTube channel here.

Ronnie2K mentioned that he saw the videos and stated every one of the issues shown will be fixed in NBA 2K15. Time will tell.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 DJ_Solis @ 05/06/14 10:25 PM
That was so goddamn accurate lol. My favorite part was when the ball was rolling down the court and everyone is just looking while he casually walks to the ball.

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# 2 RumbleCard @ 05/06/14 10:58 PM
Only thing missing is the failure to connect to the servers.
# 3 Phreezy P @ 05/07/14 01:26 AM
I was dead at the inbound kicking!

# 4 El_Poopador @ 05/07/14 08:16 AM
That was pretty accurate. The only thing I feel they forgot was the double team/jump ball animation.
# 5 jayman504 @ 05/07/14 08:54 AM
:l ol: Somebody PLEASE get this clip to the 2k programers...Ronnie...LD2k..who ever... let them see

P.S. notice there wasnt any rebounds just like in 2k...and love the jersey "glitching" loved it
# 6 MachoMyers @ 05/07/14 11:04 AM
Came in to just post this. So funny and spot on. Great laughs out of me.
# 7 Goffs @ 05/07/14 12:11 PM
They missed out on the bad rebounding mechanics....
# 8 Magnus1959 @ 05/07/14 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
They missed out on the bad rebounding mechanics....
They needed to show the 7' plus Center flailing his arms in the air but never getting a rebound.
# 9 franzis @ 05/07/14 04:13 PM
The video is fun but sad.
It's sad because it could be named "PS3 nba 2k13 in real life" and be spot-on anyway.
# 10 NINJAK2 @ 05/07/14 06:12 PM
LOL.Thanks R^2 I needed that....
# 11 quehouston @ 05/07/14 09:35 PM
That video put a lot of things into perspective lol
# 12 Hassan Darkside @ 05/07/14 10:00 PM
The other thing that cracked me up that I didn't even catch until about the third time I watched this was the comeback code. The Thunder go on a 13-2 run with 2 mins to go. At the 1:51 mark (56 secs to go in the game) the guy completely bricks a wide open 3 pointer. And of course, the game winner at the buzzer.
# 13 bumpyface @ 05/08/14 02:55 AM
LOL. Right on target lol
# 14 ldmiamiheat @ 05/08/14 04:37 AM
LOOOOL the timeout tho
# 15 basketball444 @ 05/08/14 06:54 PM
Wow they actually got to finish a full game. That's tough to do these days. lol
# 16 SPRINGS03 @ 05/09/14 12:25 PM
^Well at least they saw it, but i'm still doubtful about them actually doing anything.

lmao, the vid is so on point. Just needed to show how broken the rebounding is as well.
# 17 Thelorn @ 05/09/14 01:20 PM
Video sums up why I've quit playing 2k, and no I don't play Live either.
# 18 XXstormmXX @ 05/10/14 05:02 PM
Ha, the funny/sad thing is that this is EXACTLY how 2K plays.

Also, Ronnie2K is the least trustworthy marketing person ever, I don't believe he'll fix anything.
# 19 Sinner @ 05/10/14 09:28 PM
That was a pretty good video, I got rid of 2k a long time ago and haven't missed it yet. Seeing it in "real life" makes you see how many problems the game has. Also missing was when 2 players double team a guy and you get the tie up for a jump ball.

Also on the time out by the Heat, if they would have thrown in a sign saying you need to buy VC that would have been so gold.
# 20 DonWuan @ 05/11/14 07:26 PM
These are legacy issues, they will never be fixed. First year since Ben Wallace was on the cover i haven't played 2k. Couldn't get past November.

Video classic.

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